Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Thanks for the info :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @rhonu's thread

  • Be careful stepping into war zone. :^)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Thanks for the info

  • It was peaceful for a while but people just can't see others having fun.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So the extra Rhysha thread got closed by a Mod. Now rhonu's thread is getting some angry responses... Will this ever end? :P

  • enter image description here

    And I hope it makes you blush redder than a fucking tomato! >:D That's the spirit, buddy!

  • sigh You know what. I'm going start writing some rhyiona Fanfiction. Everyone seems down and i think it'll help.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So the extra Rhysha thread got closed by a Mod. Now rhonu's thread is getting some angry responses... Will this ever end? :P

  • Cool stuff :)

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    sigh You know what. I'm going start writing some rhyiona Fanfiction. Everyone seems down and i think it'll help.

  • it's always much more fun to stay in the sidelines :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Be careful stepping into war zone. :^)

  • Aw, and I was scared you didn't really like it when I'd call you by your full name. Thankfully that's not the case :D

    You're like the only one here who calls me by my full name Makes me feel warm inside No John, that is not what I mean

  • dammit, dom!

    You're like the only one here who calls me by my full name Makes me feel warm inside No John, that is not what I mean

  • Oh heck yeah!

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    sigh You know what. I'm going start writing some rhyiona Fanfiction. Everyone seems down and i think it'll help.

  • It's just funny that people are so salty we're having fun.

    enter image description here

    it's always much more fun to stay in the sidelines

  • I just silently observe things x)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Be careful stepping into war zone. :^)

  • edited August 2015

    Eh, people ship and people don't ship. I think Rhonu was right to make that thread, gives us an opportunity to see the non-shippers POV.

    And I'm learning that they really don't like shipping.

    Sad facts aside, how's my second favorite thread doing today?

  • tako je i najbolje :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I just silently observe things x)

  • they just want fucktons of threads talking about who the stranger is LMAO

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's just funny that people are so salty we're having fun.

  • "Makes me feel warm inside" oh my...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    You only said John you didn't say anyone else loophole! XD

    You're like the only one here who calls me by my full name Makes me feel warm inside No John, that is not what I mean

  • or about how yvette and vaughn are suspicious as fuck and are totally 100% traitors

    Green613 posted: »

    they just want fucktons of threads talking about who the stranger is LMAO

  • I like it, it basically reveals that people hate us just because lmao.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    lmao that other thread is quickly turning sour I'm laughing so hard at certain posts.

  • edited August 2015

    to see the non-shippers POV.

    To be fairly frank I think most of their POV's are kind of stupid honestly :P

    Like we have 2 out of 8 threads on the front page. The shipping isn't killing anyone so why do any of them care, it's not like we say anything when we see a new theory on who the stranger is for the tenth time that week :P

    Eh, people ship and people don't ship. I think Rhonu was right to make that thread, gives us an opportunity to see the non-shippers POV.

  • We're surviving :)

    I agree, it is interesting to see what the non-shippers think, but their arguments are just harsh atm!!

    They accuse us of being weird for shipping fictional characters, ruining the experience of the forum by 'taking over everything' and also they seem to hate how a shipping thread is the most popular thread...

    Eh, people ship and people don't ship. I think Rhonu was right to make that thread, gives us an opportunity to see the non-shippers POV.

  • People are allowed to dislike shipping but don't tell me the shipping is stopping anyone from discussing anything (the same things that have been debated to death, mind you) because it isn't.

    It's just "if I'm not having fun, no one can have fun". Chill.

    We're good, how are you guys?

    Eh, people ship and people don't ship. I think Rhonu was right to make that thread, gives us an opportunity to see the non-shippers POV.

  • Yup. Velika zivotna pouka (:

    tako je i najbolje

  • my feelings are so hurt

    enter image description here

    I like it, it basically reveals that people hate us just because lmao.

  • This music and the mood of the forum atm is giving me major feels!!

    Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy Of Gold

  • Mudre riječi:

    "Nikada se ne svađaj sa budalom, prvo te spusti na svoj nivo, a onda te pobijedi na iskustvo" ;)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yup. Velika zivotna pouka (:

  • Zato ja nastojim izbjeci svadje, neki su ljudi i previse tvrodglavi, uf :/

    Mudre riječi: "Nikada se ne svađaj sa budalom, prvo te spusti na svoj nivo, a onda te pobijedi na iskustvo"

  • I agree. It's not like people can think of anything much else to talk about between episodes (those are usually used up within a week after it's release) so they should at least expect this to happen!

    Or they just do what I do and leave the forums for a good amount of times when I get bored of the options.

    (PS I've only been bored once and that was before I shipped. I am consumed.)

    Green613 posted: »

    to see the non-shippers POV. To be fairly frank I think most of their POV's are kind of stupid honestly :P Like we have 2 out of

  • I think i have thought out what's gonna happen with this.

  • The other thread will get locked and we'll move on with our lives. That's what. :P

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    I think i have thought out what's gonna happen with this.

  • I wish it would happen sooner rather than later, some of us are starting to egg on the drama...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The other thread will get locked and we'll move on with our lives. That's what. :P

  • neki su ljudi i previse tvrdoglavi

    ali ih ima i puno praznoglavih :\

    najbolje je ne priključivati se u svađe i samo gledat iz pozadine, tako je i najzabavnije :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Zato ja nastojim izbjeci svadje, neki su ljudi i previse tvrodglavi, uf

  • I'm just having fun now lmao

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I wish it would happen sooner rather than later, some of us are starting to egg on the drama...

  • me and you, bruh ^_^

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm just having fun now lmao

  • I just realized that my last like 20 comments have benn on Rhonus awesome thread.

  • I can see that... Still, I've kindly asked BlindSniper if he would keep an eye on the thread just in case it spirals out of control.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm just having fun now lmao

  • Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

  • Nazalost da..

    Meni je bolje samo biti sa strane, ne mijesati se :)

    neki su ljudi i previse tvrdoglavi ali ih ima i puno praznoglavih najbolje je ne priključivati se u svađe i samo gledat iz pozadine, tako je i najzabavnije

  • He should just close it. Ozzy closed the last one. It's a recipe for disaster.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I can see that... Still, I've kindly asked BlindSniper if he would keep an eye on the thread just in case it spirals out of control.

  • I wouldn't call the mature people anti-shippers. I'd call them non-shippers because they clearly won't offend anyone. ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

  • HandsomeJack dude seems like a cool guy so far :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

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