Did you enjoy playing as ???????
Did you enjoy playing as Vasquez this episode? I loved it, personally. We should play as him every episode just on account on how awesome that guy is.
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Did you enjoy playing as Vasquez this episode? I loved it, personally. We should play as him every episode just on account on how awesome that guy is.
I tried to be as much of a dick as possible during the conversation scenes. Was pretty fun! Especially during the gunfight.
Totally! In some way i really liked this douche and it was so funny to play as him and act like an asshole without any consequentions!
Oh yeah, I was a dick to everyone. It was fun.
"What were you doing down there on Pandora?"
"I'll tell you what I was doing. Your mom!"
"My mom's dead."
Best conversation of the whole episode.
"Sup ladies, what have you been doing, talking about boys?"
Turns out he's gay
Vasquez' dialogue options were awesome and I enjoyed every single one of them.
It was awesome.
Nope, the dude's brother is gay.
Plot Twist!
Your avatar is awesome! HOT DOG MAN!
Oh I thought he was the captain's brother.
Hot dog
Hell yes!
Really great, but I wish I could have also said "oh, then it was his mother! (pointing his finger to the other soldier) Sorry guys, I've got so many of them around me that I forget who's who.
My mistake then
Anyhow it was still funny
Shame Vasquez is as good as dead, i really wanted to enjoy him a little more
Yeah, i really love his voice (not creepy at all), i'd like to see some more of him
I thought it was really fun and funny, the finger gun part was so random and hilarious and when Rhys's voice changer broke he did a impression of Vasquez which was basically the same as when Troy Baker was doing his impression of Patrick Warburton during Greg Miller's episode 2 stream :P
Y'know I wonder if the parts where Rhys couldn't use the voice modulator were acted by Troy Baker trying to imitate Jackson or by Jackson himself.
Jackson? Who's Jackson? Hugo's voice actor is Patrick Warburton
And i think it was acted by Patrick himself
Confused him with the Stranger's voice actor. I am shame...
Max FTW.
Don't worry about it, i don't know 70% of the voice actors
Yes! As soon he started pretending to be Vasquez I just knew they were going to do that! XD
I enjoyed playing as "Vasquez" far more than I thought I would. Favorite part of the episode for me.
Towards the end of the episode, his impression was actually kinda decent in some ways.
I knew I should have picked that, why didn't I?
It was fun, but the best part was the shootout scene. Man, Vasquez carries an insane amount of imaginary guns.
I liked it, I wish Rhys was Rhys more when he didnt need to be Vasquez
Yeah, totally. I loved having that brief moment of being able to play as a sardonic asshole without actually doing so in a way that had negative consequences on the story since everyone else at Hyperion was already desensitized to that kind of interaction with people.
3 words. Finger pistol fight!
Yep. It was goddamn amazing. Plus that part when your voice modulator finally gave up and we had to deal with it. That's especially cool since I think it really was Troy talking cause he's done that once (that's not to mention he's a talanted voice actor so).
After the modulator broke, it really did sound like Baker doing an imitation (if so he was doing a pretty good job!)
Yeah I was hoping he'd actually get some new clothes too. Even if it was just a subtle change.
Troy's impersonation of Warburton was hilarious.
Indeed, it's very hard for me to tell the difference, but there is something a little different, it might be either Patrick forcing his voice in a weird tone or Troy trying to imitate him
I loved the "Tweedledicks" moment, and the finger pistol fight had me laughing the whole way through.
I got to make a "Your Mom" joke so yes, I enjoyed it. Of course that made it awkward as Hell when he said she was dead...
I did enjoy my moments while playing as a Wallet Head.