Dibs on not telling Moxxi!

About Scooter's Death. We saw what Moxxi almost did [with liliths help] To Handsome Jack in the PreSequel. I'd hate to think what she'd do to anyone involved in Scooter's Death.
Also Calling it now. Shade is the Stranger because they have the same kind of hat.
And also TFTB is suffering from a severe deficiency of Vitamin T.T [Tiny Tina]
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More Tiny Tina is always good.
But, now her son isnt there to bury them in a shallow grave...
how'd you get a rhysha icon i want one
Bribe the telltale staff
Go to the Official Rhysha Thread and ask Grumpydof to make one.
Do they except chocolate chip cookies?
Come to our thread my friend we'll hook you up. Just ask!
What if Scooter is the Stranger.
It hurt so much. Moxxi would lose it. No parent should have to learn of their child's death.
Only the rarest of chocolate chip cookies
I'm curious to see who Moxxi's wrath will come down on! (One thing you learn after TPS, don't screw with The Moxxi.) On the one hand, it was Fiona and Sasha who got Scooter involved with the gang back in Episode 2. I imagine even without Vallory's intervention, the gang would have continued to seek out the rest of the pieces of the Gortys Project, even all the way to Hyperion, and gotten Scoooter involved anyway.
There's a bit of a sad irony in Lilith teaming up with Vallory and sending Brick/Mordy with her to get Athena. (I'm assuming Moxxi would be fairly in-the-know with whatever Lilith is up to, and may be working together still.) Team Vault Hunter helped out Vallory -> Vallory sends the gang to Hyperion -> Scooter dies.
Of course, none of this would have happened if Hyperion cleaned up their corpses from space. Talk about an environment hazard.
This is very different than TPS. Moxxi tried to kill Jack because he was dangerous. She won't kill try to kill you because you were there when he died. She should know better than anyone that no one was going to make Scooter go anywhere he didn't want to.
True but she would also know Scooter has a good heart. I don't think she'd blame Fiona necessarily especially if Fiona displayed the appropriate remorse levels which almost all options are for that scene. But Vallory on the other hand was partly responsible for the whole mess.... OH SHIT. WHAT IF MOXXI KILLED AUGUST!!!
A Son for a Son.
......do they like cookies with raisins?
Since there were multiple suggestions of Fiona becoming a new Vault Hunter in the previous episodes imagine for a second that she'll end up being a playable character in BL3. And there you'll have an optional mission to find out what happened to Scooter for Moxxi. And you'll have a choice of whether telling her the truth or holding some details of your involvement (If you're playing as Fiona) back.
Again if you're playing as Fiona at the moment... oh boy... feelings are incoming.
I'm not betting on it though, seems like it'd require too many variables to consider including them in the game.
What do you think?
Borderlands rocks being an FPS but it still lacks a lot of RPG elements that shouldn't be that hard to incorporate (if they have a good writer at the lead....) So they should do something along those lines and I will dream too.
My favorite Borderlands character ever. followed by sasha and gaige.
I dream that Moxxi kills august because Vallory was partly responsible for scooter's death.
Gaige and Tina are neck and neck for second but for me it's Lilith by a landslide.
-Puts fingers on your lips- Shh i'm staring into the hypnotic eyes.
But yeah you do want to wash your lips
I'm gonna go make Tina a Salad with chocolate chip cookies sprinkled over it now.
She already burst into tears when she was told about the death of...you know...in BL2. And she did the same when Mr. Shank died.
Hmmm... come to think of it...
Jack's list of things to do to traitors:
kill them- Roland, checkkill their child- Moxxi, checkI'd be more worried about Ellie. A three hundred pound woman against someone Fiona's or Rhys's size would probably end up... Badly. But yeah, I will NOT be the one to tell Moxxi!
I ain't tellin' anyone.
S-Sa-Salad? What's a salad?
I really felt for Lilith and Co in that scene.........trying to explain healthy living to Tiny Tina? That's gonna go over well.........