Could the Stranger be ROLAND?

Ok you don't have to agree with me, but I think the stranger is Roland. I know Roland got shot in the heart and stuff, but it could be him.

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  • Are you telling me, that we could all go out for milkshakes?

  • I hope not. Roland got what he deserved and should stay dead.

  • What do you mean by he got what he deserved?

    I hope not. Roland got what he deserved and should stay dead.

  • He led a mass-murdering group of bandits. No.

  • He's the leader of a group of mass murderers and criminals. Just because he opposes Handsome Jack for doing bad things doesn't mean he gets to do bad things either. Him, Lilith (especially Lilith), and Handsome Jack are all bad guys. Not only that, but in regards to Pandora Jack wasn't entirely wrong for the things he wanted to do.

    binchys posted: »

    What do you mean by he got what he deserved?

  • edited August 2015

    Sorry, I don't think it's him.

    Roland's death was very important to the plot and a core factor of the TTAODK DLC. If he comes back, it would screw it all up. Let him rest.

    Also, I am so SICK of this STUPID Jack/Lilith war that has been occurring since TPS. It destroyed Tumblr and Borderlands Confessions, it turned the Gearbox forums into a wasteland of toxic assholes who would use every controversial topic to make an argument and it even ruined TV Tropes. TV FUCKING TROPES, PEOPLE.



  • Long shot but what if the stranger is Bloodwing? The less you think about it, the more sense it makes.

  • Yes he was. Jack never cared about saving the planet. That´s just what he told himself. In reality Jack was and egocentric megalomaniac whose biggest interest wasn´t the planet being saved, it was the planet being saved BY HIM. He did not want a civilized society he wanted a civilized society WORSHIPPING HIM. That why he tried to control his daughters powers against his wifes wishes and why he ended up enslaving Angel. Most of his "heroic" deeds were just measures to guarantee his eventual control over Pandora.

    Jack was evil from the start. He might not have been as insane but he was never really right. People are just too easily manipulated by some half asses moral ambiguity.

    He's the leader of a group of mass murderers and criminals. Just because he opposes Handsome Jack for doing bad things doesn't mean he gets

  • That sounds entirely like something you would hear from Hyperion propaganda. What bad things has Roland done? The only people he's killed are actual bandits. Ones who were trying to kill him. That is about as far away from Handsome Jack as could be considering Jack kills essentially anyone whenever he feels like it, up to and including children. Roland is, and probably will remain until the end of time, one of the nicest, most moral people to ever step foot on Pandora.

    He's the leader of a group of mass murderers and criminals. Just because he opposes Handsome Jack for doing bad things doesn't mean he gets

  • A Pandora that worships Jack would still be preferable to what it is now.

    JackMarco posted: »

    Yes he was. Jack never cared about saving the planet. That´s just what he told himself. In reality Jack was and egocentric megalomaniac whos

  • Yes, those bandits would not be there if he'd let Jack do his thing. Pandora isn't worth fighting for.

    Rock114 posted: »

    That sounds entirely like something you would hear from Hyperion propaganda. What bad things has Roland done? The only people he's killed ar

  • Nobody would be on Pandora because Jack would have wiped it clean of life, Vault Hunters, bandits, and civilians alike. His idea of "Order" was exterminating the entire planet and calling himself a hero for it. That's genocide. There are a lot of bandits on Pandora but there are also plenty of decent people. Like Overlook (With the exception of Dave, of course) and New Haven before Jack burned it to the ground and wiped everyone out.

    Yes, those bandits would not be there if he'd let Jack do his thing. Pandora isn't worth fighting for.

  • Tales from the Borderlands: The Game of Resurrection

  • Soon freak Face Mc Shooty is going to come back, this time demanding his balls be burned.

    Balls Mc Burny.

    Tales from the Borderlands: The Game of Resurrection

  • I don't think so, but at the same time, it wouldn't necessarily surprise me. It would disappoint me, yeah, but not surprise me.

  • No one was angels in Borderlands and none can be considered a bad guy or good guy. They are all morally reprehensible. Roland recruited for the Crimson Raiders by putting guns to people's head and say pick up a gun or get a bullet in the head. Roland was the lesser of the evils because he actually had limits the others didn't.

    That said, I don't think it's Roland. If it is I call BS that Roland can resurrect and Jack couldn't. Jack had the resources, the people, and the tech to do it. Roland didn't.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Sorry, I don't think it's him. Roland's death was very important to the plot and a core factor of the TTAODK DLC. If he comes back, it wo

  • I think wiping it clean of life would still be preferable to leaving it what it is now. Bandits outnumber decent people by far, those few decent people either need to leave or not breed and subject their children to that hell hole. Death is a big risk on Pandora and they know that, if they die that's on them (or their shit parents, if they were born there and had no chance of leaving)

    Rock114 posted: »

    Nobody would be on Pandora because Jack would have wiped it clean of life, Vault Hunters, bandits, and civilians alike. His idea of "Order"

  • The only reason that Jack is worse than Lilith is that he's in a position of power. If Lilith was put in the same position she'd be as bad if not worse. Pandora would be better under Jack, even if everyone on it was dead.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Sorry, I don't think it's him. Roland's death was very important to the plot and a core factor of the TTAODK DLC. If he comes back, it wo

  • You sure about that? His dream is to kill everyone who doesn't like him. Lilith appears to have stopped the cult after the human sacrifices.

    The only reason that Jack is worse than Lilith is that he's in a position of power. If Lilith was put in the same position she'd be as bad if not worse. Pandora would be better under Jack, even if everyone on it was dead.

  • Well, as I have heard before, "Handsome Jack wants to wipe all of the filthy life off this planet and establish order, that would be good except the filthy life like it here and how it is.". I can't remember where I heard that from, an LP maybe? Not the point. The point is that the bandits, like it on Pandora and so does all of the other crazy people, if they don't well...Like Sasha, they'll try to leave. Handsome Jack was fighting a losing battle trying to establish order, and if he killed anyone to achieve a victory...not only did he do mass genocide but also made Pandora into...not Pandora, he pretty much glassed the planet.

    I think wiping it clean of life would still be preferable to leaving it what it is now. Bandits outnumber decent people by far, those few de

  • Roland is dead. Sorry to break it to you.

  • She seemed pretty alright with the sacrifice of Matchstick, which I didn't like doing at all. And for me, killing Jack while unarmed and defeated was a sucky move after killing his daughter. I've always had Lilith do it just because it was the only way to end the game. She seemed to have the same jazzed up attitude over it like Jack had over the Meriff. Both bad signs. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind and what not.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    You sure about that? His dream is to kill everyone who doesn't like him. Lilith appears to have stopped the cult after the human sacrifices.

  • I maintain that both are bad people, but one is still the lesser of both evils.

    And before this gets out of hand, I shall stop here.

    She seemed pretty alright with the sacrifice of Matchstick, which I didn't like doing at all. And for me, killing Jack while unarmed and def

  • I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. In my eyes what Jack attempted was nothing less than genocide, and even leaving that out the other things he did were utterly horrendous, like the slag experimentation or what he did to Angel. I think that Pandora and everywhere else is much better off with Jack six feet under.

    I think wiping it clean of life would still be preferable to leaving it what it is now. Bandits outnumber decent people by far, those few de

  • Jacky Jack ended him right quick. Every time I drink a milkshake I think kf what happened


    Rock114 posted: »

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. In my eyes what Jack attempted was nothing less than genocide, and even leaving that out th

  • Way back during Episode 1, a lot of people thought The Stranger could have been the enigmatic "0ne" character related to Zer0, part of what seems to be a numerical-based group of warriors related to The Vaults.

    It has been established that the monsters lurking in the Vaults seem to be both organic AND mechanical, and there is much speculation that Zer0 might be such a being. This might account for why Zer0 seeks out challenging tasks, eventually leading him to seek out Vaults: He may have a subconscious NEED to track down Vaults, to either use them or protect their secrets.

    If "The Stranger" turns out to be "0ne" or some such being, it would explain why he desires Gortys; he is directly linked to the Vaults and desires to know more about them.

    The idea that he might be someone that Fiona or Rhys knows doesn't seem likely, because it is a short list. Fiona speculating about his mask is misleading; I doubt that it is a mask. It's his FACE.

    ...which would be hysterical, given how during my playthrough, Fiona mentioned that his mask didn't look cool. That'd be all kinds of awkward.

  • Why on earth would you think this?

  • He absolutely did terrible things and is an all around bad person, I just don't feel that killing Pandora and all of its people is a bad thing.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. In my eyes what Jack attempted was nothing less than genocide, and even leaving that out th

  • Brah! You've solved it!

    Chris_Storm posted: »

    Long shot but what if the stranger is Bloodwing? The less you think about it, the more sense it makes.

  • I'm gonna send you down to live on Pandora then. People like Fiona and Sasha can't control where they're born, so would you be alright with it if you were born on Pandora and got blown to hell in the name of eliminating bandits?

    If so, then alright that's your opinion. Whatever.

    He absolutely did terrible things and is an all around bad person, I just don't feel that killing Pandora and all of its people is a bad thing.

  • In episode 3 Fiona ask the stranger about his mask and Fiona said " It hides your identity" and I was thing who is under that mask?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Why on earth would you think this?

  • I just hope Lilith goes crazy and we have to defeat her in BL3 so that I can finish my "Jack and Lil" rhyme.

    "Jack and Lil could not chill and caused a huge disaster, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Lil came tumbling after" Lil can't go 'tumbling after' when she's still alive!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Sorry, I don't think it's him. Roland's death was very important to the plot and a core factor of the TTAODK DLC. If he comes back, it wo

  • Pshh, over my dead body, pumpkin!


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  • I don't like the word genocide, because there wasn't any intent of ethnic or religious cleansing in anything Jack said. He started out wanting to clear the planet of the bandit hordes. Along the lines everyone started looking like bandits.

    As vault hunters I can't honestly say that I killed any less than Jack did. You wipe out entire villages of people. The slag experiments where horrid, but Tannis was more than happy to take the research for her own purposes with no ethical worries. And she had the player kill escapes from one of the labs because she decided they couldn't integrate into society.

    Jack offered Pandora tyrannical rule, the vault hunters offer total anarchy. Neither system good, but total anarchy is the roughest on those who are less able to protect themselves.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. In my eyes what Jack attempted was nothing less than genocide, and even leaving that out th

  • enter image description here

    Pshh, over my dead body, pumpkin! Wait...

  • Well, it's probably not a zombie.


    thebat3000 posted: »

    In episode 3 Fiona ask the stranger about his mask and Fiona said " It hides your identity" and I was thing who is under that mask?

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, I'd be entirely fine with that. It's not Jack's fault that my hypothetical Pandoran parents were cunts that doomed me to a life on that hell hole. It's better in the long run. Those that choose to live there know the risks, those that were born there also know the risks but those risks are ALL they've ever known. Both groups breed and doom their kids to life there so their deaths are for the best.

    mirashade posted: »

    I'm gonna send you down to live on Pandora then. People like Fiona and Sasha can't control where they're born, so would you be alright with

  • Umm Roland was one of the nicest characters in the series everyone in sanctuary including marcus loved him.

    He led a mass-murdering group of bandits. No.

  • Nah it's probably General Knoxx or Dr. Ned

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