Could the Stranger be ROLAND?



  • edited August 2015

    Roland? More like...Noland!

    Am I right guys?



  • Gives you high five cause you earned it

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Roland? More like...Noland! Am I right guys? ... ....guys?

  • I laughed. It was pretty good. Then I got sad. It was pretty depressing.

    Take an upvote for putting me on a rollercoaster of emotion.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Roland? More like...Noland! Am I right guys? ... ....guys?

  • Nice person =/= Good person

    zeke10 posted: »

    Umm Roland was one of the nicest characters in the series everyone in sanctuary including marcus loved him.

  • And Ted Bundy use to volunteer and was a good neighbor...

    Nice person =/= Good person

  • edited August 2015

    Who exactly is winning in your scenario? Innocent women and children certainly aren´t because they are being tortured, slaughtered and subjected to horrific experiments. The rest of the galaxy certainly isn´t because Pandora in it´s current state is as much of a threat to the rest of the galaxy as some remote tribal island is to the USA and who the fuck would wanna move to Pandora run by Jack? Not to mention that Jack only sees Pandora as a prototype for what he´s gonna do to the rest of the galaxy most likely including more civilized planets.

    I wonder why exactly it would be more desirable to turn Pandora into a place run by a fascist dictator who makes Mao and Stalin look like Jesus by executing people for taking more than 10 seconds of a work break and complaining about laws. Is it because it is currently a place filled with death, torture and misery? Well that´s not gonna change when Jack takes over, as a matter of fact if he runs everything there won´t even be a single somewhat safe place on the planet unlike now.

    That´s almost as if the only purpose for planets in the universe is to be transformed into a more desirable habitat for outsiders. Like looking at the middle east, seeing the chaos and then wanting to nuke the entire place and kill everyone eventhough nobody there would actually profit from it, simnply because it doesn´t fall into OUR category of desired place to live, as if we had any claim to the place. As a matter of fact it sounds like a typical american imperialist world view...

    Yes, I'd be entirely fine with that. It's not Jack's fault that my hypothetical Pandoran parents were cunts that doomed me to a life on that

  • edited August 2015


    JackMarco posted: »

    Who exactly is winning in your scenario? Innocent women and children certainly aren´t because they are being tortured, slaughtered and subje

  • He's still considered one of the only "Good guys" on pandora. @WhistlerDarkly are you really comparing him to a serial killer? Roland tried his best to protect the innocent people of pandora he even broke up with Lilith to focus 100% on leading the raiders

    Nice person =/= Good person

  • So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy were you when you signed up for the forums and found out your name was available? :D

    Pshh, over my dead body, pumpkin! Wait...

  • I'm referring how being nice does not equal being a good person. And...Roland isn't real, he and Jack, and Lilith didn't kill anyone. They..they aren't real nor are their actions. When I question who is and isn't moral I am talking about the choices the writers made in writing a character.

    zeke10 posted: »

    He's still considered one of the only "Good guys" on pandora. @WhistlerDarkly are you really comparing him to a serial killer? Roland tried

  • roland is real. we got milkshakes last week

    I'm referring how being nice does not equal being a good person. And...Roland isn't real, he and Jack, and Lilith didn't kill anyone. They..

  • i thought it was written Royland, i was like, wtf???

  • Pandora wins in my scenario. People there breed and subject their kids to that hell hole then they do the same and it goes on and on. Pandora has vaults, it's more than remote island tribe type of thing, it's an unstable terrorists with nuclear weapons type of thing. Things would be better under Jack, a dictatorship is preferable to pure anarchy (compare Iraq pre and post Saddam). Plus, Jack will eventually die one way or another, 70 years of oppression and death is better than an eternity of misery, turmoil, violence, anarachy, oppression, and death like what's happening now.

    "Typical American imperialist"? Really? That is fucking stupid. Judging by that and your comparison of Jack to Stalin and Mao I'm going to assume (correctly) that your opinions aren't well thought out. On a side note, imperialism gets shit done.

    Planets DO exist for outsiders to improve, same with land here on earth.

    JackMarco posted: »

    Who exactly is winning in your scenario? Innocent women and children certainly aren´t because they are being tortured, slaughtered and subje

  • The funny thing was that it was just the name I chose for my Telltale account so I could purchase the episode from their store - I never actually intended to use it in the forums but then when I discovered how awesome you guys all were I decided I'd start posting and realised I had to use the same name. It was quite serendipitous!

    I do worry that I don't live up to my namesake, though... People say I'm too nice (I'm really not, though)!

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy were you when you signed up for the forums and found out your name was available?

  • You've earned it!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Roland? More like...Noland! Am I right guys? ... ....guys?

  • Me too.

    I have a punching bag for anger management. A PUNCHING BAG. Most people just take deep breaths or something. It does not work for me.

    The funny thing was that it was just the name I chose for my Telltale account so I could purchase the episode from their store - I never act

  • I know Roland got shot in the heart and stuff, but it could be him.

    This is my favorite thread.

  • If Kenny can survive... maybe Roland can get lucky.


    Someone photoshop Kenny's beard onto Roland.

    Piggs posted: »

    I know Roland got shot in the heart and stuff, but it could be him. This is my favorite thread.

  • What if it was Angel? I know she, like, died and stuff. But still.

  • Nice arm/shoulder joint, Jack.

    Still hot, tho.

    Pshh, over my dead body, pumpkin! Wait...

  • "Hey, I know this guy is dead and all, but what if, man?"

  • Ugh, I never noticed that before - somehow it's even more disturbing than the face.

    But, like, handsomely disturbing...

    Nice arm/shoulder joint, Jack. Still hot, tho.

  • Guys what if the Stranger is us?

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