Favorite lines/quotes from episode 4 Escape Plan Bravo?
What are some of your favorite lines from episode 4?
Mine are
- "That's a weird way to run"- Stranger
- "But I like you so much"- Gortys
- "Face! Face! His face has no face!"- Rhys
- "Goooooortys. Sorry that was breakfast"- Rhys
- "Now go on, I gotta catch a ride"- Scooter (it was a sad scene, but I liked that line)
- "He said hold tight"- Gortys
- "You wanna know what I was doing on Pandora? Your mom"- Rhysquez
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"I'm gonna marry the piss outta her" - Janey
"If by "it all" you mean "the sex my girlfriend and I had" then yes" - Jack
"He's out of bullets. I've been counting." Ha ha ha! That guy is such a loser; that whole scene is great.
"You're the one running, I can flyyyy." - Jack.
For some reason that floating out of nowhere always gets me.
Oh man, XD when Jack did that, I started laughing and just blurted out, "Damn you, Jack!"
So many good ones...for me though it's gotta be Jack's line when you're getting Vasquez' face: "Go on...peel off that face like a serial killer...God you're sick"... it just made the whole scene even more surreal and funny.
Either that actually or of you don't tell Fiona & Sasha about Jack, and then don't go through with jacking in... Jack says something along the lines of her not knowing, meaning when he makes you strangle her, she'll have no idea why... really dark but really awesome - especially if you initially agree and then hesitate, because Jack drops his friendly masks and reveals himself as the psycho he is...
And, yeah, this scene didn't have any lines/quotes, but it was still awesome:
My favorite line is when Rhys-ques is like "Sorry...Just ate a burrito."
For some reason I find the way it was delivered so funny and I laughed SO hard at it
That was pretty hilarious.
"Smoke him! For real this time."
Also, the fake gun and explosion sounds the Hyperion employees were making were phenomenal.
"This is Dumpy, (Turns off voice modulator) and I'm Rhys."
"No, don't shoot, please! AHHH!"
There are so many!
-When Scooter admits he has a crush on Fiona
-the whole butt stallion thing ( Why is it bleeding? You saw nothing.)
-the slo-mo walk into space thing (fiona be blocking lol)
-When Kroger says something about Vaughn getting stabbed (You could have just said yeah and did'nt do it now your friend all stabbed up) I know its dark but Kroger's voice actor makes almost anything funny.
-When Rhys is on the phone? with fiona talking about Yvette (She's dead to me. Not really but could be....etc)
[Rhys explains that they have to get to Helios and get the beacon]
August: ...No shit, moron.
I dunno why but I liked this moment
"I got some baggies in the truck."
I love how you draw upgraded Gortys
The best thing about that scene is Kroger smiling. Adorable.
Thank you Dave ;D
(although this is just a silly doodle
where is this from? ;D
I enjoyed threatening Yvette way more than I should have. I can do this aaall day long.
Its after Vasquez's body explodes, Finch says it.
I really enjoyed it too. Mostly because this time Rhys actually successed to be threatening.
Exactly! That felt so good after being punched in the face countless times...
I love how his fingers are wiggling
btw did you shock Yvette? I did. And I enjoyed it.
"I hope you're not allergic to lead."
"You're the only one running pal, I can flyyyyy"
"You're on your own lady, I ain't clenaing that shit up"
"I don't know where but we're eating drakefruit."
so he says hi release how are you ? hyperion guard (dont knlw exactly how he said it again)
My favorite was Jack:
"You're the only one runnin' pal. I can FLY!"
And I think my second favorite was that scene where Gortys and Fiona get arrested, and Gortys accidentally refers to Rhys-quez as Rhys, and they try to make it seem like she said, "release", as in "release me".
Guard: Yeah, but what she would've said was, "Oh, hi Release!"
There's also that one line where Gortys is talking about her upgrade and says (Edit: Found the actual line.) "Phew! Hoo! Glad I got these meaty hammocks." and that was amazing yet strange at the same time.
also "what was that? something about anime?"
I did once. Can't say I didn't enjoy it but it's so satisfying when she doesn't know who we are and it felt great to pay her back by deceiving her. Plus, it was cool only till she tried to get closer to Rhys, it felt like she's not afraid anymore. It was weird.
"Release? Except then she would have said OH HIIIIII RELEASE"
Found it.
Jack's : "You're the only one runnin' pal. I can FLY!"
that random guy saying in the finger gun fight : ''He is out of bullets, I was counting ''
Skin pizza oh god what is the pepperoni.
Apart from the ones you already mentioned hmm....
Sorry it's with other episode files but yee Jacks was pretty hilarious BOOP
There are so many to choose from.
"Your Shiting me"-August
"I wouldn't know how!"-Gortys (;
For some reason this scene makes me giggle every time -
Innocent cinnamon roll and angry Pandorans.