TFTB Vs. Life Is Strange

I think most of us can agree that these two are the best episodic games out right now. Both of their latest episodes were amazing. Which one do you prefer ?



  • Since you're asking on the Tales section of the Telltale forum, you might find the answers a bit biased here. Though I think everyone can agree that Dontnod have been reasonably consistent with their release schedule.

    I prefer Life is Strange.

  • edited August 2015

    Tales all the way. I loved episode 4 of Life is Strange but the previous episodes kinda sucked

  • I haven't even played LiS yet but since this is the Telltale forum and I'm biased as FUCK

    TFTBL is so much better

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Neither . TWAU beats them both .

  • Boy I wonder what people will say being that this is in the Tales section >_>. Personally I go back and forth with which one I like more. Right now after that awesome episode 4 I gotta say I like Life Is Strange more.

  • Both are clearly different games. They are really hard to compare. Life is Strange is crafted to be emotional, full of drama and has a slice of life to it. Tales from the Borderlands is crafted to be comedic, action-packed and in a fantasy-science fiction setting.

  • Tales is way better

  • TftB for me, definitely. I enjoy Life is Strange, but it's the sort of game where I'm just as happy watching a Let's Play of it. Tales from the Borderlands I have to play personally. I also enjoy Rhys and Fiona as protags much, much more than Max. Episode 4 of LiS was spectacular, but TftB might be Telltale's best ever ep4, so we'll see. :D

    As far as current episodic games go, I actually like Dreamfall more than LiS. LiS is punchier with some of it's cliffhangers/reveals, but the world of Dreamfall interests me more, and the possibilities for where the plot might go.

    1. This is a telltale forum so I have a feeling the majority will go with TFTB
    2. Even tho these are both episodic story games they both tackle VERY different things in different ways. Life is Strange is more of a serious game and it focuses on the story of a single protagonist with the power to rewind time. Tales on the other hand can be serious but for the most part it's comedic and focuses on two protagonists hailing from different backgrounds. So I don't think these two games can really be compared
  • Tales are the best TT game up to date. LiS isn't bad but they need a bit more experience in making such games

  • Episode 4 of LiS was amazing, the others not so much. And I loved every episode of TftB so far, so Tales all the way.

  • LiS is just meh really - and tbh I think that's being generous. While the story is intriquing the abysmal voice acting, script and characterisation (all things that TFTB excels at) makes it impossible to become really engrossed in it. I just don't care about any of the characters, in fact the majority are more irritating than anything, so I could never care about what happens to them. So yeah, LiS is pretty bad imo. TFTB all the way.

  • Life is Strange.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I personally enjoy Tales from the Borderlands a lot more than Life is Strange, i think the main reason is because i like the characters and story more as i'm not emotionally invested into Life is Strange so i don't really care about the characters that much.

  • Well, as a lot of people said, the opinions here will be biased.

    However, I think these games aren't very comparable. I think the only things that they have in common are episodic releases and choices (the story is tailored by how you play). They are both extremely different games.

    If I want goofiness and fun while having a great story with interesting characters besides, I'll go with TftB. If I'm in a more serious mood, not afraid to go on a feels trip while having great characters and amazing soundtrack besides, I'll go with LiS.

    Both games are amazing in their own way. TftB overall is designed to be a fun game. We occasionally see some more serious moments, but in general, it's goofy, fun and it makes us laugh. LiS, while having some supernatural stuff in it, is mainly based on real life, and it presents us with a lot of issues that make us think/feel.

    Both games are absolutely terrific, and I wouldn't be able to pick one. Plus, I don't think they're comparable.

  • edited August 2015

    I like Game Of Thrones more than both tftb and lis


  • ...and this is why I love them both, but for different reasons.

    Both are clearly different games. They are really hard to compare. Life is Strange is crafted to be emotional, full of drama and has a slice

  • Agreed, I couldn't said it any better

    armis37 posted: »

    Well, as a lot of people said, the opinions here will be biased. However, I think these games aren't very comparable. I think the only th

  • Both are clearly different games. They are really hard to compare. Life is Strange is crafted to be emotional, full of drama and has a slice

  • Easily TFTB. I tried getting into LIS yesterday as I keep hearing about it all the time. I endured for 2+hours. Wha--why is it so popular? The dialogue is horrendous, down to the hippy talk and the actual sentences. I cant actually tell if the voice acting is good or bad because of how cringe worthy the writing is.

  • Thanks :)

    Axton posted: »

    Agreed, I couldn't said it any better

  • Tales is funnier, Life is Strange has a better narrative.

  • edited August 2015

    The game is more than some annoying aspects of the dialogue. Which gets better as each episode progresses regardless. Lot's of the dialogue is excellent.

    It's popular because it has excellent sound design, great effect of choices, originality, and episode length.

    Easily TFTB. I tried getting into LIS yesterday as I keep hearing about it all the time. I endured for 2+hours. Wha--why is it so popular? T

  • I love TFTBL but I feel like LIS got better when episode 4 was released, I loved that episode. I think I choose Life is Strange because I love time powers.

  • Life is Strange, TFTB is really amazing but i prefer LiS

  • In an interactive story game, dialogue is one of the most important aspects. If I have to listen to the main characters thoughts 90% of the time, it has to feel genuine. If these choices include the characters, I need to actually care about them in the first place for it to have a great effect on me, which is wont if the characterization is terrible.

    Protagonist being able to rewind time, extremely cliche characters that feel like they're from a Grease rip-off, that's original? Maybe there is a good story in there, but not with the writing butchering it.

    No hate, it's just ugh...really not for me. :( Shame, as I would like to jump onto this bandwagon with all of you.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The game is more than some annoying aspects of the dialogue. Which gets better as each episode progresses regardless. Lot's of the dialogue

  • Alt text

    Tales all the way. I loved episode 4 of Life is Strange but the previous episodes kinda sucked

  • TFTB for me, but I'm biased to kingdom come.

  • I'm going to say this as unbiased as possible.

    I prefer Tales From the Borderlands over Life is Strange as I feel Tales has the much better story, well written and likable characters, fantastic humor but with it's fair share of serious moments, consistently amazing episodes, and captures the essence of the Borderlands universe while still having the Telltale feel to it. While Life is Strange has a great time travel element, more consistent release dates (although I think we can all agree the longer wait times for Tales have led to a better product), longer episodes, and more exploration, the narrative only got interesting in Episode 3 and really picked up in Episode 4, a lot of the characters are unlikable and generic, and a lot of the dialogue is cringeworthy. While I honestly can't think of a character that I hate in Tales, there are numerous ones I hate in Life is Strange. I also find Rhys and Fiona are both better PC's then Max.

  • I think TFTBL is TT's best game so far.

    And I adore LiS.

    Alt text

  • They are both nice, so the logical thing here would be to combine them.

    Life is Borderlands

  • edited August 2015

    TFTB all the way. I haven't really liked Life is Strange so far; it's far too slow paced and at times frustrating. It's still a good game, though.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Is comparing every Telltale game to LiS becoming a regular thing now

    I mean, no offense to the OP, but I've seen at least one LiS-related thread in just about every section now

    Anyways, I prefer TFTB. And in all honesty, Life is Strange, while no doubt interesting and getting increasingly captivating with each episode, hasn't really reeled me in emotionally. I just don't really feel attached to many of the characters, and episode 4 is the only episode that really managed to get under my skin so far. I'm not gonna blame the game itself for this, though. It just isn't working for me personally.

  • Tales ofc, sorry Life is Strange. :(

  • I must admit that ep4 made me bought LIS (because up till now I've been watching it on youtube) and it was freaking intense but if I had to choose one it would be TftB. Because humor. Lots of humor. There's just not enough games like that, I can only remember Saints Row 3-4 (and Borderlands, obviously).

  • Borderlands is Strange

    (it really is isnt it)

    They are both nice, so the logical thing here would be to combine them. Life is Borderlands

  • edited August 2015

    In an interactive story game, choice and consequence is also one of the most important aspects. Telltale do dialogue better than Dontnod, Dontnod do choice and consequence better than Telltale. If I had to choose between unexpected consequence from choice, or the removal of the word 'hella' which is used about 5 times in 15 hours of storytelling, I'd choose the former.

    The 'cliche characters' are only 'cliche' in the first episode or two, which is the entire point of stories told in high school - people are far more complex than they try to present.

    Rhys, regardless, is also a cliche character - corporate man with geeky sidekick with a female friend doing technical things for him behind a computer screen.

    Life is strange is also better as a piece of art rather than a pure piece of entertainment - they have more symbolism, thematic structuring, more complex moral situations, etc.

    TftB aims to entertain through humour, LiS aims to entertain through artwork, and typically that which has more thematic usage thends to result in more enjoyment if one thinks about it (example: watching an episode of the simpsons VS reading the iliad - while the simpsons would be found more 'entertaining' by your average joe, the entertainment gained from someone who actually understands, thinks about and considers carefully the iliad's themes, structure, linguistic tricks and complex narrative will gain far more enjoyment than by just watching an easily accessible episode. But I'm getting off topic there.)

    Telltale also struggles from overall consistency of narrative, as a result of their odd decision to have different lead writers for every episode.

    In an interactive story game, dialogue is one of the most important aspects. If I have to listen to the main characters thoughts 90% of the

  • i agree with you

    Flog61 posted: »

    In an interactive story game, choice and consequence is also one of the most important aspects. Telltale do dialogue better than Dontnod, Do

  • edited August 2015

    TBH! I cant actually choose between Tales and LiS. I need to see the whole game.

    However, these two are very different on their own way. Yes the two of them are episodic games but LiS is mostly a drama game and Tales is a comedy game, so yeah. Now, ep4 of LiS showed everyone what's the game is amazing about: Narrative. The narrative in the game is way different than tales, since everything is happening in the "present" no matter if you time travel to the past it becomes your present at the time, and Tales is that: a Tale. One that with the game narrative has two times, the past, where the majority of the game takes place, and the present, where the protagonist are telling their story.

    Both games have greats stories, but LiS is the one everyone is talking about right now, because the narrative is made so that in the cliffhanger (that is every last 5 mins of the episode) gives answers to quite a lot of questions while giving you more questions; so in that way you end up seeking for more. So if you didnt like the first 30 mins of the ep you'll eventually get bored. Tales on the other hand is pretty much consistent on the amount of answers throughout the whole ep (however some people don't like the idea of having questions since the first episode). So LiS pleases the patient player with answers in the end of the ep.

    Now Gameplay and Choices are the place where Tales stands as the total winner. To this point, Tales is literally a different game for everyone with multiple dialogs for every choice we make. Ep 3 changes almost totally depending on one major choice, meanwhile in ep3 of LiS the final choices dont affect ep4's story at all. So in one way Tales from the Borderlands ends being YOUR tale mostly because you cant undone your choices so the game goes that way like it or not, meanwhile in LiS you can rewind and change your choices so the game goes your way which ends being quite linear.

    And Tales wins gameplay too, because we get to do a lot of different stuff, specially since we play as 2 different characters. In LiS all we do is move, rewind, touch and move things and rewind.

    Both are good on their genre, comedy and drama. Ep4 of LiS really made me think about life, and in the lasts minutes i really felt my heart break; just as a good drama game should. And in Tales i have been laughing since ep1, just as a good comedy game.

    TL;DR: Both games are good on their own way, but very different at the same time. It really depends on how you like your games.

  • This was a hella nice comment.

    Flog61 posted: »

    In an interactive story game, choice and consequence is also one of the most important aspects. Telltale do dialogue better than Dontnod, Do

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