Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yarr! Mind ye own business laddies!

    Eryka posted: »

    It's a beautifull battle to watch!

  • YES


    Why did Lucy have to chicken out ;-;

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    ASDFGHJKL OMG MY HEART oh wait is that Asuka's chapter?? Where Natsu and Lucy were watching over Asuka? I used to be so up to date with both ;--; now I'm just...idek

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    buntingsir posted: »

    I had to take a moment to come to my senses again after seeing this. x) It's so sweet and tender...


    k so tuday wuz the dayy Rice is going to McDolans but no one gives a fuk

    so Rice and Voghn wer walkin dawn teh stret talkin bout sweg

    "stfu Rice I hev bigger sweg" Voghn sed

    "pruv it" Rice sed chelenging Voghn

    "I lost mai verginty" Voghn sed prod of hiself

    "well fuk" Rice sed with a fegit tone

    "dunt wurry I kno hao to mek u lose ur verginty 2" Voghn sed whiel pating Rice's butt

    "Hao???" Rice sed quriosuly

    "Ask Fiena" Voghn sed

    "Nao wtf she's fuqing Scootur" Rice sed disepointed

    "Nat anymoar cuz Scootur is ded" Voghn sed while ponting at McDolands "infact Fiena iz at McDolans with Sosha rite nao"

    "wat de fak Voghn ur a genius" Rice sed hepily

    "Ik" Voghn replid

    "k well fuq u nao cuz imma go to McDolans" Rice sed whiel runing when teh lights wer red

    so Rice gat hit by a car

    "Rice pls" Voghn sed whiel walkin away

    5 minuets l8r...

    "kewl am at McDolans" sed Rice whiel lokin round

    "now were the fak is Fiena??" qustiond Rice

    "am heer" Sosha sed whiel lokin at Rice

    "k" sed Rice

    "w8 hold own a fuqin minuet pls" sed Rice whiel goin n teh bethrom

    Rice opans up his phoen

    Dialing...Fagit wit glassus

    "hrey Voghn" sed Rice

    "ya???" replid Voghn

    "hao do I git teh bich??" qustiond Rice

    "impruss hur" answred Voghn

    "k" sed Rice b4 hanging up

    2 minuets l8r...

    "hrey bb sumtiems i do'nt ware an seetbelt wen mai gramma drievs me 2 McDolans" sed Rice wit sweg

    "hott" replid Sosha

    "awh mai gwd Rice staph pls am wet" replid Fiena

    "ya bich wel Rice is mein" sed Sosha engry

    "wtf pls nao Rhysha" sed Rice

    "fuq u am gona go fuk Agest" sed Sosha b4 levin

    100 housr l8r...

    "k wer in mai apartmunt" sed Rice

    "kso wat do u wanna do???" askd Fiena

    "wel I need to lose mai verginty fer sweg" replid Rice

    "wat de fak u do'nt hav sweg???" sed Fiena shokd

    "nao" replid Rice

    "sry Rice I only fuq guis wit sweg" sed Fiena

    "fuk" sed Rice


    wil some1 give a fuk bout Rice goin 2 McDolans?

    wil Rice lose hes verginty??

    wil u hav sweg? spoiler alert : no

    find out moar in TEH BEST FANFICTUN 4EVUR

    So I wanted to this this comic style but I didn't find any Dolan's show versions of them ;/

    Really sorry if you lose some of your IQ after reading this lol

  • enter image description here

    Reminds me of my anime OTP's :]

    enter image description here

  • Even Rhys when he's vomiting?

  • wut da fek fiena ;_______;

    Brawl posted: »

    TEH BEST FANFICTUN 4EVUR k so tuday wuz the dayy Rice is going to McDolans but no one gives a fuk so Rice and Voghn wer walkin dawn t

  • Is this canon?

    Brawl posted: »

    TEH BEST FANFICTUN 4EVUR k so tuday wuz the dayy Rice is going to McDolans but no one gives a fuk so Rice and Voghn wer walkin dawn t

  • yes.

    Is this canon?

  • so, what makes Fiona jealous

  • enter image description here

    Is this canon?

  • Fiena wth why so rood

    kewl FANFICTUN bruh

    Brawl posted: »

    TEH BEST FANFICTUN 4EVUR k so tuday wuz the dayy Rice is going to McDolans but no one gives a fuk so Rice and Voghn wer walkin dawn t

  • So, I've been just playing through Episode 4, and I just found out that Fiona can actually comfort Rhys when he tells her about Yvette selling them out. She says sorry to him and ooooh... it's cute. I can't wait to make a vid of it to show to you guys. :3

  • Oh my, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that... and that you still experience awful stuff like that on a regular basis. :(

    It's not the same, I know, but the conclusion is important, so please keep reading. Two years ago, I was in a pretty bad spot emotionally, my life was pretty much falling apart and I was contemplating a lot of stuff, but long story short, in the end it got better. I've learned two things from that - first, don't lose hope. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day it will get better. I promise you that. Second - even when everything may seem awful right now, try to enjoy the little things. Chocolate, video games, driving, walking around in a park, writing fanfic, finding a quarter laying on the street, posting comments here, collecting thumbs up, ... Doesn't matter how seemingly small or insignificant, if it makes you feel good, do it. It helps. You could even try to find yourself a new hobby if you're up to that. Also, we're looking forward to that fanfic of yours! :)

    Hang in there, buddy! And if you ever need anything, or want to talk about anything, just say so.

    Brawl posted: »

    I've been working on this comedic Rhyiona fanfic when boom , my bigger brother comes , and well... I hate my brother , he's an asshole li

  • enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    So, I've been just playing through Episode 4, and I just found out that Fiona can actually comfort Rhys when he tells her about Yvette selli

  • Rhysha

    Kruzii posted: »

    so, what makes Fiona jealous

  • Cuuute, where's that from?!

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    Reminds me of my anime OTP's :]

  • Yarr when her mate goes looking fer booty without her

    Kruzii posted: »

    so, what makes Fiona jealous

  • when Rhys eats ice cream

    Kruzii posted: »

    so, what makes Fiona jealous

  • uh. not where I come from

  • am sry but ur grammer iz horribul

    iz dis canun?????*

    Is this canon?

  • not where I come

    enter image description here

    Kruzii posted: »

    uh. not where I come from

  • That speech between them has definitely raised my hopes up to 11! I will see if I can make the video tonight because, unfortunately, I'm a little bit busy at this moment. Just not busy enough to not go on those forums. xd

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    So, I've been just playing through Episode 4, and I just found out that Fiona can actually comfort Rhys when he tells her about Yvette selli

  • Spice and Wolf S2. It's pretty low-paced, involves lot's of economy talks and fantasy stuff (it's a weird combination, now that i said it). x) But I liked it.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Cuuute, where's that from?!

  • how

    not where I come

  • I've never heard about that one! Are those two canon?

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    Spice and Wolf S2. It's pretty low-paced, involves lot's of economy talks and fantasy stuff (it's a weird combination, now that i said it). x) But I liked it.

  • brawl pls

    Rice hav no sweg? lel fegit

    Now back to 'regular english mode', I'm not a native english speaker so I'm not good at this. :) It was hilarious! I could not stop laughing! :D
    There will be part 2, right? :)

    Brawl posted: »

    TEH BEST FANFICTUN 4EVUR k so tuday wuz the dayy Rice is going to McDolans but no one gives a fuk so Rice and Voghn wer walkin dawn t

  • I've never read manga, only watched anime, but from what I've heard they are, yes. In S1 there weren't a lot of romantic moments, but in S2 oh boy, it's really sweet. Their relationship are very subtle, just like I prefer.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I've never heard about that one! Are those two canon?

  • Alright listen up mates, that booty ain't going to find itself. It is our duty as respectable pirates to claim that buried treasure for ourselves. However, I can't do it on me own. I'll need a capable crew... So I'll go look for some real sailors bye.

  • Fairy Tail isn't over yet so I can't say the same here. :P But it's pretty obvious it will be canon at this point.

    enter image description here

    Natsu used to look so innocent and then he became lewd as hell out of nowhere...

    buntingsir posted: »

    I've never read manga, only watched anime, but from what I've heard they are, yes. In S1 there weren't a lot of romantic moments, but in S2 oh boy, it's really sweet. Their relationship are very subtle, just like I prefer.

  • depends... what kinda booty?

    Alright listen up mates, that booty ain't going to find itself. It is our duty as respectable pirates to claim that buried treasure for ours

  • edited August 2015

    the only treasure we want is Rhyiona anyway

    Alright listen up mates, that booty ain't going to find itself. It is our duty as respectable pirates to claim that buried treasure for ours

  • Ughhh that part was so frustrating tho lmao xDD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    YES THAT WAS SO AMAZING Why did Lucy have to chicken out ;-;

  • I'm back. All the other sailors I found just started taking off their clothes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    the only treasure we want is Rhyiona anyway

  • I've got nothing smart to say so here have this picture

    enter image description here

    Alright listen up mates, that booty ain't going to find itself. It is our duty as respectable pirates to claim that buried treasure for ours

  • Seriously ;____; What's more irritating is that he had no problem with it so she basically ruined the whole thing. :P

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Ughhh that part was so frustrating tho lmao xDD

  • Well, that works too, it's great when you can tell they'll be canon. :D

    Natsu used to look so innocent and then he became lewd as hell out of nowhere...

    I guess stuff like that happens, especially when there're a lot of volumes in manga.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fairy Tail isn't over yet so I can't say the same here. :P But it's pretty obvious it will be canon at this point. Natsu used to look so innocent and then he became lewd as hell out of nowhere...

  • 2lewd

    I'm back. All the other sailors I found just started taking off their clothes.

  • ...

    enter image description here

    I'm back. All the other sailors I found just started taking off their clothes.

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