I have lost all my saves. Can anyone provide his? :/

Pretty please. And the random choices that are supposed to be generated are not random, I always get the same ones.


  • What were your choices? Maybe I have one save file that has the same.

  • To be honest, I don't really care at this point.

    I have great relationship with Sasha, Vaughn and almost everyone.
    But I did let Handsome Jack take over the facility.
    Also, I let Vallory kill Vasquez (sorry).

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    What were your choices? Maybe I have one save file that has the same.

  • Is it a PS4 save you're after? I have a save which i think matches it. It's called my Good Jack save :P

    Klohto posted: »

    No one?

  • I should have said that it's PC. But maybe the PS4 might work, no idea how to get it from there thou.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Is it a PS4 save you're after? I have a save which i think matches it. It's called my Good Jack save :P

  • Yu want a save with ep 4 already played?

  • I don't think Cross platform saves work tho.

  • Doesn't matter, I can rewind :)

    Yu want a save with ep 4 already played?

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