I trusted Jack through episodes 2 and 3....

But even though I tried to get on his good side i still said no to the hyperion deal. I don't know why.

In retrospect it seems weird to trust a person then at a big moment, just full on decline the offer of an entire company.

Did anyone else do something like this?


  • I guess you got out of character :)

  • Kind of... I did agree to trust him in episode 3 but not in episode 2. But I never trusted him whole-heartily, just wanted to keep him in our good graces. And after seeing what happened after refusing to rule Hyperion with him, I'm still glad I did since he went mad with his regained power as I and others feared he would.

  • I kinda think that in the end rejecting Handsome Jack will lead to some better moral ending... but then again it's telltale and you never really know with them.

    Kind of... I did agree to trust him in episode 3 but not in episode 2. But I never trusted him whole-heartily, just wanted to keep him in ou

  • I was full on "GO! JACK TEAM GO!" in EP2 and 3, but throughout episode 4, I was thinking, "This, is probably a really bad idea, so I'm just going to shut Jack out and not let him go on a killing spree, having all my friends die." I'm still not sure if I should rewind and not do it, because that would probably be the more dangerous option.

  • I expect so too, but it still begs the question that if we go this route then what causes the divide between present Rhys/Fiona?

    Dekon55951 posted: »

    I kinda think that in the end rejecting Handsome Jack will lead to some better moral ending... but then again it's telltale and you never really know with them.

  • Good question. I'm not sure just how far from the present we are, but we'll get our answers soon (hopefully)

    I expect so too, but it still begs the question that if we go this route then what causes the divide between present Rhys/Fiona?

  • I didn't trusted him in ep.2 and 3. but went full team jack in ep.4. damn you charming megalomaniac!

    enter image description here

  • I did the same thing you did.

  • I may just side with hyperion this time...

  • You see, I did almost the opposite. I refused every kind of help from him, I told Vaughn about him, I never trusted him, and pissed him of so many times. But in this episode I started to give in, and I don't even now why. I agreed to rule Hyperion, but I freaked out the moment I saw the thingy, so technically I rejected his deal. Jack's friggin furious now so things couldn't go worse... Oh boy...

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    But A for effort!

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    You see, I did almost the opposite. I refused every kind of help from him, I told Vaughn about him, I never trusted him, and pissed him of s

  • Nope. I made a promise...

    enter image description here

    ...and I kept it.

    enter image description here

  • Well episode 2 was about getting you and your friends out alive and it wasn't as if Fiona's plan filled you with confidence. And episode 3 could have been just not antagonising Jack more than forming an alliance, so I don't think it was out of character completely but that would depend how chummy you were in various other dialogue options!

  • enter image description here

    Once I had principles too, about not trusting murderous psychopath madmen. But what do I know about life x)

    DeityD posted: »

    But A for effort!

  • Don't worry, we've all been there.

    enter image description here

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Once I had principles too, about not trusting murderous psychopath madmen. But what do I know about life x)

  • In my canon playthrough I trusted Jack and chose to rule Hyperion. I know that I'm gonna get "bad ending" because of this, but I can't help it. I like Handsome Jack too much. He's a jerk but he's a lovable jerk. He's too much fun to have around :D

  • I think that, this way, you were just using Jack (or, at least, that’s how he will probably see it). When you needed his help, you were on his side, but when he asked you to do one little thing, you bailed out. He kind of has a reason to be mad about that.

    In my playthrough, I kept a balanced position towards him, staying on his good side but without giving him control over the situations. Accepting help, but without asking for it. I’m keeping to a Rhys that is a nice and goofy guy, but that still have that ambition from Ep. 1. So, in the end, I said that I felt like a king, that I would like to fix Pandora and accepted Jack’s offer.

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