Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited August 2015

    I say put the other 2 images back.

    They can't take away what we wanted in this thread... We want Rhyiona here, it is CONFIRMED here!

    Green613 posted: »


  • Fire Emblem Fates, which in retail is split into 2 versions (similar to poekmon).

    There's Birthright:


    And Conquest:


    It's only out in Japan, at the moment, but it'll be released in other territories next year. The impressions that I've read are pretty positive.

    sqvurl posted: »

    What's Fates? Is it good?

  • Fire Emblem Fates. It WILL be good. it's not even out in the US yet, though.

    sqvurl posted: »

    What's Fates? Is it good?

  • Alright, uh... how?

    udc24 posted: »

    Coming from the person who called Fiona "difficult to stomach" this sentiment means next to nothing.

  • edited August 2015

    That's the thing -- I love the plot. I really, genuinely do. But why would I have to stomach interactions that I don't want to be a part of and are unavoidable in order to get the gist of the story?

    For that, I can just watch on youtube, I don't need to go through this myself.

    I can drop the game and not the story -- I haven't played the original series myself but I've watched on youtube and I can still get the story. This way I don't have to got through what, to me, is highly irritating.

    And hey, true, but I genuinely don't want her to die. It's not her fault.

    I really don't care for those who get all butt hurt and depressed when their ship doesn't seem to becoming canon (almost as much as those wh

  • For 5 months we believed this! So why are you giving up now! It's exactly the moment we need you Green. "Don't let your dreams be dreams" I won't let my Rhyiona dreams be dreams, even if you quit we will stay!

    Green613 posted: »


  • My point is based on your posting history you seem more partial to Rhysha. So with you getting what you wanted it seems kind of hollow for you to call us out for being mad. I wonder how you'd be acting if the shoe was on the other foot...

    Piggs posted: »

    Alright, uh... how?

  • YEAH.

    i feel stupidly naïve, i feel like i've been laughed at for thinking that my passion for something would matter and my voice would be heard. it's kind of humiliating and i am very angry. some might find this overreacting but i don't care, this actually matters to me, i've talked a lot of times about how emotionally invested i am in this game and i didn't choose that, feelings just happen. i didn't even ask for rhyiona, i just asked to not force ships and that's it. that would have made me happy :( i will still play the game and finish it and love it but this totally killed the hype for me and that special thing that could have been. i won't even record my reaction anymore, i'm not in the mood. and i still feel like it's my fault, like i've been delusional and a fool or whatever for actually believing they would listen to us. ;;

    i'm crying out of frustration right now, i guess that's what they wanted. x)

  • As I'm still in disappointment, I will try and say a few words.

    This thread. Is a Heaven to us all.

    Because this thread is owned by US, not by TellTale. Yeah they own the forum, and yeah they can delete the thread if they want to, but we'll make another, and another, and another if need fucking be!

    This thread is a place where Rhyiona did happen and Rhysha was the ship that never set sail from it's lonely port. We are a family here! We own this place, and we should be outright fucking PROUD to own this beautiful place!!!

    We will continue to post the fanfics, and the fanarts, and the headcannons, and the AU's.

    We WILL continue to bond like we always have!

    And we will NOT give in to the Master's whip.... For that whip cannot hurt us here.

    TTG, you made a poor choice, but we will carry on.... To the bitter end!

  • You know if it lightens the mood a bit, we do get a lot of cute Gortys moments.

    She practically became my security blanket this episode <3 her interactions with Fiona are just precious.

    There is a moment Rhys tells them both to "hang on tight" and she just clings to Fiona, "Well he said to hang on tight!" and I just melted OwO such a lovable little dork~

  • It's very, very humiliating. We don't matter at all.

    i guess that's what they wanted.

    Ridiculously so. This isn't TWD or GoT which are supposed to make people sad.

    rhonu posted: »

    YEAH. i feel stupidly naïve, i feel like i've been laughed at for thinking that my passion for something would matter and my voice would

  • green, i understand that you are upset-- i am too. you never let us down. i think we need to stay together now more than ever. :(

    Green613 posted: »


  • You haven't been listening.... that IS what we're annoyed about.

    We are annoyed that a SHIP in a TELLTALE game has no choices, it is there whether you like it or not. And hey, I love the Blands series, I've spent so much money on merchandise and special edition hoozits that even I'm ashamed. I know as well as you that blands and kissy faces DO NOT WORK. But hey, this is a TT game, this is choices and the lack thereof. If a CHOICE BASED GAME gave me some of dem dere choices, I'd be happy as a pig in muck. As it is I'm getting second hand embarrassment for fictional characters with no clear escape plan.

    So in reply, no, we are not that immature

    At this point, I would just like the Rhysha to be avoidable, instead of revolving around the plot as it is. The flower scene? Story'd in there (I know that isn't a word but I'm tired). Instead, make it like Dragon Age, where you can seek out a companion for some heart eyes.

    I really don't care for those who get all butt hurt and depressed when their ship doesn't seem to becoming canon (almost as much as those wh

  • Gortys is the one thing none of this can take away from us. Precious baby.

    xValkyx posted: »

    You know if it lightens the mood a bit, we do get a lot of cute Gortys moments. She practically became my security blanket this episode


    xValkyx posted: »

    You know if it lightens the mood a bit, we do get a lot of cute Gortys moments. She practically became my security blanket this episode

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited August 2015

    I'm sorry but I had too...
    enter image description here
    °Degree° liked it to enter image description here
    I will always remember them Coke N' °Degree°

  • edited August 2015

    Listen, I've stated time and time again that I don't care about shipping very much at all. The wonderful writers at Telltale can tell whatever story they want to, and I'll enjoy it for what it is.

    It's a nightmare trying to politely state my opinion on this forum sometimes. Honestly. I'm just going to step out and let the smoke die down, tempers are waaaay too high.

    udc24 posted: »

    My point is based on your posting history you seem more partial to Rhysha. So with you getting what you wanted it seems kind of hollow for you to call us out for being mad. I wonder how you'd be acting if the shoe was on the other foot...

  • you know, i wouldn't think that if telltale staff didn't check this thread. but they do, and they knew this was important to us, and i guess they went "naaaah".

    THAT makes me upset.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's very, very humiliating. We don't matter at all. i guess that's what they wanted. Ridiculously so. This isn't TWD or GoT which are supposed to make people sad.

  • You should get Conquest, though. That image is from Birthright and it's way sadder.

    (Plus the Nohr siblings are cooler...)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Fire Emblem Fates, which in retail is split into 2 versions (similar to poekmon). There's Birthright: And Conquest: It's on

  • YES.

    Exactly that!

    We've seen them post here. They check the forums, how can they miss this thread always being on the first page? They can't. They chose to ignore us in something that is not plot relevant and thus could be a choice without much trouble. Just some dialogue changes and we'd all be fine and dandy. But they didn't because they don't care. We don't matter. THAT'S why I'm salty.

    rhonu posted: »

    you know, i wouldn't think that if telltale staff didn't check this thread. but they do, and they knew this was important to us, and i guess they went "naaaah". THAT makes me upset.

  • Sometimes Shia is right
    enter image description here

  • It's 6 am and i finally go into bed.

    Just stay strong guys.

    We'll handle it. We are one big family.

    Make Rhyiona come true.

    enter link description here

  • Same idea same time

    Vernaya posted: »

    It's 6 am and i finally go into bed. Just stay strong guys. We'll handle it. We are one big family. Make Rhyiona come true. enter link description here

  • telltale has killed the dream i dreamed

    Eryka posted: »

    Sometimes Shia is right

  • I'm still not sure which physical version I'll buy. I'll buy the other 2 paths as DLC.

    udc24 posted: »

    You should get Conquest, though. That image is from Birthright and it's way sadder. (Plus the Nohr siblings are cooler...)

  • i like how we're sad because this is obviously important to us but we can't even be sad because that's "immature" and "overreacting".

    okay. i guess i won't care about anything ever again. :)

  • They'll take her away from us, you'll see. ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Gortys is the one thing none of this can take away from us. Precious baby.

  • In time gone by!!!!!

    ... Sorry :(

    Be strong Aurora, you still have this thread, the world you helped create.

    rhonu posted: »

    telltale has killed the dream i dreamed

  • Don't say that... We still have our world where Rhyiona is confirmed

    rhonu posted: »

    telltale has killed the dream i dreamed

  • Yeah because the Rhyiona thread can't have anything, afterall.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    They'll take her away from us, you'll see. ;-;

  • i really didn't want that post i did to be a true feeling. now it is. :(((

    i'll feel better, but now i guess i have to be sad for a while.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    In time gone by!!!!! ... Sorry Be strong Aurora, you still have this thread, the world you helped create.

  • edited August 2015

    Tries to avoid @ABigBadWolf 's ferocious teeth. So... What happened...?

  • We can't even have Gortys. That's how much they love trolling us.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah because the Rhyiona thread can't have anything, afterall.

  • It must be so fun living without caring about anything. I should try it out sometime. I think I'm too nice.

    rhonu posted: »

    i like how we're sad because this is obviously important to us but we can't even be sad because that's "immature" and "overreacting". okay. i guess i won't care about anything ever again.

  • Normally I'm a sweet puppy but today... oh boy.

  • I'm gonna spoil tag the comment, since I have no idea what's about to happen.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Normally I'm a sweet puppy but today... oh boy.

  • We have to stay strong and not allow those bitchahos from Rhysha thread be happy about all this situation in our family right now.

  • Hugs

    Chin up, we're still here, and so is the Rhyiona love :)

    rhonu posted: »

    i really didn't want that post i did to be a true feeling. now it is. (( i'll feel better, but now i guess i have to be sad for a while.

  • Hey! Wow. People just ENJOY offending us today :/

    spacebomb posted: »

    We have to stay strong and not allow those bitchahos from Rhysha thread be happy about all this situation in our family right now.

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