Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Good good give in to the dark side an watch the trailer I would post a star wars meme but I'm on phone

    I think I'm gonna give in.

  • Yeah, I'm too weak, I couldn't even resist watching the trailer for Dark Room .__.

    enter image description here

    I think I'm gonna give in.

  • I'm sorry that you had a crappy day, hopefully we can cheer you up a bit <3

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    buntingsir posted: »

    My Internet connection is still so bad and I had such a crappy day, I'll just start partying in advance.

  • Hugs are always appreciated.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Seems everyone's internet is bad atm Sorry to hear you're having a bad day also Will a hug cheer you up?

  • I don't really watch the LiS trailers, I'm a lot less hyped for LiS than any TT game.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah, I'm too weak, I couldn't even resist watching the trailer for Dark Room .__.

  • edited August 2015

    "Happy anniversary!"

    She just raises an eyebrow at him in confusion. She's fairly sure it isn't her birthday -- January was a while back -- and it's definitely not his either. So she stares instead, waiting for him to go on and explain himself.

    He's taken aback, she can tell, and it makes her slightly nervous that she might've forgotten an important date. The guilt twisting in her gut makes her slightly uneasy but she steels herself to appear as nonchalant as ever.

    "You... don't remember?"

    "What don't I remember?"

    Rhys sounds disappointed and perhaps a bit surprised and her harsh tone makes him wince visibly. She doesn't mean it that way but she's freaking out by now and she doesn't really know how to cover it up any other way.

    "Today," he looks down shyly, his enthusiastic demeanour already gone, "is our anniversary..."

    Fiona blinks and opens her mouth slightly before closing it again. It's evident that she doesn't quite get it, probably, because he continues without her asking.

    "It's August. The seventeenth..."

    It doesn't help her case at all.

    "Uh, Rhys?" She rubs her temple with one hand. "How is that our anniversary?"

    "How is it not?!" He seems offended. "It's been five months!"

    It's endearing in a silly sort of way, she has to admit. His cheeks are red with embarrassment (maybe humiliation, but she'd hope not) and he's pouting like a child -- it's a habit by now but one she hopes he never loses -- but he's so genuine in his words that she can't help but get reminded of why exactly she's with him in the first place.

    "Come on," she pokes his arm with a sharp nail, not hard enough to hurt but enough to snap him out of his self-pity, "who celebrates five months? You can't blame me for this."

    "I do." He spares her a quick glance before looking down at the ground again. "Just like I celebrated two, three and four before this."

    "Yeah," she gets on her tip toes and ruffles his hair, earning a yelp -- she knows that one always works, "and I told you most people don't do that."

    "Maybe I'm not most people?"

    Her heels click when they hit the ground again and she grabs his arms for balance. He doesn't pull away and she knows he's not really that offended -- this is probably another one of their games at this point -- so she raises an eyebrow at him playfully.

    "I'm aware of that by now. No one else has a sock collection like yours."

    "Rude." He rolls his eyes. "But seriously, I was planning on going somewhere. Whatever you want."

    "Are you seriously going to do this every month?"

    She's still playful but he's completely serious when he nods his head.


    She doesn't care about dates -- time doesn't need to be counted to be meaningful in any way -- but the care he's putting into them makes her appreciate his dedication. He's still looking at her, waiting for something she's not sure about until he opens his arms and she leans into the embrace slowly.


    He hums, letting her know he can her hear despite her words being muffled by her face pressed against his neck.


    She feels him smile against her hair and she decides she'd probably rather just stay there for the day even if he insists -- and she knows he will.

    There's always next month.

    Just a story that's relevant to the date. :P I wrote this when I was somewhat uninspired so oopsy it's shorter than usual.

    Forgive any typos. ;-;

  • I was super hyped but I watched it anyways...I don't know if I'll be able to resist this one for tftb...

    I don't really watch the LiS trailers, I'm a lot less hyped for LiS than any TT game.

  • This is so amazing, Wolf. <3

    I love it :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Happy anniversary!" She just raises an eyebrow at him in confusion. She's fairly sure it isn't her birthday -- January was a while back

  • You guys always manage to do that, thank you. <3

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'm sorry that you had a crappy day, hopefully we can cheer you up a bit

  • edited August 2015

    Thank you. <3 I wanted to actually make it relevant instead of just a random story to be different from usual.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    This is so amazing, Wolf. I love it

  • Yeah, it's actually a really nice idea :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you. I wanted to actually make it relevant instead of just a random story to be different from usual.

  • enter image description here

    This is so sweet, amazing and cute. Thank you for this, Wolfie.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Happy anniversary!" She just raises an eyebrow at him in confusion. She's fairly sure it isn't her birthday -- January was a while back

  • Thank you so much. <3 I'm glad you liked it!

    buntingsir posted: »

    This is so sweet, amazing and cute. Thank you for this, Wolfie.

  • Ugh, internet connection sucks.

    Why do I have to be unlucky?! ;-;

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    buntingsir posted: »

    Hugs are always appreciated.

  • Good morning, children.

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    As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a speech. So, let's get started then, stats first shall we? We shall.

    -158 members (23 new members since last month, still growing ^-^)

    -300+ more pages since last month (we ended last month on page 375)



    -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)69( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    -5 dank months with each other <33333


    ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ Now, now ladies and gentlemen, it is time, FOR THE RHYIONA MEMBER OF THE MONTH ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

    Sooooo, as you all know last months glorious member was the wonderful @tessie0713 , but before I talk about this months, I have to say once again, don't get said if you didn't get picked. There's always more months, and it's just to showcase the people who have put a ton of work into this ship in there time here, it's not a popularity contest, it's a showing of who's put in work and who should be congratulated on that for the month, so without further ado.......

    This month's Rhyiona member of the month, is @kristi78968

    I'm sure all of you know the wonderful Kristi, the glorious president, and have seen all the work she does in the thread to keep this place awesome and positive as always. You are without a doubt one of the best members here (even though I <3 you all equally). Keep it up and we all hope to have you here for many more months to come! ^-^

    So with that out of the way now, it's time for the main part of the speech. Let's do this kiddos

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    I'm feeling cheesy and mushy inside right now so this is the perfect time to talk about you guys. Thanks so much for all the amazing things you guys do for the thread. It wows me everytime I think about how people actually take time from their lives to try and provide us with the awesome fan fictions to read, to the amazing art all of you post (seriously, I'd kill to have the art abilities you artists have). Hopefully even though school is starting for many of you around this time we can all find time to provide these things for the thread, since this is the stuff that has basically kept our thread alive for months since Telltale hasn't implemented much Rhyiona into the game yet :/

    But guys, episode 4 is coming tomorrow, and I'm sure Telltale has SOMETHING planned for us...

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    It's time for the REAL main part of the speech now

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    By the way kiddos, I know some of you are watching without an account, or have an account but aren't saying anything. I'M JUST SAYIN, BUT MAYBE, YOU SHOULD COME OUT AND SAY HI OR JOIN US OR SOMETHING, you really aint getting any younger, and neither are we, so show yourself you dirty lurker. And become a glorious Rhyiona today.

    So, going into episode 4, I don't really know what Telltale has planned for us, or how the future really looks for us, we can go from one of the best days on this thread (today) to one of the biggest tragedies this thread has ever seen (no Rhyiona in tomorrows episode) so let's all hope Telltale has seen us make our voices heard, and will provide us with the Rhyiona we need. Because I might just not be able to handle it this time if Telltale provides for Rhysha and not us ;~;

    Well then, I think that about covers it all for now, I think I said everything I needed to so let's continue on. TO ANOTHER MONTH OF RHYIONA! (Next month will be our half a year mark, can you believe that?)


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  • This has made my day man :'D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Happy anniversary!" She just raises an eyebrow at him in confusion. She's fairly sure it isn't her birthday -- January was a while back

  • This is so emotional, like really.

    enter image description here

    Amazing speech, father. Now let's hope Rhyiona finally happens in the glorious episode 4 <3!

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    Green613 posted: »

    Good morning, children. As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a spe

  • I'll try to stay here as long as I can. But when I have to go back to school, I won't be able to hang out here for long.

    BTW, nice speech, Green. :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Good morning, children. As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a spe

  • Thank you buddy, I'm really glad. <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This has made my day man :'D

  • Yeah whatever happens rhyiona or not it has been one hell of a ride and I'm am glad to be apart of it

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    This is so emotional, like really. Amazing speech, father. Now let's hope Rhyiona finally happens in the glorious episode 4 !

  • enter image description here

    This was goddamn amazing.


    We're not done and we're here to stay!

    Thank you all for everything. <3 And for the wonderful five months we've had together!

    Green613 posted: »

    Good morning, children. As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a spe

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, and we've all become friends here <3

    Yeah whatever happens rhyiona or not it has been one hell of a ride and I'm am glad to be apart of it

  • enter image description here

    To more Rhyiona awesomeness in the next months.

    Green613 posted: »

    Good morning, children. As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a spe

  • edited August 2015

    If only I could find a picture saying "Keep calm and ship Rhyiona" on google ;-;

  • This is amazing. Really glad to apart of a community that can be seen as almost a second family, I hope I'm not too late to the festivities, I read both of the inspiring speeches just now!

  • I am proud to be a part of this thread! And I raise my glass to the many months to come! XD

    Praise Rhyiona! For it is both Love, and Life.

    Green613 posted: »

    Good morning, children. As we all know and understand, that as a month ends, a new month begins, and with every beginning comes a spe

  • I'm sure one of the many fanartists here could make one

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    If only I could find a picture saying "Keep calm and ship Rhyiona" on google ;-;

  • It's never too late :)

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    This is amazing. Really glad to apart of a community that can be seen as almost a second family, I hope I'm not too late to the festivities, I read both of the inspiring speeches just now!

  • Yeah.

    It would be awesome if someone makes one. :)

    I'm sure one of the many fanartists here could make one

  • I would make one but I gotta go sleep soon it's actually almost Tuesday here in Australia

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah. It would be awesome if someone makes one.

  • edited August 2015

    this was pretty quickly done, I can change it if you want to :)

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    If only I could find a picture saying "Keep calm and ship Rhyiona" on google ;-;

  • Oh. Okay.

    Well, sweet Rhyiona dreams XD

    I would make one but I gotta go sleep soon it's actually almost Tuesday here in Australia

  • My internet just keeps crashing :'( Hopefully it gets fixed later...

    Anyway, thank you guys for all the nice comments! I really appreciate them. <3

    Oh and stay awesome Rhyionas! :D

  • You're just in time!

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    This is amazing. Really glad to apart of a community that can be seen as almost a second family, I hope I'm not too late to the festivities, I read both of the inspiring speeches just now!

  • OMG IT'S AWESOME! <333333

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    this was pretty quickly done, I can change it if you want to

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