The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Damn, 4 months is a pretty long time...well, I'm a patient person, I'll be rewarded in the end for my prolonged suffering lol. You're lucky imo, where I live, winter is never cold enough.:P

    The prolonged suffering will just make the relief even better. I'm not sure having an average temperature of 10-15 degrees during the winter is all that lucky <_<. I mean, I guess you kind of get used to the cold, but the snow and ice still sucks enough that I definitely consider winter my least favorite season of the month.

    But paralegal studies is something that you're interested in, right? Better to switch majors if you weren't at all interested in your prior major imo. Laying out a plan and establishing a goal to work towards helps a lot from my experience, even talking with a college counselor can be pretty helpful at times.

    Oh I'm definitely interested. As for Journalism, I think I was somewhat interested in the idea of it when I started.. but that has sort of fallen apart, mostly in the case of actually seeing myself with a job in the field (which is obviously the only thing that matters). Honestly, when I decided to go with Journalism, I did so because it sort of matched my strengths. Outside of that, I'm not sure that I even really had much desire. It was possibly a poor decision, I just really didn't know what the hell I was doing, and just sort of hoped that it would be a match. Going forward, I do think I have things mapped out a little better at this point.

    You'll get there, it's important to remember that everybody moves at different paces. I know that's been said a lot, but that's only because it's true. One of my brothers is only a little bit older than me, and sometimes I feel as though he's miles ahead of me in terms of success in life/school. I compare myself to him a lot, and I often feel myself coming up short, but when I really think about it, that is such a counterproductive thing to do. He's not me, I'm not him, and we're on different paths to different destinations. Just because I feel he's progressing faster than I am, doesn't mean I'm not progressing, nor does it mean I won't ever get to my destination, and the same goes for you imo.

    Thanks. I guess what I'm going through isn't really all that uncommon and probably isn't all that looked down upon, I just really wish the road ahead was a little less foggy at this point. At least it's not from a lack of trying, haha. Anyway, hopefully things get cleared up as I progress in my new direction, and of course best of luck to you as well :)

    Tinni posted: »

    I don't even really know what to expect anymore, but I guess I'm with you on that. A few months ago if you would have told me that Trump wou

  • nope probably doing something interesting or important

    Uh, anybody know what happened to Lehfeelz? Haven't seen him here for a while. :?

    edited August 2015

    Studying simultaneously for the university psychometric test and the written driving test is tiring me out.

  • Happy Left Hand Day! Any lefties besides me here?

  • I'm left hand dominant in everything but writing, does that count?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Happy Left Hand Day! Any lefties besides me here?

  • Ehhhh I guess? I thought writing is what decides on this one, but idk.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm left hand dominant in everything but writing, does that count?

  • My guess is that I adapted to right handed writing due to my eyesight. I have limited vision on my left side, so if I wrote with my left hand, I probably couldn't see it as well.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Ehhhh I guess? I thought writing is what decides on this one, but idk.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    Max's rap punchline of the day :

    Do I offend you? / I fuckin' hope so / You got more triggers than a feminist gun show.

  • I'm mixed lol.

    I write with my right but I throw with my left etc.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Happy Left Hand Day! Any lefties besides me here?


    No one can play trick on me, I was hearing PAR and neither BAR or FAR, but sadly the one think that is strange is Shepard Tone from wiki site, I hear evry time when I playing the sound some weird difuze, like the sound it shatter itself, If I hear careful it sound like a depressurization in space, all the air puff out in a few sec while there are some kind of welding spark at the same time.

    I'm crazy?

  • I'm a lefty.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Happy Left Hand Day! Any lefties besides me here?

  • Old School meets New School, what do you guys think about this?

    enter link description here

  • I got my first weight, i mean textbook, today.

  • edited August 2015

    I'm not sure having an average temperature of 10-15 degrees during the winter is all that lucky <_<. I mean, I guess you kind of get used to the cold, but the snow and ice still sucks enough that I definitely consider winter my least favorite season of the month.

    lol I still consider that lucky, I love cold weather, especially when it snows. Winter is probably my favorite season, whereas Summer is my least favorite, because I absolutely hate the heat tbh. Better to have to put on more layers to warm up than to have to take off layers to cool down imo.

    Oh I'm definitely interested. As for Journalism, I think I was somewhat interested in the idea of it when I started.. but that has sort of fallen apart, mostly in the case of actually seeing myself with a job in the field (which is obviously the only thing that matters). Honestly, when I decided to go with Journalism, I did so because it sort of matched my strengths. Outside of that, I'm not sure that I even really had much desire. It was possibly a poor decision, I just really didn't know what the hell I was doing, and just sort of hoped that it would be a match. Going forward, I do think I have things mapped out a little better at this point.

    If you're interested in your major and the field of work you're going into, then I don't think you have anything to worry about.:] I actually considered Journalism as a major at one point as well, because I figured writing is one of my strengths. But, like you, I couldn't visualize myself as a journalist at all.:P

    Thanks. I guess what I'm going through isn't really all that uncommon and probably isn't all that looked down upon, I just really wish the road ahead was a little less foggy at this point. At least it's not from a lack of trying, haha. Anyway, hopefully things get cleared up as I progress in my new direction, and of course best of luck to you as well :)

    No problem.:] It really isn't, I think it's common for us to look at our peers and assume that they're far ahead of us in this race called life, but that's rarely true. It's usually us just being hard on ourselves, and downplaying our accomplishments. Not to mention we're only in our twenties, we're still kinda transitioning from kid to full fledged adult. Haha, same here, my friend. I constantly worry about what the future will hold and if I'm as prepared as I could be, or if I'm even on the right path. But there's really no way of knowing for sure, all we can do is do our best and make an educated guess, be confident in our decisions, and maybe throw in a few back up plans just in case lol. We just need to remember that we're not the only ones who aren't completely sure what they're doing exactly lol. For the record, I think we'll be just fine.:]

    Belan posted: »

    Damn, 4 months is a pretty long time...well, I'm a patient person, I'll be rewarded in the end for my prolonged suffering lol. You're lucky

  • Anyone on XBL wanna play the 1st borderlands with me? (Lvl 29 berserker)


  • Da'esh aka. ISIS condones rape and sexual slavery

    Because why half-ass being human garbage?

  • Cope tho <3

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Damn, Fallout 4 has some pretty good graphics.

  • edited August 2015

    This is an in-game screenshot? Bloody hell, it looks like real life!

    EDIT: Wait. That's Tianjin in China. I just heard bout the explosion today.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Damn, Fallout 4 has some pretty good graphics.

  • No it's a picture of some place in China after a disaster happened. I just said it was Fallout 4 as a joke.

    This is an in-game screenshot? Bloody hell, it looks like real life! EDIT: Wait. That's Tianjin in China. I just heard bout the explosion today.

  • Realized just after posting. I've never seen an explosion do that much damage.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    No it's a picture of some place in China after a disaster happened. I just said it was Fallout 4 as a joke.

  • Dafuq? Lol.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    No it's a picture of some place in China after a disaster happened. I just said it was Fallout 4 as a joke.

  • That's what happened to Telltale's servers for their website when people flooded on the forums to talk about Kenny returning in Walking Dead: Season 2.

  • Wasn't it Kenny confirmed for Episode 3 taking off?

    That's what happened to Telltale's servers for their website when people flooded on the forums to talk about Kenny returning in Walking Dead: Season 2.

  • In the end, it wasn't nearly as bad as we expected, but we were preparing for the worst.

    I was expecting this song...

    Pendulum - Blood Sugar be etched in our brains during the entire week of the episode launch. However, thankfully hype had just reached the extent it does for a normal episode launch.

  • WHAT

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Da'esh aka. ISIS condones rape and sexual slavery Because why half-ass being human garbage?

  • edited August 2015

    Sometimes I have nightmares of that one gif... :P

    In the end, it wasn't nearly as bad as we expected, but we were preparing for the worst. I was expecting this song... Pendulum - Blood

  • Pretty crazy, huh? Considering that rape is considered one of the most heinous crimes under Islamic law.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • You and me both.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Sometimes I have nightmares of that one gif... :P

  • I've never 'seen' an explosion do that much damage. The Tianjin explosions were caught on camera, so while I've seen the effects of greater explosions. I've never actually seen them.

  • lol I still consider that lucky, I love cold weather, especially when it snows. Winter is probably my favorite season, whereas Summer is my least favorite, because I absolutely hate the heat tbh. Better to have to put on more layers to warm up than to have to take off layers to cool down imo.

    Obviously we should just swap locations lol. Seriously though, so many people where I live hate the winter.. and yet we continue to live where we live haha. I love Summer, because its pretty much the only time around the year where you can just go out in whatever and be totally comfortable. It really doesn't even get all that hot where I am. I never feel like it's too hot.

    We just need to remember that we're not the only ones who aren't completely sure what they're doing exactly lol. For the record, I think we'll be just fine.:]

    I'm sure you're probably right, and hey, if we're not, its just the rest of our lives.. no big deal lol.

    Tinni posted: »

    I'm not sure having an average temperature of 10-15 degrees during the winter is all that lucky <_<. I mean, I guess you kind of get u

  • art motherfucker

    JonGon posted: »

    Cope tho

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