I think its mostly because its a game about choices, but when it came to romance, Telltale decided to not really let you choose, almost everything was: Be romantic, dont say anything, be an asshole.
You're missing my point, I think, unless you didn't see the 'PS' I added, where I clarified that someone would always be unhappy no matter what. Anyway, I'm not saying anymore, sorry.
Getting into an argument is definitely not what I want.
I don't care who did it, if any more attacking or fighting appears here, I'm going to have to step in and try to clear things up. Worst comes to worst, the mods will step in, or I'll fistfight everybody.
Look, I didn't abandon Age of Ultron when BruceNat was introduced. I didn't abandon Percy Jackson when Leyna wasn't canon yet. I didn't abandon Borderlands 2 because Nisha/Axton was still ib my headcanon.
Take off your shipping goggles. Look PAST the romance. There is so much more than just ships-the world of a fictional creation is beautiful. Don't just pay attention to the romance, pay attention to the setting, the characters, the funny/sad/Badass/scary moments. Romance isn't just what makes a work great, there are so many other factors, too.
So if you're gonna just dump a wonderful, well-crafted Orwellian Space Western game just because you don't like the romance (even though you can skip the more shippy parts) is just fucking stupid.
Calm yourself, I don't see why you're angry about my decision, if I don't like it I won't continue with the game. 90% of the TWD fanbase wrote off episodes of the game because their favorite characters died or didn't get screen time, this isn't much different, after all it's more about the choice available in the game I'm talking about, not the romance.
OK, you two, that's a bit too extreme.
Look, I didn't abandon Age of Ultron when BruceNat was introduced. I didn't abandon Percy Jackson … morewhen Leyna wasn't canon yet. I didn't abandon Borderlands 2 because Nisha/Axton was still ib my headcanon.
Take off your shipping goggles. Look PAST the romance. There is so much more than just ships-the world of a fictional creation is beautiful. Don't just pay attention to the romance, pay attention to the setting, the characters, the funny/sad/Badass/scary moments. Romance isn't just what makes a work great, there are so many other factors, too.
So if you're gonna just dump a wonderful, well-crafted Orwellian Space Western game just because you don't like the romance (even though you can skip the more shippy parts) is just fucking stupid.
There seems to be a bit of tension in this thread, everyone has been mainly civil at the moment but as threads like this have caused arguments in the past i am going to close this one.
@Blade582 I see you're not completely new to the forums but i looks like you have been away for a while so welcome back , if you want to discuss the relationship between Rhys and Sasha you can use the Official Rhysha Thread, alternately you can also discuss the relationship between Rhys and Fiona in the Rhys X Fiona Confirmed thread.
Blade, you've just entangled yourself in a conflict greater and colder than the one between USA and USSR.
I think its mostly because its a game about choices, but when it came to romance, Telltale decided to not really let you choose, almost everything was: Be romantic, dont say anything, be an asshole.
The fanbase of this game are bunch of weirdos..
I agree..
Hey, do not include the whole fanbase...
I don't care who did it, if any more attacking or fighting appears here, I'm going to have to step in and try to clear things up. Worst comes to worst, the mods will step in, or I'll fistfight everybody.
Isn't that every fanbase?
Why hasn't this been merged yet?
OK, you two, that's a bit too extreme.
Look, I didn't abandon Age of Ultron when BruceNat was introduced. I didn't abandon Percy Jackson when Leyna wasn't canon yet. I didn't abandon Borderlands 2 because Nisha/Axton was still ib my headcanon.
Take off your shipping goggles. Look PAST the romance. There is so much more than just ships-the world of a fictional creation is beautiful. Don't just pay attention to the romance, pay attention to the setting, the characters, the funny/sad/Badass/scary moments. Romance isn't just what makes a work great, there are so many other factors, too.
So if you're gonna just dump a wonderful, well-crafted Orwellian Space Western game just because you don't like the romance (even though you can skip the more shippy parts) is just fucking stupid.
Calm yourself, I don't see why you're angry about my decision, if I don't like it I won't continue with the game. 90% of the TWD fanbase wrote off episodes of the game because their favorite characters died or didn't get screen time, this isn't much different, after all it's more about the choice available in the game I'm talking about, not the romance.
Not all of them, But Seriously just look at their threads.
its nuts how the Rhyiona Fanboys are losing their shit over a suggested "optional" feature
Why do I still come here.
There seems to be a bit of tension in this thread, everyone has been mainly civil at the moment but as threads like this have caused arguments in the past i am going to close this one.
@Blade582 I see you're not completely new to the forums but i looks like you have been away for a while so welcome back
, if you want to discuss the relationship between Rhys and Sasha you can use the Official Rhysha Thread, alternately you can also discuss the relationship between Rhys and Fiona in the Rhys X Fiona Confirmed thread.