Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I wanted to talk to the smart and mature ones. :(

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

  • I'm sorry, I didn't know ;AAAA; I'm too naïve and I thought non-shippers were going to be mature about it...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He should just close it. Ozzy closed the last one. It's a recipe for disaster.

  • Hey it's not your fault!!

    People came cuz it was built :)

    rhonu posted: »

    I'm sorry, I didn't know ;AAAA; I'm too naïve and I thought non-shippers were going to be mature about it...

  • I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers

    They're just old folk tales, legends, myths.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

  • He hasn't gotten back to me yet, but he'll make the right decision in the end.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He should just close it. Ozzy closed the last one. It's a recipe for disaster.

  • Yeah at least he actually gave a desired response :)

    HandsomeJack dude seems like a cool guy so far

  • In an online forum, you be prepared for EVERYTHING....

    rhonu posted: »

    I wanted to talk to the smart and mature ones.

  • Oh yeah you are right. I meant that non-shippers can be mature :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wouldn't call the mature people anti-shippers. I'd call them non-shippers because they clearly won't offend anyone.

  • Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy Of Gold

    I've been listening to this on repeat all this time, it goes with the current mood too well!! XP

    Maybe I should use this pent up energy to write something?......................

  • Unfortunately there were not many of those on your thread :(

    But I'm glad you made that thread!! I learned that anti-shippers have some really poor arguments and now I'm even more proud to be a shipper :)

    rhonu posted: »

    I wanted to talk to the smart and mature ones.

  • Maybe I should use this pent up energy to write something?

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) smut mends all the wounds

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy Of Gold I've been listening to this on repeat all this time, it goes with the current mood too well!! XP Maybe I should use this pent up energy to write something?......................

  • thats what i'm doing.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy Of Gold I've been listening to this on repeat all this time, it goes with the current mood too well!! XP Maybe I should use this pent up energy to write something?......................

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah I was talking about "anti-shippers" when I really meant "Non-shippers" :P

    Thanks wolf for correcting me..

    I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers They're just old folk tales, legends, myths.

  • Or it creates wounds :P

    I recall one reader was a little scarred by my smut when they read it... That was a fun time ;D

    Maybe I should use this pent up energy to write something? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) smut mends all the wounds

  • Work faster!! XD

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    thats what i'm doing.

  • i read your snigby smut.. and whoa... that was steamy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Or it creates wounds :P I recall one reader was a little scarred by my smut when they read it... That was a fun time ;D

  • edited August 2015

    I'm glad you were there because some of those comments made me really mad and you really showed them xD

    I just realized that my last like 20 comments have benn on Rhonus awesome thread.

  • Oh trust me, they made mad as well, that's why I replied with arguments, something they did not know about. And I was just in a really shitty mood and letting my anger out made me feel a lot better.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'm glad you were there because some of those comments made me really mad and you really showed them xD

  • If the anti shipper is smart enough then they'd realize that there really is no argument :P You can't fight against these threads without looking stupid cause they aren't hurting anyone.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow I was just reading those comments on rhonu's thread and I gotta say, those anti-shippers there need some better arguments :P I know there are some smart and MATURE antishippers out there too but jesus I can't understand some of them at all.

  • Yep!!

    Oh and which one? I've written about 4 sex scenes for them so far in The Devil Among Us >:)

    Also, have you read anymore of my work? I'd love to hear your opinion on my writing :D

    i read your snigby smut.. and whoa... that was steamy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I'm listening to Bigby's apartment music theme on a 30 minute loop. It works wonders. This fic will be a bit different than my usual. It's a four part story too.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Work faster!! XD

  • Cool :D

    I personally listen to the menu music on repeat, it's such a Fables-esque piece of music!!! XP

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    I'm listening to Bigby's apartment music theme on a 30 minute loop. It works wonders. This fic will be a bit different than my usual. It's a four part story too.

  • i read Kindred Spirit's and The Wolf and His Mermaid completely, and i began reading The Devil Among Us yesterday, i stopped reading on ch4.

    i enjoyed KS and TWaHM a lot, although i preferred TWaHM 'cause i'm not a big fan of bloody mary's character. and TDAU is amazing, i'm definitely gonna keep on reading tommorow, 'cause it's getting late now and i'm gonna have much more free time 2morrow.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yep!! Oh and which one? I've written about 4 sex scenes for them so far in The Devil Among Us Also, have you read anymore of my work? I'd love to hear your opinion on my writing

  • edited August 2015

    Can I be a pain and ask you to leave reviews on what you've read please? I love reviews and the feedback motivates me :)

    Pretty please dude? :D

    Also none of those fics are anywhere near done yet!!! XP

    i read Kindred Spirit's and The Wolf and His Mermaid completely, and i began reading The Devil Among Us yesterday, i stopped reading on ch4.

  • Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyiona as opposed to everything else that's being posted here right now.


    A lightning bolt split the sky. It was curious how the sky that had been light a moment ago was now covered in dark clouds. Then again, Rhys didn't have time for curious.

    A clap of thunder sounded a few moments later, louder than the pattering rain. Even louder than that were the scared shrieks that shook the house.

    "We're going to die, daddy! Help us please!" Rhys had to admit that Gortys was cute even when panicking.

    "Righteous father, why is this happening? Why must the universe punish the good?!" Loader Bot piped up from his cowering position, using his trademark line.

    He was folded up into a box under the window (well, covering up half the window) with Gortys in his arms. That, however, didn't seem to calm her down. She was shaking and her frantic cries were muffled. Rhys was himself starting to panic a bit, not knowing what to do.

    "Okay, I've closed all the win- what's going on?! LB, Gortys, you guys okay?!"

    Fiona rushed down the stairs and came to a stop next to the box that was Loader Bot. She looked up at Rhys accusingly, as if he was somehow responsible for this. Rhys waved his arms around helplessly and tried to think of something to say.

    "Uh... Well, it turns out that the kids are scared of lightning. And thunder."

    "Mommy we're gonna die aren't we?! I'm scared!"

    "Righteous father, mother, have we been bad? Have we disappointed you?!" Loader Bot sounded terrified and slightly plaintive.

    The situation suddenly struck Rhys as funny and the edges of a smile appeared briefly on his face. It disappeared as soon as Fiona gave him an angry look. She proceeded to turn to the kids, still curled up in their ball.

    "No one's punishing you, and we're not going to die. It's just thunder."

    "But... There are flashes of light!" Loader Bot said doubtfully. "Someone is shooting at us!"

    "No, that's lightning."

    Rhys was amazed at how calm and patient Fi was with the kids. Considering she yelled or punched him for almost anything she did... But he guessed it was different with them. The weird thing was, Fi was actually making him wish he was a kid... He laughed at the thought and her head snapped towards him.

    "You think this is funny?! Our poor kids are here, terrified, and you think this is funny?! I'll show you!" With that she grabbed him by his metal arm and dragged him straight through the door as he protested. Gortys and Loader Bot started in horror, sure that they were about to see their parents struck dead in front of them.

    As soon as Rhys was out of the door, Fiona slammed it sit behind them. Rhys tried fruitlessly to cover his head with his arms, but gave up after seeing that Fiona was staring at him with an amused expression.

    "No going inside until we're soaked. That'll teach you a lesson!"

    Rhys looked at her, wide-eyed. He was already dripping wet, and so was she. The difference was that Fiona didn't seem to mind at all. Rhys felt that our was slightly unfair, so he inquired:

    "How come you aren't bothered by the fact that we're standing in pouring rain?!"

    Fiona shrugged. "It's never bothered me. I always loved the rain, especially warm rain like this."

    Rhys shook his head in wonder and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He edged closer to Fiona, and she let him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after a-

    There was a frantic banking on the window, and both Fiona and Rhys jumped. They walked over to the window to see what the commotion was, and were met by a worried Loader Bot. Gortys was cowering behind him.

    "Mother, father, come in! You must stay safe!" Gortys nodded furiously in agreement.

    "No!" said Fiona, and Rhys groaned in exasperation. "We've got to show them that storms aren't that scary!"

    That was as far as she got before there was a loud crack and a lightning bolt struck the tree in their backyard. Rhys yelped and ran for the door, Fiona's mouth dropped open and the kids screamed.

    Reaching the door, Rhys started pulling at it, forgetting for a moment that it was locked.

    "Fi! Open! Now!"

    Fiona rushed over to help, her hand shaking as she inserted the key. They stumbled in, gasping and dripping on to the floor and Rhys glared at Fiona, relieved and angry.

    "Never again."

    "Never." She agreed.

    She tried to shrug it off, but Rhys noticed that from that day on, she'd never go out in a storm. Mind you, neither would he. They were both happier cowering behind the couch with Loader Bot and Gortys, like a disfunctional little family.


    There are probably typos.

  • sure thing, bruh! i don't have a ff.net account so i'm gonna post it as a guest :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Can I be a pain and ask you to leave reviews on what you've read please? I love reviews and the feedback motivates me Pretty please dude? Also none of those fics are anywhere near done yet!!! XP

  • That's fine!!

    Just post the name as John_Smith13 so I know it's you, oh and multiple reviews... Prease >:D

    sure thing, bruh! i don't have a ff.net account so i'm gonna post it as a guest

  • Prease >:D

    no probrem, bruh :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That's fine!! Just post the name as John_Smith13 so I know it's you, oh and multiple reviews... Prease >:D

  • Aw, that was so cute!

    Fanfictions are life <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyi

  • I lost it when there were comments like "their shitty fan-art" "those crazy people" ect. :(

    Oh trust me, they made mad as well, that's why I replied with arguments, something they did not know about. And I was just in a really shitty mood and letting my anger out made me feel a lot better.

  • Awwwwwwww!!!!!!! It's perfect!! XD

    I love it, I love it! <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyi

  • Nice Fic man! That was Adorable!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyi

  • Thank you Marija, that means a lot <3

    They certainly are :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Aw, that was so cute! Fanfictions are life

  • I'm flattered, Harry xD

    Honestly though this isn't one of my best works, glad you like it!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Awwwwwwww!!!!!!! It's perfect!! XD I love it, I love it!

  • Thank you so much man :D

    Prease >:D no probrem, bruh

  • always glad to help :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thank you so much man

  • Thanks man!

    (I'm still waiting for your fic...) ;)

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Nice Fic man! That was Adorable!

  • It is awesome Joey, you really lightened my mood right now (:

    I was so done with those people

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyi

  • Yeah they seem to think of us as being a bunch of weirdos...

    Clearly we don't come under their universal definition of 'normal'

    ...... Yeah, bullshit :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I lost it when there were comments like "their shitty fan-art" "those crazy people" ect.

  • "Terrible Fanfic"
    10000/10 - IGN :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Excuse this horror, it was started on a phone in a moment of boredom and then it had to be finished. I just thought you might like some Rhyi

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