Everywhere. I'd love to have a gap year or something and travel all around the world. Also, my dream's to move to a different country in a few years, Canada or New Zealand maybe.
Haha, its somewhere I've always wanted to live. It's familiar enough to home but seems about 10 times nicer. Although do you get those horrible big spiders down there? If so then there's no way it can be the best place in the world
Haha, its somewhere I've always wanted to live. It's familiar enough to home but seems about 10 times nicer. Although do you get those horrible big spiders down there? If so then there's no way it can be the best place in the world
Pick New Zealand. Its the best place in the world
Haha, its somewhere I've always wanted to live. It's familiar enough to home but seems about 10 times nicer. Although do you get those horrible big spiders down there? If so then there's no way it can be the best place in the world
No, that would be Australia
There is no big spiders in New Zealand. Not that I have seen anyway.