Things Episode 5 Needs To Answer

So, episode 5 is coming, and there is still alot that needs to be answered in the story, although, I thought the same thing with Wolf Among Us and most of my questions got answered real quick, so maybe it will all just happen real quick aswell, anyway.

  • Handsome Jack situation: So, it seems that Jack isn't with Rhys anymore in the future timeline, and because he said he is "out" of Rhys' head, now we wont have this answered till ep 5 obviously, but Jack does say he will make Rhys kill Fiona if you refuse, despite the fact that he says he's no longer in Rhys' head. Either way, it will need to be answered.

  • Future Rhys and Fiona: Simple question that started back in ep 1, why are Rhys and Fiona mad at each other and where did they get their new outfits from.

  • Stranger Identity and motive: Another simple question that started in ep 1, who is the Stranger, and what's his motive with Rhys and Fiona.

  • Sasha and Vaughn: Where Sasha and Vaughn are in the present story and what are they doing

  • The Vault: still little info on the Vault, where it is, and how to open


  • Oh, Yvette's going on a one way trip to Strangulation Town. Don't even doubt it.

    Besides, it's our duty as Hyperion employee's/CEO's to deal with traitors like that. Jack even wrote it into the bylaws! ;)

  • Most of your question will be answered. No doubt.

    Gortys revealed more information about vault. It's the Vault of the Traveler. It (or it's entrance) appears for short time in one place, then goes somewhere else. Beacon will summon it for longer. Does this place requires a key - I don't know.

    I'd like to know what has happened to Gortys. Her component was found on Pandora. Another thing - the shelter. If I'm not wrong it's the crashed spaceship from screenshots and first preview. Is there a connection between it and "remains" of Gortys?

  • The treasure map in Jack's office?

  • No, that and stallion were easter eggs imo.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    The treasure map in Jack's office?

  • I am curious about Rhys' tattoos (although that may not be important, it is bothering me)


  • I'm not so sure. Might be a link into a second season perhaps, if it's not answered here.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    No, that and stallion were easter eggs imo.

  • Same here dude -_-

    I am curious about Rhys' tattoos (although that may not be important, it is bothering me) XD

  • Also why Rhys' ECHO eye appears to be powered down in present day.

  • I'm curious how felix's gift to sasha will affect sasha and the story. They showed it a lot this episode.

  • I think it'll be useful if Sasha did in fact betray Fiona on Helios. Sasha will see it and reflect, then realize she has done a horrible thing. As a result, it will spur her into saving the group she just betrayed.

    Again, if Sasha did in fact betray Fiona.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm curious how felix's gift to sasha will affect sasha and the story. They showed it a lot this episode.

  • They're parts of the borderlands games. Definitely just references to other parts of the borderlands universe.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I'm not so sure. Might be a link into a second season perhaps, if it's not answered here.

  • It's literally a map of the Caustic Caverns from BL2. You use that same map to find some Dahl treasure in a sidequest.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I'm not so sure. Might be a link into a second season perhaps, if it's not answered here.

  • I'd like Yvette's motives to be explored a little more. Her selling out Rhys made sense to me, but at the moment that conflict is still a little flat. I'd like to know if she was ever conflicted over it like Vaughn was, or if she was always just looking for the best offer. Like most people at Hyperion.

  • Where's our Steward Bot?

  • I'd like to know the story behind Rhy's mechanical arm and echo implant. Why does it seem like he is the only one with one? What is the Stranger's deal with knowing Rhy's and Fiona's side of the story? Yvette's legit reasoning for taking the deal. Idk what it has to be for me to be like " Okay I get it or that makes sense."

  • One of your questions was already answered in Episode 3. Fiona's outfit can be bought from the Quick Change machine in both the past two episodes. I guess it's kind of paying for early access. Rhys will likely get a change of clothes to suit his new position as Master of the Universe, or as Jack's new meat puppet.

    As for why they are angry with each other? I get the sense that Fiona is the one that has the real problem with Rhys. This is my reading on the situation, either Rhys took Jack's offer and Fiona feeling betrayed was the one who sabotaged the deal, or alternatively, Rhys turned down the deal but Fiona is not entirely aware of the facts and Rhys is tried of the largely false accusations. There's probably more to it, but that's the situation I'm starting to interpret.

  • The "Steampunk Princess" outfit is completely different to Fiona's future outfit.

    WazzuMan posted: »

    One of your questions was already answered in Episode 3. Fiona's outfit can be bought from the Quick Change machine in both the past two epi

  • i agree with ops thoughts,
    side note at the end of episode 5 i want to end up in sancuatuary at the end, and be able to talk to all the vault hunters at least a little bit, i need more borderlands 2 VH please!

  • If it were completely different I wouldn't be making a note to take a few screenshots to properly compare the two outfits.

    The "Steampunk Princess" outfit is completely different to Fiona's future outfit.

  • edited August 2015

    No, seriously, they're completely different.

    They share a similar colour scheme, but the patterns and details are not the same.

    Edit: Here's the two I quickly found just on Google images (which aren't great quality, but show they're not the same), but if you compare the two in-game you can see just how different they are:
    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    WazzuMan posted: »

    If it were completely different I wouldn't be making a note to take a few screenshots to properly compare the two outfits.

  • I feel like Sasha and/or Vaughn might die in the mission because Fiona does say that Scooter was the first causality in the mission, so I'm assuming that more people would die, either them or the rest of the people that went on the mission

  • Oh really? I should have picked that!

    Courtenay posted: »

    It's literally a map of the Caustic Caverns from BL2. You use that same map to find some Dahl treasure in a sidequest.

  • I really want to know why Vaughn is so ripped, I mean it was out of nowhere and when asked about it, he totally avoided the subject!

  • It was the exercise bike he got in his office

    Dekon55951 posted: »

    I really want to know why Vaughn is so ripped, I mean it was out of nowhere and when asked about it, he totally avoided the subject!

  • Heh, I didn't recognize it at first either!

    It wasn't until I checked a screencap somebody posted in another thread that I went "wait..."

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    Oh really? I should have picked that!

  • Yeah "exercise bike"

    It was the exercise bike he got in his office

  • Well we know that Rhys can't kill Fiona, because she is still alive with the stranger. Unless he kills her then and I don't see that happening.

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