Vault Speculation (Spoilers for all Borderlands Games)

The Vault of the Traveler, just like any other Vault, is a very hard one to predict. However, due to other vaults correlations with the monsters and prizes and each other (and a bit of over analyzing), I will try and predict what the Vault monster will be, and its prize.

Vault Monsters:

The Destroyer was, quite obviously, a monster who was capable of destruction, the amount, I'm not sure.

The Sentinel was to keep watch and make sure no one would get into the Vault, and kill those who tried.

The Warrior would listen to commands, and based off of Handsome Jack's command ("kill), it wasn't a peaceful creature.

The correlation is easy to see. Whatever they are called is what their purpose is (A destroyer destroys, a sentinel keeps watch, a warrior follows orders). Based off of this, we can see the Traveler is some sort of a teleportation creature, who has the power to bring its vault with it when it teleports. However, if it's just the Vault that teleports, and not the actually creature, it's power may be unknown. However, it IS called the traveler, so it's more likely that it has some form of teleportation that allows it to go where ever it pleases.

However, whilst the others creatures names are something you'd hear in a monster movie, or in a war, the 'Traveler' is actually quite a peaceful word, which could give off the idea that we won't fight this creature? The action in Tales from the Borderlands is good, however, as we've seen in previous Borderlands games, killing a vault creature is not something that is easy to do. Tales from the Borderlands would have to give us extreme fire power that only a vault hunter would use, as only a vault hunter can kill a vault creature. But from what we have so far, the chance of killing a vault creature is one in a million. So maybe the vault creature will be peaceful, who knows?

Vault Prizes:

For killing the Destroyer, you would get a weapon of mass destruction. It's eye.

For killing the Sentinel, (this is an over analyzation) we would get a glimpse into the future, that would allow Jack to 'keep watch' for what would happen and make sure everything goes according to plan.

The Warrior doesn't give us anything that correlates to its name, all it gives is more vaults locations.

The correlation between the Destroyer's prizes and the Sentinel's prizes, however, are directly based off their names (Destroyer will give you its Eye to destroy stuff, the Sentinel will give you the future to watch out for what happens next, like a sentinel would). So will the Traveler give us something that allows us to travel around Pandora? Maybe even allows us to travel to more vaults? Something that relates to teleportation, at least, is what I believe we will get.

Vault Enviroment:

The Destroyer's environment wasn't anything special.

The Sentinel's environment had this strange, other world like feel to it, what with all the manipulation of the area, which made sense for the environment.

The Warrior's environment was in a sort of lava-like wasteland, and the monster was a fire dragon. Kind of like a Charizard, but made with lava.

So the Traveler's environment, could possibly be shifting environments depending on where the vault is in the universe.

Plot Importance:

The Destroyer's Vault had also sprung up the Eridium all over Pandora, which has caused Hyperion to come to Pandora, leading to the plot of Borderlands 2.

The Sentinel's Vault got Jack to find out about the Warrior, which also subsequently led into Borderlands 2.

The Warrior's Vault gave the Vault Hunters an entire map of vaults across however big that amount of space on the map is (Might be a solar system, a galaxy, or the entire universe). This has had no significant amount of plot importance YET. However, it might correspond with the war that is coming in Borderlands 3.

The Traveler's Vault is mostly being predicted to have some sort of significance in the war that is coming. Maybe it will help the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3, maybe it will hurt them.

What are your guys theories?


  • edited September 2017


  • That's a good theory, and it does make a lot of sense. I mean, halfway through the story is when Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel starts off, so maybe right when they were opening the vault or something related to it, The Watcher found out, and came to warn the Vault Hunters?


  • Also, the environment of the vault matters as well.

    The Destroyer's environment wasn't anything special.

    The Sentinel's environment had this strange, other world like feel to it, what with all the manipulation of the area, which made sense for the environment.

    The Warrior's environment was in a sort of lava-like wasteland, and the monster was a fire dragon. Kind of like a Charizard, but made with lava.

    So the Traveler's environment, could possibly be shifting environments depending on where the vault is in the universe.

  • edited September 2017


    Also, the environment of the vault matters as well. The Destroyer's environment wasn't anything special. The Sentinel's environment ha

  • edited August 2015

    It's obvious that the stranger is the "Traveler" and the reason he backtracking their steps is to figure out how Gortys was to be used to stop his vault from teleporting and destroy any chance of anyone finding the vault.

    lol Jk

  • I don't know, the first part of the episode? That feels a little too soon for the vault to already be ventured into.

    But you could be right. However, twisty passages gives off the possible illusion it could be a changing maze?


  • edited September 2017


    I don't know, the first part of the episode? That feels a little too soon for the vault to already be ventured into. But you could be right. However, twisty passages gives off the possible illusion it could be a changing maze?

  • This plot point has been brought to you by M. Night Shyamalan.

    It's obvious that the stranger is the "Traveler" and the reason he backtracking their steps is to figure out how Gortys was to be used to stop his vault from teleporting and destroy any chance of anyone finding the vault. lol Jk

  • That sounds about right.


  • New part regarding plot importance has been added.

  • I've got a couple of thoughts:

    Firstly, the prize in the Warrior's vault was control over the Warrior himself. The Warrior was supposed to be YOUR Warrior, just the key to access him had information in it when blasted by an Eridium-fuelled Siren. However, you killed it before it hit the surface. So how, and why, could you kill these supposed "Legendary" beasts? My personal theory is that the Warrior was the leader of an army. The army is found within the other vaults, hence why the Warrior's key had the information. You control the Warrior, the Warrior controls them. He was never supposed to be fought singularly, hence why he could have been taken down so easily (Even Jack is surprised at the end).

    This is the "War" that is coming. The Warrior may be gone, but Jack still has a chance to get the rest of the army.

  • By prize I mean what we, as the players and protagonists of the story, gain. The Warrior was a prize to Handsome Jack, but not to us, and as it is destroyed, it can't be reclaimed as a prize.

    Even legendary can be defeated. Just with a lot of elbow grease, which the vault hunters had.

    Jack is just surprised, to my belief, because in Borderlands: TPS, when he saw the future, he never saw himself being defeated.

    I like this theory, though, as Jack does call the Warrior a "god", and a god like the Warrior would have 'followers' (an army).

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I've got a couple of thoughts: Firstly, the prize in the Warrior's vault was control over the Warrior himself. The Warrior was supposed t

  • I believe the standard theory behind The Warrior being so easy to beat is that because Jack cheated and used a siren to charge the Vault key that The Warrior was not 'ready' yet - if it'd had it's full gestational period (200 years) it would have been fully formed and wouldn't have had the weak spot on its chest, and thus, would have been much more powerful.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I've got a couple of thoughts: Firstly, the prize in the Warrior's vault was control over the Warrior himself. The Warrior was supposed t

  • Well by then he would've been dead, so in his case, it was now or never.

    Which does give a good amount of credibility to your theory.

    I believe the standard theory behind The Warrior being so easy to beat is that because Jack cheated and used a siren to charge the Vault key

  • I never thought of that. I like that theory. Makes more sense than mine!

    I believe the standard theory behind The Warrior being so easy to beat is that because Jack cheated and used a siren to charge the Vault key

  • Your theory actually makes a good amount of sense.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I never thought of that. I like that theory. Makes more sense than mine!

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