Favorite weapn
Ironically, I got this idea from one hateful thread (now closed).
What's your favorite gun in Borderlands universe? Give us some details about it and why is it your favorite.
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Ironically, I got this idea from one hateful thread (now closed).
What's your favorite gun in Borderlands universe? Give us some details about it and why is it your favorite.
The Conference Call.
Amazing shotgun accuracy with super crowd-clearing possibilities!
Ironically, this might be not an awful idea (after all... I mean, why not give it a try)... but first, maybe it will be better to make it favourite/least favourite weapon? Also, by weapons you mean weapon type, manufacturers or names of actual weapons (mostly Legendaries I assume) or all of that?
Anything you want man. I'm not telling you precisely how much detail you have to give me
Because why not? Swords+guns=AWESOMENESS!
Infinity Pistol, Bitch, Skullmasher, Flakker and Excalibastard.
I'm sorry about that thread, I didn't intend it to be hateful.
I don't have any favourite weapon in specific, really, but I like sniper rifles a lot. I also like weapons with corrosive damage. I'm that kind of person who works very very well from a distance, but not so well when the enemies are close or in hand-to-hand combat. I really need to balance that out, when psychos run at me I freak out. x)
Why The Bane of course.
enter link description here
I don't even pay attention to the name of the guns to be honest, as long as it has good damage, high accuracy, and maybe some elemental damage I don't care. But my favorite type of weapon would definitely be the sniper rifle, second being the SMG.
You weren't the one who made the thread hateful ^^
I love sniper rifles and corrosive too! However, I also love melee combat, so that's where we differ
Just wanted to be sure.
Favourite types - Sniper rifles. I just like that "one bullet - one corpse" system way too much to even try playing BL2 without them. Also - SMGs and pistols (especially in TPS). Least favourite - assault rifles and especially shotguns, I just hate being so close to enemies - I die immediately when I use them... I guess I can efficiently use only long and mid-range weapons.
Favourite manufacturers - Hyperion (lots of reasons to like it, but mainly their style and the irony (oh the irony) of using it in BL2), Jakobs (only sniper rifles, pistols I can't stand because of their firing mechanism). Least favourite - Dahl, can't stand that burst type of weapons at all, especially sniper rifles (what's the purpose of them?! they're suppose to one-shot enemies normally), Maliwan (relatively slow and have awful magazine size, mostly their pistols), Torgue (slow, so slow - with only one exception - Unkempt harold) and Bandit. Bandit is just so useless... (who needs huge magazine anyway if all other stats suck?) which is a shame really, they look badass.
Favourite "rare" weapons - Unkempt harold (I think 99% of people know how it looks, but still)


and Plasma caster.

I want it...
The Florentine, a Maliwan sub machine gun that fires both Shock AND Slag damage at the same time. This translates to having a really fun time playing how you want with your skills, without having to worry about stripping you enemies defenses or weakening them...The Florentine does both.
Zero will slag them first, then cut them down...Salvador can double The Florentine with another devastating weapon...Maya can unleash constant elemental chaos...
I'm fond of shock sniper rifles, (particularly Pimpernels).
Also, the Boganella, purely for the lols:
I probably couldn't pick a favorite gun, or even a favorite type, since I roll with a varied loadout and find myself using the guns pretty much equally. Generally it includes...
Favorite weapons?
All of them talking guns.
Im pretty much a Sniper Rifle and Shotgun user. Im either way too far of the enemy or very close. So first slot: A Sniper Rifle. Second slot: shotgun. Third slot: Elemental gun (probably a revolver with slag effect) and fourth slot: Random SMG or a Rocket launcher, mostly used when things get messed up.
Also as manufacters, I sold my soul to Jakobs, Maliwan and Tediore guns. I can't stand Hyperion guns and DALHs (these were AWESOME in the first game, in the second ehh not so much) Im pretty ok with Vladof and Torgue.
And special guns i love The Maggie, the Umkempt Harold, the Conference Call and that legendary shotgun that doesnt hit anything but creates a clustefuck everywhere. It also has a little star and i think its a Torgue one?
But i love talking guns.
I LOVE anything Jakobs! pus i prefer using jakob pistols, or a shotgun with elemental damage.
I 100% agree with you on burst sniper rifles - why would I want them? Sniper rifles are meant to be one-shot-one-kill stuff. I'd just take assault rifle if I wanted to burst fire...
Also, "double penetrating gun" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Who doesn't love a gun who belittles you with every shot? Or the gun who makes you barely move and screams at the top of it's lungs...
Jacobs dont have a elemental damage ( except unique weapons )
Edit You mean "any" shotgun ?
who said that jakobs have an elemental damage? i said i liked jakobs pistols, and/OR any shotgun with an elemental damage. NOOOOOT as a jakob shotgun. you read wrong my friend.
Read my comment again
bye .
Bye bye
I remember how surprised i was when i first time heard that gun
i loved dropping them, then grabing them... its quite the love/hate relationship.Specially with that darn, Hyperion gift, Sniper Rifle.
Aw man but that Loader Bot Shotgun/shield!!
That one was really awesome, gotta agree! He was even helpful, I rarely checked my ammo in the middle of the fight and he always reminded me! Plus his stats were pretty good.
Maliwan SMG that MOXXXIS give you.
I just don't know why would anyone want anything with burst fire... At least not in Borderlands, I think in Destiny pulse rifles were viable because of their damage (but in BL their equivalent would be Plasma casters in that sense) so I don't get Dahl weapons at all.
i like the heart breaker shotgun from bl2 i had a really powerful vladof assault rifle that was elemental fire and a bayonet cant remember the name of it though
i think thats what he meant i remember seeing someone using an elemental jakobs the guy hacked one
i saw tbis and couldnt stop laughing
That one shotgun that shoots bullets in in front of you (obviously), but then the bullets also go side wards at the same time. Good damage and distance too.
Some jakobs have elemental damage ( Extremaly rare )
Conference Call.
Can this gun get different types of elemental damage? I remember mine being a corrosive style, a green one.
Yes, when I first got it, it was also corrosive.
Hmmm...prepare for the list:
(Warning: Incoming all caps.)