A Dilemma (EP4 Ending choice)

I honestly don't know if I picked the right thing. I trusted Jack and went through with it, at first because he was a great help, later because I was frightened of what he would do if he would get pissed at Rhys. He might betray us either way, but I think I'm more scared of an angry Jack than a chill Jack, so I'm just going to play along. I still feel unsure tho. AHH.

How do you feel about it?


  • All hail the king

  • As much as a nicer man he is than he was in BL2, I will still never bow to Big Brother.

  • Jack has been nothing but a bro to me so far. It will almost surely end poorly, but I don't regret any of my choices. It's been a fun ride.

  • No, I declined the offer and was forced into it anyway by Jack. I thought that it was too much of a risk to accept the deal, as Rhys would be at risk of just becoming another Handsome Jack, especially when under the control of Jack AI. Besides, I see Hyperion as a lost cause, that's too full of douchebags to actually be cured. The company's rotten from within

  • Either way you end up installing his AI into Helios.

    Honestly, I preferred siding with him. I'm a big fan of Jack, but even if I wasn't, I'd rather be on his side than against him if he's going to take over Helios no matter what I do.

  • Honestly, I know that I will come to regret accepting his offer, but for now I'm kind of glad that I did. I'd much rather stay on his good side, especially after watching the ending where you refuse the offer. (Jeez, talk about terrifying) And besides, that son of a bitch is just so charismatic, its just so hard for me to hate him, even if he is a self-obsessed, genocidal maniac!

  • Oh my god, YES, it freaked me out! I chose "refuse" and immediately sat up SUPER straight on the edge of my seat!

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Honestly, I know that I will come to regret accepting his offer, but for now I'm kind of glad that I did. I'd much rather stay on his good s

  • I honestly felt chills down my spine when he was talking about finally getting out of Rhys' head. He just sounded so nasty and filled with hate!

    nursethalia posted: »

    Oh my god, YES, it freaked me out! I chose "refuse" and immediately sat up SUPER straight on the edge of my seat!

  • I knew he wouldn't take it well, but the intensity freaked me out. I think part of it was suddenly realizing that every time he'd praised us (well, Rhys) before, it had just been to manipulate us into getting him to Helios. I had already highly suspected it, but actually knowing still felt like a punch in the gut. So, yeah, props to the writers and Dameon Clarke's voice acting!

    CraazyCake posted: »

    I honestly felt chills down my spine when he was talking about finally getting out of Rhys' head. He just sounded so nasty and filled with hate!

  • Hail to the King, baby.

  • Against logic, I did have my Rhys accept, and was surprised that Jack seems genuinely pleased about you agreeing to work with him. Nothing is more perilous than a maniacal psychopathic dictator with trust issues. This can't end badly!

    The reject option is terrifying, and nicely pulls back the curtain on Jack's motivations with Rhys - and the player! - the whole time. The thought of Jack now being one with Helios is all kinds of horrifying. Do you think he watches everyone through security cameras all the time? He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake... he knows when you've fudged your accounting... he knows when you've stolen food from the cafeteria... I'm not sure how Fiona and the gang could escape Helios with Jack controlling every aspect of it. Run, Forrest, run.

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