The Lonely Throne?

"I want to introduce my friend from Janitor to CEO Rhys"
"Oh no this can't be happening"
Rhys has the throne but can he get the girl? And will it be an option to deal with Yvette the handsome jack way in the new episode.
What are your thoughts hopes and dreams?
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The handsome guy always gets the girl, and the space ship was close enough to a cock, so yes.
Sasha did seem horrified Rhys was in control though and we have yet to see her in the present day scenes.
I picked silence as a valid option so I'm sure she'll understand that I stayed silent about Jack and I totally didn't slap her ass because it was an 'out of body experience'.
I also stayed quiet with Jack, not choosing to rule or reject. Jack took it as reject, of course, but yeah. I'm sure she'll forgive Rhys.
I fear willingly choosing to rule Hyperion will kill my chances with BOTH of the sisters. :v And since I trusted Jack, I'm really hoping Sasha won't like me due to Jack-in-my-body slapping her ass. I don't plan on killing Yvette, as angry as I am at the betrayal, but who knows... I did shoot Felix despite my "do not kill anyone" rule in TTG. We'll see what happens.
Personally my main playthrough i'm ok with yvette's backstab. if you say she shouldnt have taken the deal if she didnt trust vasquez she says "they were dead the moment they set foot on pandora. I figured if i was going to lose them anyway i might as well get something out of it." the "lose them" bit indicates she does care in some way about them. So I merely threatened her the first time and didnt take Jack's deal. But in my Handsome Rhys playthrough i'm more vicious so i stun battonned her and i'll probably space her first opportunity because that's how Handsome Rhys rolls. But I still want Sasha at my side..
He was promoted to President of Hyperion, not CEO.
if you wanna be anal about it "The Chiefiest of Executives, Total President Material, My man, RHYS!!"
"if you wanna be anal about it" gets quote wrong
Anywho, the "chiefiest of executives" passed my mind.
Which is why i included the link so even if i was wrong the full truth could be heard from the jack's mouth. im medicated on sleeping meds, covered in roaches, and dealing with no running water and a broken bedroom window, whats your excuse for being uppity?
literally all I did was correct you, I didn't kill your family or ask for your current life sitatution.
so, in you're words:
Before another boring and pointless round of the stupid "Ultimate Strawmen Smackdown For Justice, Freedom And Dickery" occurs, please end this argument quickly, before it devolves into a Strawman MMA Match.
Also, CapnJay, my condolences for your horrendous living state and no running water. Although telling someone that they're "being anal" is probably not a good idea, because it's a really terrible insult that also makes no sense. Seriously. "If you want to be nitpicky as hell" would be better.
Well if you want to be anal about it I could sodomize you.
Yeah, okay, so like-- what are you trying to accomplish by this? Are you really willing to shove a foreign object up my ass because I corrected you? What's the motive?
but is north north?