Fiona's bullets.....

What the hell was the point of keeping these bullets if Athena is going to give you a boatload of them? I think it really defeated the purpose of "saving bullets" mechanic. They introduced it and and they messed it up in ep3. Fiona's character is not that interesting to play anymore, at least Rhys has echo-eye and examine stuff.


  • I like wrestling with carnivorous plants, so....

  • To be fair, the idea of playing a character with limited bullets on Pandora was really stupid to begin with. It's no wonder Mordecai/Vallory didn't take Fiona seriously when all she has is one little pistol.

  • What? I don't care, I love UNLIMITED AMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • edited August 2015

    i think the limited bullet thing would have just ended up with half the players using them up straight away and the other half never using them, a bit like potions in an RPG.

    and yeah it is god damn pandora there are many better guns around, also going with the borderlands theme upgrades are an integral part of the game and the game world, it's like tinkering and upgrading is taught to children from a young age and it is part of their culture

  • I found that disappointing too. I thought I was gonna need at least 1 bullet and a grenade in episode 3... ._.

  • I disagree, after Episode 3, I found Fiona's character to be much more interesting and enjoyable in Episode 3 compared to other episodes of the series.

  • You didnt know you would get more ammo though..

    It didnt ruin anything. its about time she gets more ammo, or a decent pistol. its weird that her sister had like an smg and she had that crappy pistol only.

  • The lucky bullet will come up again at some point, I think.

  • Well, I view it as more of a narrative point. Before Episode 3, the fact that you had limited ammo will have influenced you to play a bit more cautiously and reserved - which ends up making Fiona seem cautious and reserved. However, the coincidence of having Fiona receive essentially unlimited ammo and being trained/encouraged to be a Vault Hunter can make the player feel much more confident and able, just like Fiona would feel after all the Vault Hunter training.

    Basically, pre-Episode 3, Fiona was incredibly vulnerable and was warned to be cautious. Now, post-Episode 3, the shackles are off, and her character should have new-found confidence, as a Vault Hunter does.

  • Well, everyone on Pandora has hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands of bullets on their person at all times, so I thought it was a little strange (And on Fiona's part, downright moronic) to only carry around a single bullet for her tiny derringer. Getting a crapton of bullets makes sense. Because on Pandora if you don't have a crapton of bullets, then you're pretty much already dead.

  • I agree completely. This was for the sake of good character development.

    Though in Episode 4, I'd like to have something separate Fiona from her Box of Bullets and see how she adjusts. (depending if we have the lucky bullet or not)

    Someguy12 posted: »

    Well, I view it as more of a narrative point. Before Episode 3, the fact that you had limited ammo will have influenced you to play a bit mo

  • edited August 2015

    They never show the pack mule behind you loaded down with ammo crates. Like Rhys she just puts a box of ammo in her back pocket. Say Rhys, is that a Dumpy in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  • That actually makes sense in the Borderlands universe. People use digital Storage Deck Units to store all of their loot/ammo/quest items/embarrassing High School pictures in so they aren't physically weighed down by all of the stuff they collect. The device digitizes the items a person has and then digitally reconstructs them when the owner needs them and they can be upgraded to have a higher capacity if necessary (See all of the annoying "Claptrap Rescue" missions in BL1 or buying SDU upgrages from Crazy Earl in BL2 and TPS for the examples in the main series). For once the "Infinite Back Pocket of Storage-ness" is more or less justified in the game.

    They never show the pack mule behind you loaded down with ammo crates. Like Rhys she just puts a box of ammo in her back pocket. Say Rhys, is that a Dumpy in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  • To be fair, we did get some unique dialogue about saving the bullet making it feel we made a choice that mattered (just not in the way we all thought).

  • I think I remember a Forum member made a thread that was complaining that Fiona didn't have any other bullets in a Borderlands game and I guess the extra bullets was just a response from Telltale.

  • Fiona's extra gameplay 'thing' wasn't saving bullets, it's collecting money.

  • edited August 2015

    personally, i like fiona having more bullets. to me, this means whenever i get the option to shoot someone, i wont worry about ''one bullet, think hard'' i think this takes away from what a borderland game is, which is BAZILLION GUNS = BAZILLION LOOT. which means that bullets are a huge thing..... i think by restraining us to just one bullet takes away from that. i like it really! now i wont think twice about shooting someone. especially that the next episode will be action filled, hyperian takeover! so wee need the bullets.

    it also means character development.. on the other side, fiona is not the same as the girl we met in the 1st episode. she had grown, she can take care of herself. she wont count on felix or his one emergency bullet anymore. at least thats my fiona. :) i dont want her to kill anyone like a maniac. but at least she can defend herself in a world called pandora.

  • Ooh yeah that would be very interesting, a way to see how much she has learnt from Athena

    I agree completely. This was for the sake of good character development. Though in Episode 4, I'd like to have something separate Fiona from her Box of Bullets and see how she adjusts. (depending if we have the lucky bullet or not)

  • Exactly! Plus it would make the mechanic of saving the bullet valid again!

    Someguy12 posted: »

    Ooh yeah that would be very interesting, a way to see how much she has learnt from Athena

  • Yeah, Tannis pretty much says exactly this in her commentary during Digistruct Peak.

    Rock114 posted: »

    That actually makes sense in the Borderlands universe. People use digital Storage Deck Units to store all of their loot/ammo/quest items/emb

  • She did? I never played that.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Yeah, Tannis pretty much says exactly this in her commentary during Digistruct Peak.

  • i just dont get why the gun is so old looking and boring i never jsed any of the bullets during my playthroughs hoping for a awesome event to happen for keeping my bullets then bam a box of them

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