Episode 4 Thoughts? (Spoilers)

I thought this episode was pretty good especially the choice at the end which because I had been friendly with Jack the whole game I decided to rule Hyperion which is what I was trying to do from the start. It also had some balls by killing off Scooter (or at least it seemed to do). I just want to know what happens if you outright reject Jack through the whole game but at the end you also choose to rule Hyperion? Anyways what does everyone else think?



  • very dissapointing episode for me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    it just didn't give me the laughs previous episodes did, and the only memorable thing was rhys' qte shootout

  • True, but I guess maybe since things are getting more tense there won't be as much humour? Kinda like near the ends of both Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel not much humour but very dramatic.

    very dissapointing episode for me ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it just didn't give me the laughs previous episodes did, and the only memorable thing was rhys' qte shootout

  • I like it. Really, really like it. The third one was medicore and I was sceptical about the fourth but... "Escape Plan Bravo" is awesome. Music, intro, humor, new costumes, playing as Hugo, Gortys is funnier, Hyperion base is well done, the feels, tour, Buttstallion, shootout, last decision. Episode as good as the first one. Good job Telltale.

    Who disagrees with me is an ass, of course.

  • edited August 2015

    It was good. But it seemed a little rushed and more "straight to the point" than previous episodes. Scooter's death was unnecessary and extremely cliche. Yvette being a traitor seemed unnecessary and unimportant since Vasquez is dead. The fake gunfight with Rhys and the Hyperion guys was really great, though.

  • I kinda liked the whole episode, it was a little short but I guess it was a build-up for the finale.. But dude... Scooter... Just wow.. He was my favorite Borderlands character, like in the whole Borderlands universe.. Just wow, Telltale.. FUCKING WOW!

  • I agree with you about Yvette backstabbing Rhys, but luckily she wasn't featured in the episode too much but might be in Ep.5.

    It was good. But it seemed a little rushed and more "straight to the point" than previous episodes. Scooter's death was unnecessary and extr

  • Yeah, there really was no reason to kill Scooter other than to have a emotional reaction which means we won't have him in BL3 :(

  • Yeah. But I wonder if Yvette is working for Vallory too? Otherwise, she might end up like Vasquez...

    I agree with you about Yvette backstabbing Rhys, but luckily she wasn't featured in the episode too much but might be in Ep.5.

  • Honestly, Meh. Don't get me wrong I loved it but it felt rushed, like you get the rocket, the sacrifice, the betrayal, the gunfight, and the final choice. Barely any Stranger, barely any choices, and barely any of the feeling that anything got accomplished, and no next time since it's the penultimate. Kinda disappointed but overall great and looking forward to episode 5.

  • edited August 2015

    The best episode so far. . I need final episode right now.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I like it. Really, really like it. The third one was medicore and I was sceptical about the fourth but... "Escape Plan Bravo" is awesome. Mu

  • You can see from where Telltale had inspiration @Kenny_Is_Love . BTW breat episode.

    enter image description here

  • True, but it's probably saving the Stranger moments for Episode 5

  • It'll hopefully come out in October or maybe even September seeing how it didn't take as long for Ep. 4

    The best episode so far. . I need final episode right now.

  • edited August 2015

    Cliche story. Let's get that out there. 'Cuz it is. A certain death was unnecessary, but i enjoyed the choice "Step Three." It required attention and i appreciate it. The last choice was kinda difficult and the office "gun" scene was hilarious. Overall it was a classical TTG Penultimate episode. 5.5-6/10 for me honestly. Not gut bustingly funny, not that fun with the action, not that emotinal so overall it has everything a little bit but when you add them all up, what you get is a weak episode. But hey, i liked the office part. A LOT.

  • Huh, apart from TWD 2, I really enjoy Episode 4 from TellTale's games especially TWD 1. But I do agree it was very rushed such as the whole Tour Guide scene and Rhysquez's conversation with the soldiers but the ending made it up for me.

    ata95 posted: »

    Cliche story. Let's get that out there. 'Cuz it is. A certain death was unnecessary, but i enjoyed the choice "Step Three." It required atte

  • I was a little disappointed at the lack of the future storyline.

  • Yeah, we only got a little (yet funny) part at the start but it's probably saving all of it for Ep. 5

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I was a little disappointed at the lack of the future storyline.

  • I bet on last week of september

    It'll hopefully come out in October or maybe even September seeing how it didn't take as long for Ep. 4

  • Yeah, good point. Also I think I know who he is but we'll find out in about 2 months.

    True, but it's probably saving the Stranger moments for Episode 5

  • I loved Rhys running in zick zac in the background

    Yeah, we only got a little (yet funny) part at the start but it's probably saving all of it for Ep. 5

  • First time I had tears in my eyes from this game that weren't from laughing. God damnit! :'(

  • I loved it! It completely made up for episode 3! As always, the episodes can use a little less Sasha and a little more Vaughn, but it was awesome. The "hand-gun" fight was the absolute best.

  • (I don't need spoiler tags if there's a spoiler warning in the title, right?)

    The episode started out great, the whole intro was fantastic. When the song played, I had goosebumps.
    The scooter scene was exhilarating as well.

    But it all went downhill when the group entered Hyperion. A railroaded story that completely ignored any decisions I made - don't get me wrong, I understand that there is the so-called illusion of choice, but it felt that no matter what I do, I cannot really influence ANYTHING that's happening. And that kinda bothered me. And even though the cliffhanger was a nice idea, it didn't really catch me. The second half left me surprisingly cold, the (hinted) betrayal from Sasha is kinda ridiculous... not really a fan of all of that. Also, I think the episode suffered severely from the fact that the group is basically split up in 1-man cells during the second half. TftB is strongest when there's group dynamic, dialogue - that was completely missing for me. Everything felt so hollow and kinda rushed.
    What I'm trying to say - great first half, everything on Hyperion felt really rushed and was a huge disappointment imo.

    For me, it started out great, but I guess TTG really would've needed another month to polish it.
    6/10 for me, sorry.

  • Yup..

    Yeah, there really was no reason to kill Scooter other than to have a emotional reaction which means we won't have him in BL3

  • lol Telltale uses the Valar Morghulis technique.. :D

    You can see from where Telltale had inspiration @Kenny_Is_Love . BTW breat episode.

  • Completely agree with you.. It wasn't even close to the previous episodes and I think the Scooter scene and the ending were the only strong scenes in the episode.. Kinda sad that we won't see Scooter in the future Borderlands games though.. 5/10 from me.. :D

    aldimon posted: »

    (I don't need spoiler tags if there's a spoiler warning in the title, right?) The episode started out great, the whole intro was fantasti

  • What was the '(hinted) betrayal from Sasha', because I don't remember anything that could be read as betrayal from her the whole episode.

    aldimon posted: »

    (I don't need spoiler tags if there's a spoiler warning in the title, right?) The episode started out great, the whole intro was fantasti

  • When she walks into the room at the end and looks all guilty.

    krablord posted: »

    What was the '(hinted) betrayal from Sasha', because I don't remember anything that could be read as betrayal from her the whole episode.

  • I thought the episode was amazing. Possibly my favorite one yet! Had me laughing from start to finish, and I'm still fangirling over that ending. (Siding with Jack on everything is so goddamn fun).

    [this thread is already marked for spoilers, but still, big spoiler warning:]

    Scooter's death was hilarious, awesome and sad at the same time. I wonder if he somehow miraculously survived, though? I just can't believe they'd kill Scooter off... ;_; Guess if he really is dead, Janey will be taking over his role in future games.

  • Yeah, I guess you could say the reason they killed off Scooter was that something actually happened in this episode. It would have been nice to see August, Finch and Kroger interact with the group more on Helios and perhaps a conversation between August and Rhys about Sasha and Fiona having to work with Finch and Kroger.

    aldimon posted: »

    (I don't need spoiler tags if there's a spoiler warning in the title, right?) The episode started out great, the whole intro was fantasti

  • Basically, this. I missed all the little details that made the first three episodes so special. This episode felt more like 'Oh shit, we have to get the story done'

    Yeah, I guess you could say the reason they killed off Scooter was that something actually happened in this episode. It would have been nice

  • To me it looks like she is ashamed that she got caught. If she betrayed them on purpose why would she feel guilty about it?

    aldimon posted: »

    When she walks into the room at the end and looks all guilty.

  • No clue, it's not really clear in that moment. Guess we'll have to wait for episode 5 to find out!

    Reliqum posted: »

    To me it looks like she is ashamed that she got caught. If she betrayed them on purpose why would she feel guilty about it?

  • I think by killing Scooter TellTale are showing they can do what they want with the Borderlands universe which is fine by me. I hope they somehow are involved with Borderlands 3 story-wise.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I thought the episode was amazing. Possibly my favorite one yet! Had me laughing from start to finish, and I'm still fangirling over that en

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, can't really say I agree with your perspective. Hollow and rushed are not exactly the words I would use and good luck thinking "oh, shit we got to get the story done."

    aldimon posted: »

    (I don't need spoiler tags if there's a spoiler warning in the title, right?) The episode started out great, the whole intro was fantasti

  • That would be AMAZING if Telltale helped out with some of the writing in BL3!

    I think by killing Scooter TellTale are showing they can do what they want with the Borderlands universe which is fine by me. I hope they somehow are involved with Borderlands 3 story-wise.

  • I chose to rule Hyperion, I've agreed with Jack so far so it seemed like a no-brainer. I was a little wary when he stared hungrily at me while waiting for me to "Jack in" but I'm glad I did; it was so awesome hearing that theme song for this episode after I just became HJ's apprentice. My only problem with this ending is Sasha's reaction, why is she frightened of me? Am I Walter White tier delusional, thinking I'm not a ruthless kingpin/super villain, or was she just surprised? I have an unbelievable amount of power at my fingertips, if Sasha doesn't want to stay for whatever reason (Rhys and Sasha have something going in my play through) I can send both her and her sister to some place where they will never have to lift a finger again.

  • I think the lack of characters was the worst part. Maybe they just couldn't find a way to have them go in too? I dunno. But Loader Bot did nothing, Vaughn had like 2 lines over the radio, Finch and Kroger barely appeared, August barely appeared, Vallory was only in the intro, and even Sasha was shelved in the second half! The best part of Tales is it's characters, and it feels like they didn't bother with them this episode.

    aldimon posted: »

    Basically, this. I missed all the little details that made the first three episodes so special. This episode felt more like 'Oh shit, we have to get the story done'

  • edited August 2015

    I think that this was an incredible episode, and one that I very much enjoyed.
    The music really made this episode so much better, especially the rocket scene. This episode had everything, and so much more. I completely agree with @ Omid's cat about this episode.

    I felt the humour was great - Butt Stallion, the tour, the whole shootout with the accountants, and especially some of Jack's lines. A lot of the conversations, I felt were meaningful and fantastic to listen to.
    The Scooter scene was extremely unexpected, and extremely well done. That really hit home hard. Some of his lines, and especially his motto - 'Catch A Ride' were an absolute joy to listen to.
    The final scenes with Jack and Rhys were also incredible. It really made you think about Jack as a friend and companion, and whether you wanted to rule over an organisation who wanted you dead. I actually did choose to rule - I wanted to continue with Jack by my side, and I felt that Rhys would be the one to make a difference.

    I just thoroughly enjoyed this episode from beginning to end, although reading through some comments, it seems that many didn't enjoy it as much.

    I for one, cannot wait for the final episode. I really think that this series is a masterpiece, and is an absolute joy to play through.

  • I completely agree with you about this episode.
    I felt it had everything and more. I think the whole episode was incredible, one of the best, for sure.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I like it. Really, really like it. The third one was medicore and I was sceptical about the fourth but... "Escape Plan Bravo" is awesome. Mu

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