Accepting Jack's offer
First of all: Wow! I loved this episode! Telltale never fails at this game it seems, the dialogue, the intros, fake gun fighting... Really enjoyed this episode!
But if you guys chose to accept Hyperion in the end (as I did) how do you think it will play out? Knowing Jack, I think he will screw us over... And also we're at Pandora when Rhys & Fiona are telling the story. What do you think?
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I'm not sure, I trusted Jack all the way through, mainly because he got screwed over in The Pre-Sequel and there is some good in him. I think he's going to be ok, I think though if he finds out about Angel being dead, then he will flip. And considering he still thinks she is alive.... Oh boi
i sorta worried that he just uploaded himself to the station and out of rhys, but if not, power is awesome, and i loved the fake gun fight, it was so weird
I was worried when I no I'm so gonna regret this....but then he was all cool and called Rhys his best dude. I'm still not 100% sure. AHH. I hope I did the right thing.
I was terrified when I uploaded Jack into the office and out of Rhys. I expected him to screw me over on the spot, so the fact that I'm still alive is truly remarkable.
I will say I am really disappointed that I no longer have my backseat-brain buddy anymore.
I'll miss his quips and off comments about killing people.
I'll draw a comparison to the end of episode 2 and the start of episode 3.
At the end of episode 2 we saw that we took over all the robots and were left with a feeling that everything is going to according to plan, but then jack decided to go on a killing spree including targeting friendlies.
I would presume the same will happen next episode and jack will start killing shit, especially once he starts looking around the databases and finds out that his daughter is dead.
I thought Yes, Rhys deserves it!, but I couldn't shake the feeling off that Jack was just, you know, too friendly?
When the option came to grab the override or back out, I decided to refuse. And Jack shows his true colors if you do that, just saying. If you chose to run Hyperion, you'll see soon enough.
In my first playthrough i accepted his offer,but at the moment where i had to put the flashdrive-thing in Rhys's head i stopped for a few seconds,so he decided that I am no longer his pal and took over Rhys's body and the game stats sasy that i've rejected Hyperion.Had to replay 6th chapter again just to put the flashdrive-thing thing faster.
I had exactly the same thoughts, like why not, Rhys deserves this.
He probably acts spontaneously to betrayal. He used to be a decent person but betrayal was what got the best of him.
"Heey friends, remember me? It's your old pal Jack. Well pencils down amigos. I've got someone to introduce you to. There's a new President in town. Thats right baby! Get those hands a'clappin, cause I wanna give a very special Hyperion welcome to the chiefiest of executives- totally President material, all the way from janitorial.. my man Rhys!"
"You and me kiddo! President Rhys and Handsome goddamn Jack!"
I know trusting Jack is probably unwise and will me bite me in the butt later. I know Jack doesnt share and I know I'm practically betraying my friends. But it was such a glorious ending and Jack is such a charismatic motherfucker that I cant resist.
I accepted Jacks offer, because the result is nearly the same and I think it is a very bad idea to get Jack pissed
Amen, brother.
Can I ask, did the same thing happen in the credits if you took over with Jack?
Because when you don't, the credits screen glitches out and all the names say "Handsome Jack" and it's goddamned amazing.
Man, I knew Sasha and Fiona would hate Rhys for it, but I accepted the deal.
It does happen either way, yes!
I refused, but I think accepting might also bite you in the ass later. Let's face it, if there's one guy out there who's good at manipulating us and making us think he gives a shit, it's Handsome Jack. It wouldn't have surprised me at all if he'd laughed in our faces and talked about how much we gushed over his feigned praise. He says stuff like "you remind me of myself" too many times for it to sound genuine.
I thought it was similar to the dialogue glitching so it all said "All good," but it's good to see that no one misses that badassitude.
Pretty much this. It's really disappointing that it didn't matter if you sided with Jack or was against him in previous episodes. Disappointing but not surprising.
I put too many bullets in Handsome Jack to trust that freaking lunatic.
It could be real, which is kind of weirding me out. I don't know what kind of ulterior motive he'd have for announcing Rhys as President of Hyperion. Plus, Jack really HATES betrayal.
Then again, we have an entire episode ahead of us, and I don't know how well it'd work out if Rhys was the president throughout all of it. He's supposed to get in a fistfight with Fiona, isn't he? Maybe Jack really does fuck him over. I dunno.
I am fairly certain Handsome Jack won't betray those who willingly took over Hyperion. He HATES betrayal, and he DOES take care of group. He even let Athena know who Cassius was because Athena used to work for him and he was looking out for her. I have no doubt Handsome Jack will take care of us, too. Plus it's NOT a smart idea to enrage and insult the man who's, you know, living in your head.
I do believe that Handsome Jack will try to help Rhys if we took over Hyperion willingly. He considers Rhys a worthy successor to rule Hyperion (at his side). There's many differences in Jack's speech and his attitude between the "take over Hyperion" and "reject Hyperion" endings. In the first of them, Jack introduces Rhys as the new leader of the corporation, calling him "his man",they share the power here, while in the second one, he makes clear that he will make Rhys suffer by killing Fiona, and he takes the entire corporation for himself.
Jack is not a trustworthy person at all, but I do believe that he looks out for those who help him to reach his goals (like when he tells Athena about Cassius, in order to avenge her sister).
It seems like most people who accepted got the same feeling I did, the feeling of worry. The outcome is seriously scaring me, I don't want Jack to turn on us, but I get the feeling he will.
Other than that, my favourite episode up to date. Good job, Telltale.
I trusted him. It's just too damn fun not to. And I dunno... I actually kinda believe him? I think if you've been 100% loyal to him, he might actually legitimately share the power with Rhys. I mean, he does straight up announce Rhys as the new president. And then when looking at Angel's picture, he says "you and me are pretty tight". Maybe he'll end up screwing me over anyway, but at the moment, I feel like he's actually kinda fond of my Rhys.
Plus, the face Jack makes when you agree to take over is just too damn adorable. How can you say no to that face?! :P
He says the "you and me are pretty tight" line even if you didn't trust him/agree to his deal. I hate to say it, but that reeks of classic HJ manipulation - he just wanted you in that chair with that jack in your head so he could get out of your head.
I agree that you're probably worse off for not choosing him, but to think everything's going to be perfect is IMO naive. He may despise betrayal, but he's also proven himself to be the biggest hypocrite in the galaxy countless times. So often, that at this stage, the things he's most vehemently against usually tend to be the things he does best. The more he harps on about it the more likely he is to do it himself.
I firmly believe there is absolutely 100% no chance that this could possibly go wrong
no chance at all
I don't think it's manipulation. Maybe it's just me, but it sounds as if Jack is becoming his old self again.
But if it is manipulation, it is WORKING.
Exact same thing happened to me, too. I hesitated for a split second and 4 episodes worth of Handsome Jack bootlicking and ass-kissing went out the window. I think that speaks volumes about his true motivations...
I actually think that is more terrifying than if you call him out and outright refuse his offer (kind of like how he's far more hostile if you trust him at the end of ep 2 but don't agree to his deal in ep 3, as opposed to not trusting him either time).
Oh, interesting! I figured he'd only say that depending on your actions. He still sounds oddly... sincere during that brief Angel dialog, though.
I know you're right... As much as I like Jack and honestly believe he is (used to be) good inside, DEEP DEEP DEEEEEEP inside, this is too true to anyone who played BL2. Let's just hope it's a matter of ALL your choices that decides if Jack betrays you or not. I agreed with him on just about everything so far, went along with him willingly, so I hope he can take that to mind. :v
I have no doubt in my mind that even though my Rhys and Jack got along fairly well even if they argued a lot there will be a conflict sooner rather than later. Rhys has ambitions and the way i play him, after all the betrayals and attempted betrayals by the people closest to him, there is also a lot of anger in him. But there is one critical "flaw" in him that will inevitably spark a conflict:
"I'm not you, Jack."
Plus of course that there can be only one Handsome Jack and he does not share power.
Everything should be smooth sailing from here.
Rhys has given into the dark side.
As someone who hasn't played much of the actual Borderlands games I accepted Jack's deal.
I mean, obviously something goes wrong since Rhys doesn't seem to have Jack inside of him later, so I figured I'd just add to the conflict.
Plus with Fiona and the others captive there's not much Rhys could do on his own.
At the end of the day I picked Jack just because I'm curious as to how things turn out.
I absolutely KNOW that crap is going to hit the fan as a result of "Ruling Hyperion." From the moment I saw that jack pop up, I immediately went "Oh no. What have I done?"
Now that's not to say that if you've been agreeable to Jack that his agenda will involve butchering you...but this is the same guy who thought he was "helping Pandora" by trying to kill 90% of the population for fun and 9% because they backstabbed him, who turned his Siren daughter into a battery/AI to "protect her" because she was "dangerous." And for a Tales reference, the same guy who slapped Sasha on the butt because he thought it would help Rhys woo her.
Plus, he has minor control over Rhys' right arm, and when Rhys gets wacked in the head he gets control. I have a feeling that plays into the "Reject Hyperion" route.
My current guess is him announcing to the whole station that Rhys is in his office is going to call every guard onboard bursting down the door, which will have one group of them (who know about the AI) coming after his literal head, while the other less informed group is gunning for "the hacker who stole 10 million dollars and has hacked the system with an AI. Which will lead to Jack defending Rhys with his office's gadgets (which leads to even more assumptions that Rhys is hostile) or even saying "well, sucks to be you. Glad to be out of your head! See ya, kiddo."
Either way, I knew this sort of thing would happen, which is why I intentionally embraced the naivety head-first. Makes for an interesting turn of events, and I'd rather give Rhys and Fiona a reason to hate each other than watch the plot make one up =P
I believe he gave up Cassius because he wanted to see some killing. The only reason he should be taking care of the group is because he needs them to survive.
Jack's self-love eclipses any fondness for Rhys! I figured he would turn on me the first chance he had.
Plus there's the pairings. Ruling Hyperion would be a turnoff both FiFi and Sash
Even though I could buy them all the hats and outfits they could imagine if I ruled Hyperion...
It is going to be interesting to see how they deal with the two different choices. It would seem that there would have to be two totally different story lines in the final episode to satisfy both options that somehow lead to the same ending. This is going to be a long painful wait.
Oh, think Sasha would be more than happy to have Rhys at the helm of Hyperion. She really, REALLY doesn't want to go back to pandora. It's Handsome Jack running loose that she'd be iffy about....For a good reason.
I heard a rumour among the Telltale forums that finales tend to come out earlier but considering this is TFTB its more likely their finale will release between late October to early November while the GoT finale will probably come out beforehand at some point between mid September to early October.x