I KNEW he didn't know.



  • But I am worried for Pandora, with Jack back in the kingdom and with arguably more control than ever, I'm afraid he'll go right back to what he was originally trying to do but with much more gusto.

    You're saying it as if it was a bad thing...

    enter image description here

    I don't know how he couldn't know moments after getting into Helios. I'd think Jack's AI would immediately tap into the data file Hyperion h

  • Well it is a bad thing, with a crazed and pissed Jack back in control he'd sooner glass the entire planet, killing countless innocents just to make sure he got every bandit/psycho.

    But I am worried for Pandora, with Jack back in the kingdom and with arguably more control than ever, I'm afraid he'll go right back to what he was originally trying to do but with much more gusto. You're saying it as if it was a bad thing...

  • a crazed and pissed Jack back in control he'd sooner glass the entire planet, killing countless innocents just to make sure he got every bandit/psycho.

    Well, you're saying it as if it was a...

    (Dude, I support that course of action, in case it wasn't clear :P)

    Well it is a bad thing, with a crazed and pissed Jack back in control he'd sooner glass the entire planet, killing countless innocents just to make sure he got every bandit/psycho.

  • lol no that's clear, just saying why I don't like it.

    a crazed and pissed Jack back in control he'd sooner glass the entire planet, killing countless innocents just to make sure he got every ban

  • Not that quickly, though - and not after my Rhys was a total sycophant to him the entire time!

    I was wholeheartedly with him to the bloody end - I just missed the (deceptively short) QTE.

    DeityD posted: »

    THIS. He turns on you in a heartbeat, even if you have supported him the entire time - it's downright terrifying. Come on, we knew it's gonna happen. It's Jack. That's how he rolls.

  • I'm sure he can say either one.

    Gah, now I don't know what to believe - I really thought he said the first, but convinced myself I got it mixed up. MYSTERIES ABOUND!

  • edited August 2015

    well, and all your reasons for not liking it are our reasons to like it.

    lol no that's clear, just saying why I don't like it.

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