Why are people so angry?

Hi, I'm sorry if this is an inappropriate thread, but I want to discuss it in a peaceful way. Why are people in this forum so hateful over shipping? It has always intrigued me, why is it so annoying that people are passionate about something? Why are we "ruining" things? In our respective threads we create drawings, videos, fanfiction, edits and a lot of creative stuff, and we are very united and comfortable with each other. And there are no fights-- believe me, I've seen what fighting over a ship is, it's immature and in this forums I haven't seen that except for like 3 people. We get along well. How is this a bad thing or a "stupid" thing?

Also, why is it a bad thing that there is romance in the game? I agree that badly written romance is what we want to avoid, but if it's just the idea of a romantic subplot, why is it so bad? I don't like romance either, but I am open to it if it's well done. It's not like people don't fall in love with each other ever in real life. Why is it so bad that we want options? I've seen people getting angry because we want to be able to choose so everyone can enjoy the game. Why?



  • Imo people sometimes get waaaaaaaaaaaay too worked up about small things.

    Like, it's just a game. Chill.

  • For me, I'm all for a romance so long as it's likely to happen, like Rhys and Sasha, (espically from ep3). And I'm all for everyone expressing their creativity, but I'm just not a fan of the shippers literally shitting on other shippers, and I know it's quite small in comparision to the lovely communities of the shippers, but they're are some really toxic people, that just really put me off it all together :D

  • I don't know, I feel like people who say things like "shipping is stupid" for no real reason, are 5 year olds afraid of cooties.

  • Just keep all of that shipping nonsense in one thread and everything will be fine . It becomes really annoying when it's copied and pasted all over the site.

  • I can't exactly speak for those who take shipping seriously, but from what I've seen, it actually starts small, then escalates depending on a few things:

    • Attitude
    • Fellow shippers
    • Counter-shippers
    • Activity

    Some people are naturally passionate about things, and when they believe something challenges that passion it can lead to a heated result. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that people won't do anything when something they don't care about is affected.

    How they respond can also be affected by the people around them, in this case shippers. Forums are a online-social spot. You get to know a bit about other people virtually. You'll meet people who share similar views, and those who have differing views. When encountering someone with an opposing view, people naturally don't like them right off the bat. Vice versa for meeting people with similar views. Of course, it's usually best to actually talk to the person, rather than judge upon meeting. Now, judging is fine, I'm guilty of it, but your actions are what take things up a notch.

    There are pros and cons of shipping threads. The pros are obvious, like mingling with those who share similar views (for the most part) and having fun. But it discourages mingling with those with opposing views, and can prevent learning about their views and reasons. Activity away from anything different leads to a shallow view of said other subject most of the time. Yes, how you spend your activity is entirepy up to you. But the best learning experience are gained from talking with different people, in this case.people with different ships.

    This is just my interpretation. Maybe I look like an idiot, maybe I'm on to something. I guess what I'm trying to say is that what happens is natural, given the way things seem to work here. Sure, there are plenty of other factors (don't even get me started on attachment) but I do believe this is the gist of it right here.

    I need a sandvich.

  • I'm not a fan of shippers shitting on other shippers too. I get that it's very childish and frustrating, but I don't understand why do we all have to be judged like that just because of a few people. :(

    kaza125 posted: »

    For me, I'm all for a romance so long as it's likely to happen, like Rhys and Sasha, (espically from ep3). And I'm all for everyone expressi

  • Why is it nonsense?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Just keep all of that shipping nonsense in one thread and everything will be fine . It becomes really annoying when it's copied and pasted all over the site.

  • I respect shipping, but for those who don't they should put it on a separate thread. As for people getting mad about it, I don't have any Idea why they would disrespect another aspect of creativity.

  • Sorry, perhaps it's because I'm a little feverish right now but I don't quite understand what you're trying to say :(

    Do you mean we should understand the views and reasons of other ships? I do understand where Rhysha, Rhyaughn and Rhack are coming from and I see the reasons to support these pairings (in fact, I do feel I ship them to an extent, they're just not my main ship, but I don't hate them at all). With this thread I meant the conflict with shippers and non-shippers that I see in this forum, where we as a whole (regardless of our ships) are seen as something dumb and annoying.

    I can't exactly speak for those who take shipping seriously, but from what I've seen, it actually starts small, then escalates depending on

  • Because it's character shipping.

    rhonu posted: »

    Why is it nonsense?

  • I feel they're like

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't know, I feel like people who say things like "shipping is stupid" for no real reason, are 5 year olds afraid of cooties.

  • ...And?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Because it's character shipping.

  • ok

    what kind of logic even is this

    Cope49 posted: »

    Because it's character shipping.

  • Yeah, that I understand, I guess that's why separate threads were created. People who don't like shipping are just as valid as people who do, what I don't get is how upset people get because other people decide to have fun with shipping.

    I respect shipping, but for those who don't they should put it on a separate thread. As for people getting mad about it, I don't have any Idea why they would disrespect another aspect of creativity.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015

    It just simply annoys me sometimes. Just keep it in one thread. K

    Green613 posted: »

    ok what kind of logic even is this

  • You don't say. So I guess TTG is also terrible for adding a romance between the characters.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Because it's character shipping.

  • And posts like these annoy me too, and if I remember correctly, didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point?

    Cope49 posted: »

    It just simply annoys me sometimes. Just keep it in one thread. K

  • Terrible ..no . But with TTG it felt forced .

    DeityD posted: »

    You don't say. So I guess TTG is also terrible for adding a romance between the characters.

  • didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point?

    Meaning I commented once. And everyone jumped on my back like crazed animals ?

    Green613 posted: »

    And posts like these annoy me too, and if I remember correctly, didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point?

  • First of all, if you hate shipping, why comment in a thread about shipping?

    Cope49 posted: »

    didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point? Meaning I commented once. And everyone jumped on my back like crazed animals ?

  • Well... Can't argue with that, but shippers don't force anything and have nothing to do with it. All the stuff they create is optional and it's not like you have to read fanfictions or anything. I also haven't seen that much of it outside the shipping threads, especially now - it might've been the case some months ago, but since we have separate threads for such things it's not an issue.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Terrible ..no . But with TTG it felt forced .

  • [removed]

    Cope49 posted: »

    didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point? Meaning I commented once. And everyone jumped on my back like crazed animals ?

  • I'm the only crazed one here B)

    Cope49 posted: »

    didn't you come in both threads bothering us at one point? Meaning I commented once. And everyone jumped on my back like crazed animals ?

  • First of all .I don't hate shipping. I said it can be annoying when certain people go overbroad with it . Bending names, shrines, endless ugly fanart , etc. If it's kept in one thread . I won't have anything to say about it.

    why comment in a thread about shipping?

    Again I commented once. and they attacked me (which is against the rules of this site,regardless of what I said)

    rhonu posted: »

    First of all, if you hate shipping, why comment in a thread about shipping?

  • They still should have been banned for it .

  • Sorry, next time you come insulting our thread we'll offer tea and crumpets first.

    Cope49 posted: »

    First of all .I don't hate shipping. I said it can be annoying when certain people go overbroad with it . Bending names, shrines, endless ug

  • If it's kept in one thread . I won't have anything to say about it.

    It's kept in one thread so you guys don't have to complain about it over and over. Then, why do you go on the thread? If you said something hurtful, what do you expect people to do?

    Cope49 posted: »

    First of all .I don't hate shipping. I said it can be annoying when certain people go overbroad with it . Bending names, shrines, endless ug

  • u shoulda been banned for a lot of things

    enter image description here

    Cope49 posted: »

    They still should have been banned for it .

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    u shoulda been banned for a lot of things

  • Believe me I will never set foot into that thread ever again .People are like twilight fan type of crazy..

    Sorry, next time you come insulting our thread we'll offer tea and crumpets first.

  • what do you expect people to do?

    Act like human beings...

    rhonu posted: »

    If it's kept in one thread . I won't have anything to say about it. It's kept in one thread so you guys don't have to complain about

  • No, not really, they're just trying to defend their home from a rude person who had nothing else to do but to shit on a thread.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Believe me I will never set foot into that thread ever again .People are like twilight fan type of crazy..

  • Lol my bad, I thought this was ship vs. ship, not shipper vs. non-shipper.

    In a way, my reasons listed above fit, though the example I provided was for a different subject.

    Like I said, people have their passions and preferences, and of course there will be those with different ones. The shippers do their thing, the non-shippers do theirs. The TFTBL forums are a bit different in the fact the two most popular threads are about ships. In a way, I think I can see why non-shippers belive that shipping is forced on them.

    Now, it is totally on them to actually go into the thread and spectate the activities. The point of said threads is to keep shipping exclusive.

    So, I guess in the end, while the shipping threads are generally good at keeping ships to themselves, shippers every now and then bring it outside the thread, where the non-shippers believe they shouldn't be seeing that type of material.

    Not liking a ship is tremendously different than not liking shipping in my opinion. To me, non-shippers are more adamant about not dealing with ships in general compared to a shipper not wanting to deal with the competing ship.

    In other words, greater suppression leads to greater backlash.

    rhonu posted: »

    Sorry, perhaps it's because I'm a little feverish right now but I don't quite understand what you're trying to say Do you mean we should

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015


    Green613 posted: »

    u shoulda been banned for a lot of things

  • That's not nice. I don't see people being "twilight fan type of crazy". I've met that type of crazy (and not necessarily twilight fans) and believe me, we are not disrespectful fans. If we were that kind of annoying, we would be tweeting things to the voice actors for attention and bothering them, we would be sending death threats to Telltale to make rhyiona canon and we would insult anyone who doesn't like rhyiona. And that is the kind attitude I've seen in other fandoms that is, indeed, disgusting; but we are not like that and I have never seen someone cross that line here. I created this thread to see if I could understand why do you guys find us so annoying, but it seems it's just because we love something deeply and that's it.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Believe me I will never set foot into that thread ever again .People are like twilight fan type of crazy..

  • No that is what shipping is doing to this entire site ...

    No, not really, they're just trying to defend their home from a rude person who had nothing else to do but to shit on a thread.

  • edited August 2015

    damn did u just call me a bitch

    only proving my point that you should have been banned multiple times


    EDIT: sick meme edit fam

    youre terrible at this

  • That's a bit hypocritical of you lmao

    Cope49 posted: »

    what do you expect people to do? Act like human beings...

  • Sure it wasn't first time . You are being rude.

    Green613 posted: »

    damn did u just call me a bitch only proving my point that you should have been banned multiple times LMAO EDIT: sick meme edit fam youre terrible at this

  • Seems like it's only you.

    Cope49 posted: »

    No that is what shipping is doing to this entire site ...

This discussion has been closed.