Can Yvette be trusted?

I think there's more going on here than we know to this point. Episode 4 will shed some light on the subject, but right now I'm on the fence about Yvette. She could be honestly trying to help Rhys and Vaugh, or maybe saving her own skin by ratting them out to Vasquez and whoever else isn't in the picture yet. Maybe she was coerced into pretending to help them while she was being used by Vasquez or someone else who had leverage on her. She did mention that she can still track them, so it will be interseting to see how it plays out. What do you think?



  • edited August 2015

    I don't trust her. Since the beginning I've been sort of "Hm ye, she seems like she'd ditch us if something better came along". Vasquez did say they were aware of what she had done/was doing for them and yet she's still 'safe' (images suggest she's in episode 4)? Someone like that would be taken care of unless they're using her.

  • edited August 2015

    Ya I think your right, a bargain reached perhaps?. Nothing has happened to her even though Vasquez (rip, he was funny af) probably knew the connection, hence his car ride down to them in ep 2. Maybe she hoped for the best when she had a gun pointed to her head, which is probably the most likely scenario, how else would Vasquez find out. She may have or is bait.

    Miny77 posted: »

    I don't trust her. Since the beginning I've been sort of "Hm ye, she seems like she'd ditch us if something better came along". Vasquez did

  • Well, I'm on the fence. She does track your location for Loader Bot, but can't stop Vasquez, who outranks her, from coming down to try and murder MegaCorp Bros again.

    Then again, she might have been bribed with a free sandwich or something.

  • Hahaha ya she was pretty persistent on that lunch. Can't overlook that

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, I'm on the fence. She does track your location for Loader Bot, but can't stop Vasquez, who outranks her, from coming down to try and murder MegaCorp Bros again. Then again, she might have been bribed with a free sandwich or something.

  • She would sell us out for a free lunch...

  • To be honest, we have zero reason to trust her since we know nothing about her.

    At this moment she's just a lunch lady..

  • Like some other people, I'm on the fence about her loyalty. She hasn't really given me a reason not to trust her yet, and like Vaughn she apparently played a big role in helping Rhys when it came to his promotion, but yet we know nothing about her, and like Rhys can say in the first episode, people are more than happy to use you as a rug if it could help themselves in anyway.

  • She hasnt really given us a reason not to trust her.

  • Yeah... I don't trust her much at the moment. I keep thinking of how Felix betrayed Fiona and Sahsa, which makes me think that Yvette will end up betraying Rhys and Vaughn. Felix betrayed with good intentions, though, but I have a feeling Yvette has been feeding info to Vasquez and others. I'm interested to see what happens!

  • Is it just me or does it feel like TTG wants us not to trust Yvette?

  • i dont trust her. she was doing some shady things.. i may be wrong, but i got a bad feeling..

  • what? Making Rhys pay for her lunch? Yup, pretty shady.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i dont trust her. she was doing some shady things.. i may be wrong, but i got a bad feeling..

  • can you explain how on earth did vasquez so bluntly show up in the middle of the desert as soon as yvette hung up with rhys? plus she keeps looking worried like someone is watching her. plus thats how i ''FELT'' i''m not forcing that on YOU. what? Making Rhys pay for her lunch? Yup, pretty shady.

  • Well, lunch buying is office business as usual. Offices can be as bad about lunch room cliques as high school. I still say you can't totally trust her just for the fact that she is higher up on the Hyperion pecking order. Hyperion is cut throat all the way. You have to step on people if you are going to reach the top. I've worked in a high powered law office, and just being a file clerk required a course in *The Art of War *to keep from getting run over. People where always looking for a weakness to exploit so they could one up someone.

    Yvette doesn't strike me as the kind that can be happy in file room keeping your head down and out of the way of fire.

  • I get that vibe too hmmm

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Is it just me or does it feel like TTG wants us not to trust Yvette?

  • I'm more worried that Vallory might kill her. I trust Yvette. She helped Rhys and Vaughn every chance she could and was honest about how she was being monitored.

  • There's more to the story than the lines she has spoken, remember, she works for Hyperion, a place where anyone will step on your throat to get what they want what? Making Rhys pay for her lunch? Yup, pretty shady.

  • Is it bad that I spent the first few minutes of our conversation going, "oh hey, she's just playing along because she can't reveal anything in front of the guards - it's all good, she'll compliment my Vasquez impression and I'll make a crack about her being a little too convincing --- oh, wait, she totally screwed me over..."

  • Please mods change my username, I dont wanna be her lunch anymore!!
    Why yvette.....why!??

  • ForTheLunch


  • I'm hungry.


  • As far as the dialogue says. Behind the scenes, maybe a gun at her head. Maybe not. It was suspicious that right after Rhys spoke with Yvette, Vasquez showed up though

    I'm more worried that Vallory might kill her. I trust Yvette. She helped Rhys and Vaughn every chance she could and was honest about how she was being monitored.

  • what I think? WHAT I THINK? I think I'm totally gonna kill yvette! it's gonna be the first thing I do with my new power, and hell, she will wish that never heard of hyperion! she will wish that she never met rhys! she will wish for death, but no, it's not gonna be that easy for her. she's gonna pay. she will lose everything she loves, piece by piece, just as her body is going to go piece by piece. and when she's overwhelmed with pain, when there are no other feelings than agonie and regret, when she is nothing more than a bloody piece of flesh that lost it's identity...then she maybe gets my permission to die

  • I'm heavily suspecting co-workers get murdered on a daily basis.

    Well, lunch buying is office business as usual. Offices can be as bad about lunch room cliques as high school. I still say you can't totally

  • That definitely sounds like something Jack(Rhys?) would do.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Or you could simply go for the more frightening option.

  • If there's one time in which I agree with Jack, it was when he told Ehys that he should have killed Yvette, he really should've, as the saying goes "the enemy you spare today is gonna be the one who'll kill you tomorrow"

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Or you could simply go for the more frightening option.

  • I like that one. I'll do that

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Or you could simply go for the more frightening option.

  • edited August 2015

    After a bit of sussing out info about her involvement in the deal with Vasquez and her reaction when I revealed Rhys's identity to Yvette before hitting her with the stun baton, I say that lunch leech doesn't deserve to be trusted.

  • Remember: Yvette never worked on Helios. Yvette was not your coworker. Nobody called Yvette worked on Helios. Who is this Yvette you're looking for, anyway?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I like that one. I'll do that

  • Yeah I was in the same mind perspective, I couldn't just remember that we didn't have a single chance to tell her of our disguise.

    Is it bad that I spent the first few minutes of our conversation going, "oh hey, she's just playing along because she can't reveal anything

  • I ain't paying for you anymore, damn sure about it.

  • I thought the same, totally played her until Dumpy shocked her ass.

    Is it bad that I spent the first few minutes of our conversation going, "oh hey, she's just playing along because she can't reveal anything

  • Come on Rhysha, its surprise spaghetti night.

    I ain't paying for you anymore, damn sure about it.


  • No not at all, she betrayed us and for that you get the Stun baton Yvette.

  • Called it! I would be such a good Hyperion executive. She was out for herself from day one.

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