Question regarding Rhys' ECHO eye.. (EP4 spoilers)

Alright so, at the end of Episode 4 when Jack or Rhys put the USB thingy in Rhys' USB port, his ECHO eye changes color but it seems like the color is random or it's a bug.. In my first playthrough I chose to rule Hyperion and at the end Rhys' ECHO eye turned into yellow but kinda orange-ish for me which I didn't see happen in any playthroughs I saw on YouTube. It was exactly orange / yellow-ish like future Rhys' ECHO eye. (Kind of) Then I decided to replay the ending and at the end I chose to rule Hyperion too but the eye color this time was bright yellow (like this, taken from a YouTube playthrough):

bright yellow eye

So I was confused then watched 3 YouTube playthroughs, 2 of them had bright yellow eye and one of them had this bright blue one:

bright blue eye

This got me confused so I decided to make a thread about it, I think it's a bug but it's weird.


  • Mine was blue too.

    The Episode also had a bug for me where Fiona's outfit wouldn't change, so I assume it's just a little glitch.

  • edited August 2015

    I rejected Hyperion, and my eye was blue at the last scene with Rhys (which surprised me, I really thought it would change to yellow and would explain the permanent yellow color he has in the present). Maybe it's a bug? Or maybe it's just not permanent yet? This is release day, after all. It took a long time for Telltale to take care of unrecognized characters and typos in episode one, after all, so it's not like they are above tiny mistakes.

  • There were a few tiny bugs. For me, during the beginning of the episode when Rhys is asking Fiona if they should run, her mouth doesn't move when she replies, it just stays closed.

    Mine was blue too. The Episode also had a bug for me where Fiona's outfit wouldn't change, so I assume it's just a little glitch.

  • She has like, some crazy mind powers man.

    nursethalia posted: »

    There were a few tiny bugs. For me, during the beginning of the episode when Rhys is asking Fiona if they should run, her mouth doesn't move when she replies, it just stays closed.

  • Interesting. Do you play on PC? For me the eye turned yellow like future-Rhys' eye.

  • Yeah, it might be a bug but first time when I got the future orange-yellow-ish eye in my first playthrough I was like so, that's why his eye is orange-yellow-ish in the future! Then it confused me when I replayed the ending so I decided to make a thread

    nursethalia posted: »

    I rejected Hyperion, and my eye was blue at the last scene with Rhys (which surprised me, I really thought it would change to yellow and wou

  • Yeah, I play on PC and Rhys' ECHO eye color changed to orange, kinda yellow-ish like the future one exactly. So I'm not alone! That's weird..

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Interesting. Do you play on PC? For me the eye turned yellow like future-Rhys' eye.

  • Oddly the game often glitches out with Rhys' eye color. I figured it was supposed to be yellow in that part, but when I (accidentally) rejected Jack it stayed blue. On my desktop it's almost always blue when it should be yellow but the one time I played through Ep. 2 on my laptop it turned yellow when Rhys hacked Vasquez's stuff.

    I might have to play the game through on my laptop again just to make sure I know when it's supposed to be yellow or not. Or Telltale could fix it, that would be great...

  • Actually looking at it now I had a bugged ECHO eye in the beginning of the episode in my playthrough.. when we're in the future I noticed that instead of Rhys' ECHO eye being mostly yellow and a little orange, mine was entirely orange. Kinda like his normal eye but it was a bit more bright but it was completely orange. Watching Cry's playthrough the ECHO eye in the start was yellow. This is too confusing, in the end of the episode I also had that completely kinda bright orange eye when I plugged in the USB. This is all getting me confused, lol!

  • I got curious, so I replayed the ending with both choices. In both cases the eye was yellowish. Unfortunetly the ECHO eye gliched a lot in earlier episodes, or so I heard didn't happen to me personaly, so it's hard to tell which color it's supposed to be.

  • Apparently I found another version of his eye from a YouTube playthrough. It's like the bright yellow one except it's not that bright

    enter image description here

    Might be brightness but it looks different. I think this is definitely a bug, I hope TTG fixes it or atleast make sure that it won't happen in EP5 :P

  • That's the one I got. Does anyone know if Telltale fixed the ECHO eye glitches in the previous episodes?

    CarL_J posted: »

    Apparently I found another version of his eye from a YouTube playthrough. It's like the bright yellow one except it's not that bright

  • I think if you decline and are forced, it's that kinda of color because you didn't give him consent Jack is angry and negative about it. If you accept, it's blue because he's happy that you let him do it and doesn't have any harsh feelings.

  • I played through both accepting and rejecting and got blue while rejecting and yellow when accepting. It's just bugged. The same blue/yellow bug has happened in all past episodes when past Rhys' eye was supposed to turn yellow.

    I think if you decline and are forced, it's that kinda of color because you didn't give him consent Jack is angry and negative about it. If you accept, it's blue because he's happy that you let him do it and doesn't have any harsh feelings.

  • I thought Rhys' eye turns yellow when Jack gets into his sub-systems? The other times, it's blue for me. Like when I accepted, it was blue. When I declined, it was a fiery yellow.

    mirashade posted: »

    I played through both accepting and rejecting and got blue while rejecting and yellow when accepting. It's just bugged. The same blue/yellow bug has happened in all past episodes when past Rhys' eye was supposed to turn yellow.

  • Well for me it was blue when I rejected and yellow when I accepted. I've seen his eye turn yellow in some parts in one playthrough and not be yellow in the exact same scene with the same choices in another. I can only base when it's really supposed to be yellow on other people's experiences I read on here or on youtube at this point. I think it has something to do with Jack... getting stronger? Or something? I have no idea because it never turned yellow when he took over in Ep. 3 lol.

    I thought Rhys' eye turns yellow when Jack gets into his sub-systems? The other times, it's blue for me. Like when I accepted, it was blue. When I declined, it was a fiery yellow.

  • edited August 2015

    Mine stayed Blue for both my accidental 'betrayal' (Jesus, Jack calm down I hesitated for a split second!) and for my accepting playthrough.

    When I saw that it didn't change I actually thought to myself, "oh, well that disproves the whole yellow eye in the future thing being Jack's influence", but clearly not!

    I'll be interested to see what I get when I try on the iOS version, once it's out.

    Edit: Tried a Reject Hyperion playthrough on iOS and the eye started out blue, and kind of shifted in and out for a bit on the profile view, then went fully dark-yellow.

  • That happened to me, too, on one of my playthroughs. I'd purchased the phoenix outfit in Ep 3 and wanted to keep it, but when I exited the machine it automatically reverted me back to Fiona's default despite it saying that the other had been equipped. I rewound and switched through a few outfits before reselecting that one and it seemed to work (though sadly not long after that the entire episode crashed and I lost my save file - fortunately it was just an alternative one and my main escaped unscathed).

    Mine was blue too. The Episode also had a bug for me where Fiona's outfit wouldn't change, so I assume it's just a little glitch.

  • It's probably bugged. Mine turned yellow

  • Update: I think it depends on whether Fiona and Sasha were told or not. Maybe, maybe not.

    mirashade posted: »

    Well for me it was blue when I rejected and yellow when I accepted. I've seen his eye turn yellow in some parts in one playthrough and not b

  • On the betrayal thing: When I played through again and clicked [Reject Hyperion], I seriously didn't think Rhys would lash out and insult him while he declined. I thought it would just be a "Ah, well, y'know, we're kinda on a mission and I just don't think I want to do it. Maybe not right now, but next time." Not a full on "GOD, you're such a PSYCHO!! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!!!!!!!!"

    Mine stayed Blue for both my accidental 'betrayal' (Jesus, Jack calm down I hesitated for a split second!) and for my accepting playthrough.

  • Mine was blue no matter what - with both saves (one where I always supported Jack and another where I never did). Idk. This is really odd.

  • I'm yet to do a playthrough where I outright reject Hyperion (currently downloading iOS, which has my douchebag playthrough, so I will soon), but I've seen it and I agree it's extremely harsh and Jack is totally justified.

    HOWEVER, in my main playthrough I accidentally 'betrayed' him. That entire save file is dedicated to me being a Jack/Hyperion sycophant and I had done everything in my power to keep him happy. I chose to rule Hyperion, I reached for the 'jack' to insert it into my head, but at the last second stumbled on the QTE where you physically insert it. I hesitated for a split second and Jack immediately took over and I got the identical reject Hyperion ending. Four entire episodes of boot licking and ass-kissing gone in an instant!

    It was downright terrifying - and really shows his true colours. As I said, I know that if you outright reject him you're pretty much forced to do it in the most douchey way possible, but my Rhys never did.

    I actually really recommend it as a playthrough, because it's genuinely shocking how easily and quickly he turns - it's really quite unsettling.

    On the betrayal thing: When I played through again and clicked [Reject Hyperion], I seriously didn't think Rhys would lash out and insult hi

  • Just replayed the ending on another save file and I rejected Hyperion, this time got the yellow black-ish eye. I think thats how its supposed to look like. I really hope Telltale fixes this though. It can confuse anyone with examples like "so that's the reason his future ECHO eye is yellow", etc. Maybe @puzzlebox can inform the dev team about it? Wonder if she already saw this thread

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Replayed it on another file where i opposed Jack in all previous episodes, rejected Hyperion, now I got the blue ECHO eye. I think it's bugged after all.

    Edit: I replayed one of the endings on my original file and it turned out that on the second try the ECHO eye stayed blue despite the fact that on the first try it was yellow/brown so I'm pretty sure that it's bugged and the ECHO eye color is random.

  • It's very borderline personality, it's a lot like playing with a light switch...only a light switch that shocks the living hell out of you every time you turn it off.

    I'm yet to do a playthrough where I outright reject Hyperion (currently downloading iOS, which has my douchebag playthrough, so I will soon)

  • Four entire episodes of boot licking and ass-kissing gone in an instant!

    You can just rewind, man.

    It was downright terrifying - and really shows his true colours.

    I was... terrifyingly turned on. I'm sorry.

    I'm yet to do a playthrough where I outright reject Hyperion (currently downloading iOS, which has my douchebag playthrough, so I will soon)

  • Nobody Likes a Welcher

    Speaking of, I went and did my best to upload that ending to youtube because it's pretty hard to find a playthrough that does that specifically. Showcasing: Rhys' beautiful and yet frustratingly blue eye!

    I'm yet to do a playthrough where I outright reject Hyperion (currently downloading iOS, which has my douchebag playthrough, so I will soon)

  • You can just rewind, man.

    I did (though, to be honest I initially thought that was the good/nice ending, and that the people who outright betrayed him somehow fared worse, which I don't even know how that could physically be possible unless Jack straight-up killed them)...

    I was... terrifyingly turned on. I'm sorry.

    enter image description here

    But also:

    enter image description here

    Four entire episodes of boot licking and ass-kissing gone in an instant! You can just rewind, man. It was downright terrifying - and really shows his true colours. I was... terrifyingly turned on. I'm sorry.

  • Ah, that's awesome - watching it again I still get goosebumps!

    And I'm glad to see the QTE is as quick as I remembered, I was beginning to wonder if maybe I was underestimating it - but nope he literally goes from saying your his favourite dude to saying he's going to make you strangle Fiona with your own hands in a heart beat. We totally got played...

    mirashade posted: »

    Nobody Likes a Welcher Speaking of, I went and did my best to upload that ending to youtube because it's pretty hard to find a playthrough that does that specifically. Showcasing: Rhys' beautiful and yet frustratingly blue eye!

  • At least another 'eye' turns yellow consistently, if the right choice is made... and it's epic...

    enter image description here

  • (Goddamn it, dude, that Jack gif is my schtick!)

    If that were the case, I'd feel sorry for everyone who was an asshole to Jack the whole way through.

    You can just rewind, man. I did (though, to be honest I initially thought that was the good/nice ending, and that the people who out

  • From my own playthroughs, other playthroughs that I've watched, and the comments on these forums I think the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that the ECHO Eye is glitchy as fuck. It doesn't ever seem to be the same on anyone's playthrough regardless of choices. During the conversation with Jack on the caravan my Rhys' eye actually changed colour three times (regular blue, yellow, glowing blue) and in the modern scenes with the Stranger I've had it be yellow and sometimes it'll be glowing blue. So... yeah. I wouldn't speculate on the ECHO eye because you might not have correct information.

  • jack's mind: it took you 3 more seconds then i expected to connect that usb into your brain, therefore i will make you strangle fiona and take all the power for myself

    mirashade posted: »

    Nobody Likes a Welcher Speaking of, I went and did my best to upload that ending to youtube because it's pretty hard to find a playthrough that does that specifically. Showcasing: Rhys' beautiful and yet frustratingly blue eye!

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