Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • It's just really easy to think he doesn't know because by "checking up on someone" we usually mean that they're alive and well.

    And yeah, Jackapedia too. I thought earlier that it's because he just doesn't want to mock her like he normally does, but maybe there's more to it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Who knows. I think he might have said she was dead if you looked at it, maybe by "check on her" would be to go see her grave or something, I mean scanning the picture with the jackapidea gets. Angle Look at something else, Im not joking.

  • edited August 2015

    You're so evil, it's like you're taking away his only source of joy... by screwing with his dreams and imagination. xD

    But yep, did that. T'was the best. :)

    Dekon55951 posted: »

    One thing that I thought was completely hilarious, is that you can fail so badly in Rhys's killer plan. Not doing any of the QTE's will result in Rhys screwing up in his own mind! Try it out.

  • His dreams were accomplished in my first playthrough :)

    DeityD posted: »

    You're so evil, it's like you're taking away his only source of joy... by screwing with his dreams and imagination. xD But yep, did that. T'was the best.

  • Spoiler

    Even finch was sad scooter died. Not something secret but still kinda cool

  • I found it quite heartwarming that if you decide to honor Scooter, he just nods in agreement when given a few minutes ago he was going to shoot him for even suggesting the idea.

    Maybe he's not that bad after all..?

  • Yeah i wonder how kroger reacted

    xValkyx posted: »

    I found it quite heartwarming that if you decide to honor Scooter, he just nods in agreement when given a few minutes ago he was going to shoot him for even suggesting the idea. Maybe he's not that bad after all..?

  • edited August 2015

    I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, but has anyone else noticed that the gun in Handsome Jack's Cabinet collection is the same gun the Stranger has been using in the future parts?

    enter image description here

  • Probably similar. He always seemed the more calm and level headed of them both (less likely to kill you) so i can see him showing some sympathy at least.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Yeah i wonder how kroger reacted

  • I said that. :P

    I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, but has anyone else noticed that the gun in Handsome Jack's Cabinet collection is the same gun the Stranger has been using in the future parts?

  • Nah. I use this same brand of sarcasm, he's just trying to mindfuck/piss off Rhys (which he succeeded in doing).

    AGentlman posted: »

    I got this to happen... Jack doesn't use any sarcasm....

  • Ah, I must have missed it! Good, good. c:

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I said that. :P

  • But you have a picture so +1

    Ah, I must have missed it! Good, good. c:

  • I totally missed this in my first two playthroughs, just found it on accident. After you find Gorty's piece in Jack's office, if you walk back into the trophy shelf area, you actually get the chance to talk to Jack about a few more topics!

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Huh, never heard that before.

    Reliqum posted: »

  • You can fail all of Rhys' master plan V2.0 and it still goes on hilariously.

    You can apologize to Sasha for nothing if you trust Fiona. She literally says "Sorry for.. what exactly?" and Rhys says he apologizes all the time to make sure he doesn't miss anything. Possible self awareness?

    If you say "You win" to Vallory she says "Oh. I thought I was going to have to stab someone."

    Staying silent to Janey Springs results in Sasha telling her everything in different words than Fiona can.

    A weird thing is if you stay silent when you recruit scooter, fiona gets disgusted with him. She turns around with a nasteh look on her face and grunts. Sasha tells her "come on, we need him" and fiona agrees. :P


    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I totally missed this in my first two playthroughs, just found it on accident. After you find Gorty's piece in Jack's office, if you walk back into the trophy shelf area, you actually get the chance to talk to Jack about a few more topics!

  • edited August 2015

    I'll identify them all:

    • Is non-elemental.

    • Fires 5 projectiles per shot.

    • Slightly reduced accuracy and increased magazine size.

    • Has the Hyperion Barrel, resulting in accuracy, reduced recoil and tighter pellet spread, but with lower damage and mag size.

    • Has a Torgue sight, which is also quite good if you don't like scopes. For scope sights, Jakobs is the best because of the zoom bonus.

    • Has a Hyperion grip, which tightens the pellet spread and increases recoil recovery, but decreases damage.

    • The Torgue stock also reduces recoil, but lowers recoil recovery time, although that isn't an issue with Hyperion shotguns, which already have fairly low recoil.

    I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, but has anyone else noticed that the gun in Handsome Jack's Cabinet collection is the same gun the Stranger has been using in the future parts?

  • How many internets do I need before I unlock episode 5?

    HoboStew posted: »

    This is correct! You win 1 internet.

  • Man, poor heart broke too when I saw that notification in the corner. Poor Gortys, she tries so hard.

    if you call Gortys stupid (I know, I'm a horrible person), Rhys will apologize,

  • edited August 2015

    How to make the most Hyperion-accurate tour possible, if you want to:

    1. "This depicts...Handsome Jack."
    2. " Vault Monster."
    3. "This, my friends, is...Jack's diamond pony. (Poor girl.)
    4. "And, craps guns! (No, really. In a DLC, it does crap out loot. You can get legendaries or purple weapons with beautiful custom finishes.)
  • im still wondering if kroger moustache is real or markered on lol

  • Wouldn't you say it was the vault monster? Because if you're a Hyperion tour guide you would be telling them the same history that was told in Living Legend Plaza.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    How to make the most Hyperion-accurate tour possible, if you want to: * "This depicts...Handsome Jack." * " Vault

  • edited August 2015

    Oh god, I never realised that. Thanks!

    mirashade posted: »

    Wouldn't you say it was the vault monster? Because if you're a Hyperion tour guide you would be telling them the same history that was told in Living Legend Plaza.

  • If you say to the captain when you arrive at Helios "I was doing your mom"
    He will say his mom is dead.... It's very awkward. Also if you say sup ladies before that as well, you find out that the captain is getting married to his boyfriend.

    What an interesting character

  • It's the captain's brother who's getting married, not the captain himself.

    kaza125 posted: »

    If you say to the captain when you arrive at Helios "I was doing your mom" He will say his mom is dead.... It's very awkward. Also if you s

  • I was so pissed that I got it all correct and they still complained that I was a crappy tour guide. My Fiona has been a complete pacifist so far (I've physically died by not pulling the trigger when I was supposed to, e.g. shooting Finch at Felix's), but when I saw the opportunity, I let those sons of bitches FRY without hesitation!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    How to make the most Hyperion-accurate tour possible, if you want to: * "This depicts...Handsome Jack." * " Vault

  • So does this make it official:

    enter image description here

    Is Jack immortal, and therefore will be in BL3?

    Or is he still vulnerable as an AI and can (potentially) suffer the same fate as Felicity?

  • Who knows, Jack does say he is no longer in Rhys' head, so maybe Ai Jack will be in BL3 unless we have to find a way to kill ai Jack

    So does this make it official: Is Jack immortal, and therefore will be in BL3? Or is he still vulnerable as an AI and can (potentially) suffer the same fate as Felicity?

  • Well, I know a way Jack can be destroyed. Blow up Helios.

    So does this make it official: Is Jack immortal, and therefore will be in BL3? Or is he still vulnerable as an AI and can (potentially) suffer the same fate as Felicity?

  • It seems like the Jack AI's memories only go up to about the beginning of Borderlands 2, since he said that he should visit Angel when I examined her picture. Makes sense, given the fact that the AI was made sometime during Pre-Sequel. (if I recall correctly.)

  • edited August 2015

    I shot Felix.

    And yes, I would let those Jackaboos fry.

    I was so pissed that I got it all correct and they still complained that I was a crappy tour guide. My Fiona has been a complete pacifist so

  • Yeah well he could be talking about her grave or something.

    Unheroic_ posted: »

    It seems like the Jack AI's memories only go up to about the beginning of Borderlands 2, since he said that he should visit Angel when I exa

  • Yeah, see, that seems logical to me - but is in no way indicative of 'immortal', unless they mean immortal as in "cannot die a natural human death of old age etc."

    Unless he's not just in Helios, itself, but is in the entire Hyperion ECHOnet and destroying the hardware would do nothing because he's still connected to other places in the galaxy?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Well, I know a way Jack can be destroyed. Blow up Helios.

  • My friend suggested that Jack will be basically Borderlands's Skynet.

    Yeah, see, that seems logical to me - but is in no way indicative of 'immortal', unless they mean immortal as in "cannot die a natural human

  • Well, that would be terrifying(ly awesome).

    LawmanZero posted: »

    My friend suggested that Jack will be basically Borderlands's Skynet.

  • And then he's no longer moonshotting Loaders. He starts churning out really, really, REALLY advanced killbots.

    "Loaders are obsolete, kiddos. There's only ME now."

    Cue shiny chrome killbot copies of Jack crashing down from Helios, now in the shape of Jack's head, that proceed to open fire with their Vision Pistols.

    Well, that would be terrifying(ly awesome).

  • Does anyone know what changes this itty-bitty bit of dialog? I got the first one in my first playthrough and the other in the second, but my Jack-related choices were pretty much the same in both, so I don't know what exactly affects this...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I got the 2nd and I've been anti jack my whole play through. I also told everyone about Jack if that's important.

    Does anyone know what changes this itty-bitty bit of dialog? I got the first one in my first playthrough and the other in the second, but my Jack-related choices were pretty much the same in both, so I don't know what exactly affects this...

  • In the credits, it says "Rhysquez played by Patrick Warburton"

  • I am 100% pro-Jack all the time, so it can't just be that... I was thinking if it could be related to the choice on top of the caravan in ep.3 where Jack asks what he can do for us... Would fit neatly with my 'take over Hyperion' vs. 'crush my enemies' choices...

    I got the 2nd and I've been anti jack my whole play through. I also told everyone about Jack if that's important.

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