Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • 5 at once? Same here :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Gonna post a story today or tomorrow. Been working on like five at once...

  • 5 at once?

    my mind went in a completely different direction lol

    enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    5 at once? Same here

  • Nighty night guys! Sweet dreams! :D

  • dirty rhyiona dreams!

    Nighty night guys! Sweet dreams!

  • Nah this seems accurate for you :P

    5 at once? my mind went in a completely different direction lol

  • I actually like this song though :P

    But I PREFER the Mamma Mia film version.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »



    Poogers555 posted: »

    k, unused audio of Vaughn talking about pecks. http://vocaroo.com/i/s16bI9swBIHI There was also one with Vaughn saying "Dont worry" and then after a really long pause. "Fuck."

  • YOOOO!!!

    Don't get banned this time :P

    Helloooo, kids! I'm back!

  • well, this is ded.

    nighty night everyone <3

  • I only felt this or TWAU....

    That game did something to me man :I

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Here's the hope that the wait until Episode 5 will be bearable. Don't mind waiting long, but I like it to be enjoyable. Whenever I play through an episode and then wait for another one, I always feel as if the next episode is so damn far away.


  • Honestly, I better get some rewards for siding with Fiona the entire game over Jack. He may be crazy but in the Atlas facility he's the better and safer choice than Fiona. But i chose Fiona because I trusted her more than I trusted myself.

  • Of course I won't. I won't commit anything stupid again! :0

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    YOOOO!!! Don't get banned this time :P

  • I know this is super random, and you probably don't care, but because of issues right now I won't be able to play it until next Friday. So if you're wondering where I've been Im avoiding spoilers.

    I just wanted to say I really miss you guys, and can't wait to return! Also, No spoilers! :P

  • Well this thread is super random, we get coke and degree and donkey kong attacks all the time xD

    We understand don't worry, I hope you enjoy the episode :)

    I know this is super random, and you probably don't care, but because of issues right now I won't be able to play it until next Friday. So i

  • I'm sorry to hear that. You take all the time you need, I hope you get better :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Is..is it safe? Okay, hey there guys! I was going to deliever a message but since you guys were having fun(?) earlier, I didn't want

  • Great art! :D

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well....since you're going through some tough times now I thought that I would be nice to you for a change so I guess enjoy, it has some stunning visuals [enter link description here](enter link description here) and an art for you

  • Thanks bro!

    Also, Donkey Kong?

    Well this thread is super random, we get coke and degree and donkey kong attacks all the time xD We understand don't worry, I hope you enjoy the episode

  • WHOA!!!! YIKES! :O

    CocBlockula posted: »

    Your right, its a joke SPOILER!! This is how EP5 really ends

  • NEVER!!!!

    Eryka posted: »

    I didn't tell anyone but last night I had a bad Rhyiona nightmare. We (Rhyiona shippers) we're on a little wood ship and we we're posting s

  • Wow yikes, Ive going through more audio and theres alot of unused F bombs, I mean even Rhys says it, although its in Vasquez's voice, but still.

  • Return soon Kristi! :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Is..is it safe? Okay, hey there guys! I was going to deliever a message but since you guys were having fun(?) earlier, I didn't want

  • Also, when Sasha calls Fiona to look out the window, if you dont hit the button, Fiona kinda floats down really werid and ask's Rhys for help, rhys says something weird in Vasquez voice which Fiona responds with "thats creepy"

  • Also, tfw you find audio of Fiona calling Rhys her Prison date

  • It reminds me of fallout.

    Plz continue the story i need to know what happens next!!

    10/10 COOL STORY BRO!!


    enter image description here

  • "Fiona calling Rhys her Prison date"


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, tfw you find audio of Fiona calling Rhys her Prison date


    enter image description here


  • She's going to prison!?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, tfw you find audio of Fiona calling Rhys her Prison date

  • Didn't you play episode 4?

    She's going to prison!?

  • enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Is..is it safe? Okay, hey there guys! I was going to deliever a message but since you guys were having fun(?) earlier, I didn't want

  • Oh yeah! :}

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Did anyone else giggle to Rhys' pose ;D

  • Oh My God! I needed this today Thank you! :} <3


  • welcome back elliot good to see you it has been awhile since you were last here, how are things?

    She's going to prison!?

  • I didn't played. I watched.

    Didn't you play episode 4?

  • Oh. Just fine.

    welcome back elliot good to see you it has been awhile since you were last here, how are things?

  • Good morning, my fellow Rhyiona shippers! <3

    enter image description here

  • Is this... uh some kinda cult or something?

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