Final Destination?
this will be our last wait, you guys! i hope telltale include a moment that we could say Goodbye to characters we loved for months now! and what other way than to end our journey in Wam Bam Island? that would be SO COOOOL. it does not have to make sense, maybe even include it after the credits as a clip or as a farewell to us, and for me personally, i want the gang to go to Wam Wam Island, put on some shades and enjoy the water....
wam bam island was a location in BL2 DLC, i loved that place, i would love if telltale do something like this at the end of the credits or a blooper or something! i would love that!
what is YOUR final destination?
plus i know that wont make sense in the real game, but it would work replacing the 'teaser' trailer at the end of the credits or something.. i think it would be cool way to say farewell to the gang!
I want the entire cast to have dance-off during the credits, which would be interrupted at the end with Claptrap dubstep.
I'd like Sanctuary.
ahahaha i would love that... in space?
A perfect place for a perfect ending to a perfect game.
i think sanctuary would a spoiler place xD, because we all know that lilith, athena, brick etc.. are all there... that would be awkwaard xD, plus moxxi would kill us.. for obvious reasons </3
Maybe in Scooter place at the ,,In Memorian Party" or something like that?
The entire gang, plus the Stranger, Gortys and Loader Bot, kick back on the beach and chill. Perfect.
Also, if August lives...we will get to see him shirtless. And then all the fangirls will make gifs.
i knooowww, it would be magical.
i think we need more than a few minutes or seconds for that
, i think gearbox have plans for that... moxxi and ellie are MIA at the moment.. so who knows?
if this happens after the credits, then who needs logic? its for us to say farewell, i dont mind even dead characters to join the beach party xD they can be ghosts for all i care xD
Also, Jack as the DJ.
OMG THAT WOULD BE PERFECT! and claptrap as a group dance choreographer! with gortys as his assistance... this is too perfect for me.
We didn't kill Scooter directly, Vallory made us go. True about the Awkward, Lilith might try to kill us instead. Moxxi would understand also she doesn't have Rubi anymore plus that's reminds me wasn't Athena suppose to be buried in a shallow grave?
And Rhys and Vaughn and August playing volleyball.
its magical, and perfect for a chance to say goodbye!
as a female, they all need to be shirtless, playing vollyball at the beach... plus dont forget my boy, Axton!
athena is not dead, she is now cool with lilith, brick and mordi! but i dont know for now what happend to them! as the pre-sequel cuts off... all we know is that now they are cool, and war is coming! more reasons for us to have a vacation in Wam Bam islands
I was talking about how she told them about Moxxi's hodunk accent within her telling the story of Jack's rising to power. No wonder why Scooter wasn't in The Pre-Sequel's present time.enter link description hereGo to 35:30-36:30 minutes
I would love to go to Wam Bam Island, have the whole group just relaxing at the beach, having a good time, listening to Metallica music (sorry, I only have one with Rhys and Sasha).
that is AWESOOOOOME! now all we need is Fiona and that would be a perfect shot!!
The last location will probably be the Vault, but considering it teliports wherever you want, so maybe we will just be treliported all over
i thought that it could be at the end of the credits kind of blooper or something, i dont think this would make sense for the 'actual' ep5 because it will be TOO TENSE for us to enjoy a tropical vacation xD
i think more of this as a fan service or something...
The episode will end with dancing and a massive Top Gun reference.
lol that can be another claptrap ruined everything moment
oh yess! i remember that scene!
... its sad tho! i wonder what moxxi will do.. to think of it, vallory is at fault. plus janey is the one who suggested that scooter should go with us, i wonder ifwe will see that in BL3 or in the finale?
it would be awesome tho, since when claptrap not ruin everything? i love him tho!
lol. Why is everyone so obsessed with Rhys and Metallica?
SPECIAL Episode 6: The Vacation of the Travelers.
You are my friend, A WINNER!!! THAT NEED TO HAPPEN! </3
Sasha wants to leave Pandora. I'm sure her wish will come true.
Because both are awesome.
I dont think so dude, at least not where we are now
Moxxi and Ellie will then bury Vallory and Janey in shallow graves, but if Athena heard about how they buried Janey she would slice their heads off.
i dont like janey that much, i was pretty rude to her all the way through! but i dont know whym when they gave me the option to ''Lie OR tell the truth'' i just, couldn't... i had to lie to her and tell her what she want to hear, she seemed so sad....i dont know why i did thatm even tho i dont like her..
regarding moxxi and ellie, i hope we see them somehow, like wtf her son died on OUR MISSION. we have to come across them somehow! BL3 will have MANY heartbreaking moments i can tell...
Well I did tell Janey the two options while rewinding for other things. If you tell her Athena loves her she gets all happy and then wants to marry her. If you tell her Athena didn't have the time to say anything she would say something like "I figured" but still be kinda down.
I can't wait for BL3. I was thinking it would be released in 2017 or 2018 since it took 3 years between Borderlands and Borderlands 2 and 2 years between Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel. Ehh when one of my friends are upset I just lie and say it would get better or something since I don't really know how to handle people who are sad. Telling her what she wanted to hear in the long run was a good idea.
yo, i found this on tumblr.... i wont.......cry.....crying