Honestly, my favorite thing out of the MCU is the Daredevil series. I don't know where I would put Ant-Man, but it's up there with GotG and Winter Soldier in my book.
It had such great humor and above all the fights scenes were both awesome and comical at the same time
-Little to no plot after the teleportation incident goes wrong.
-Has barely any action.
-Supposedly there was a shitload of studio interference including rewrites and reshoots. And boy, it really shows.
-No chemistry between the characters.
-Costume design is a joke. Especially Doctor Doom, who looks like a crash test dummy/mint ice cream hybrid.
-Doctor Doom becomes easily one of the most poorly written villains ever.
-Half of the stuff seen in the trailer isn't even in the final version of the film.
-The main theme of learning to work together as a team isn't even addressed. They just sort of decide they're a team.
-Has the most rushed and half-assed third act in the history of cinema.
I had to let this movie sink in before realizing how much of a colossal mess it was. While I still don't believe it's one of the worst superhero movies out there, it's still a large pile of shit and one of the worst movies of 2015.
I saw it.
It's a pretty good thriller and kept me wondering.....I love twist endings that leave you thinking
When I saw the trailer it got me kind if interested, which trailer did you watch?
I saw it.
It's a pretty good thriller and kept me wondering.....I love twist endings that leave you thinking
When I saw the trailer it got me kind if interested, which trailer did you watch?
I saw South Paw and the new Vacation movie. Both were good. I liked Christiana Applegate as the wife. She was awesome. It was cool to see the Griswalds back in action. South Paw was good too. I think this was one Jake's best movies so far.
So movie wise, 2015 has been a pretty good year and I've enjoyed a lot. However there are still some more movies I'm excited about that will be coming out and I'm just gonna say what I think about the movie, some rumors i've heard about it/what I think will happen.
The Transporter Refueled- Frank Martin (played by newcomer Ed Skrein), a former special-ops mercenary, is now living a less perilous life - or so he thinks - transporting classified packages for questionable people. When Frank’s father (Ray Stevenson) pays him a visit in the south of France, their father-son bonding weekend takes a turn for the worse when Frank is engaged by a cunning femme-fatale, Anna (Loan Chabanol), and her three seductive sidekicks to orchestrate the bank heist of the century. Frank must use his covert expertise and knowledge of fast cars, fast driving and fast women to outrun a sinister Russian kingpin, and worse than that, he is thrust into a dangerous game of chess with a team of gorgeous women out for revenge.
Okay, I said movies that I would be "excited" about but I have to mention this. This is a reboot of the Transporter series, and I enjoyed the first three with Jason Statham and I also enjoyed the TV series with Chris Vance but here....It looks like fucking shit. Statham's not back, Vance isn't gonna be in it and the next actor to potray him just doesn't seem to fit in the role that well. There might be some good action and driving scenes but the plot looks pretty sketchy and i'm calling that this is going to get the shitty reviews it deserves.
007 Spectre- A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
At first after the SONY hacking, it made it seem like this would be shit but the trailer has made it look great and it looks like the doubt is away for now. My prediction is that this will not be as positively received as Casino Royale and Skyfall but the reviews will be generally positive. Now for my prediction about the plot is that it will end in a cliffhanger or leave some things unfinished because this is SPECTRE's first appearence in Craig's run and it would kind of be a waste if everything was brought down in just one movie and I believe Craig has one more Bond movie on his contract for after this. Also, this is the 24th Bond movie so what better way to celebrate the next one and 25th movie by having Bond face off against his classic nemesis: Spectre?
Creed(Or Rocky 7)-The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Creed, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
The trailer looks pretty good and I like where they're going with remembering Apollo since he was my favorite character in the series. There's a rumor that Rocky Balboa will die and I'm not sure what to think about that because in some of the shots in the trailer he doesn't look too good but I doubt it since there seemed to be a shot of Stallone coaching Adonis in the final fight and I just don't think Stallone would go for killing one of his most iconic characters off. I think Creed will get Mixed to Positive reviews and I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up getting a sequel to set up a series with Adonis Creed being the main character.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens-The beginning of a new Star Wars trilogy will take place 30 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. The new films will feature "a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces"
At first I didn't care about this and the first trailer wasn't that good but the 2nd trailer hyped me up and I'll probably see it. There are rumors that Han Solo will be killed and I'm not sure what to think about that. I wouldn't be surprised if they did kill him off but in my opinion this should be a more of a "welcome back" to the series not a sudden graveyard, save that for the 8th since that's the middle of the trilogy where things usually go dark and why is it always Harrison Ford who gets the trouble in this series? I think most people will think this is a worthy sequel to the trilogy but it will probably leave us hanging or something in suspense for the next one.
The Hateful Eight-While racing toward the town of Red Rock in post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunter John "The Hangman" Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his fugitive prisoner (Jennifer Jason Leigh) encounter another bounty hunter (Samuel L. Jackson) and a man (Walton Goggins) who claims to be a sheriff. Hoping to find shelter from a blizzard, the group travels to a stagecoach stopover located on a mountain pass. There, they encounter four strangers, and soon learn that they may not make it to their destination after all.
Premise seems interesting and remember that it is a Quentin Tarantino movie so it will probably be pretty good. I'm predicting that it will probably receive positive reviews if not acclaim.
- The Transporter Refueled: Not excited for it at all. The lead actor doesn't convince me enough that he's a badass like Jason Statham. He looks like the generic pretty boy that can do stuff because the script said so.
- Spectre: YES. And with Christoph Waltz as a villain again you know this gon be good.
- Creed: Yea it looks like it has the potential to be good.
- Star Wars The Force Awakens: Not a huge fanatic like a lot of people are about the Star Wars franchise, but I'm pretty excited for it. If it does flop however, I'm gonna laugh lol.
- The Hateful Eight: I am excited for it, but not as much as I thought I'd be. When I saw the trailer, I was a little underwhelmed. I don't know why, but something about the trailer seemed empty. It gave you the plot premise and intro to the characters, but I wasn't satisfied or pumped up for it. I understand that it's a trailer and they're not supposed to give you the "meat" of the film yet, but the "appetizer" was a bit of a let down. Like I said before, still excited for it.
Saw Boulevard with Robin Williams. It was shot before he died and was recently released... I can see why they had trouble distributing it before. There'll probably be some spoilers, but honestly, there's not much to spoil. Pretty mediocre with a really cliched plot and dialogue. Robin Williams and Kathy Baker, so nothing to complain about on the acting front.. Basically, Robin Williams is a small town bank worker (it was shot in Tennessee but I don't think they mentioned it in the film), who one day decides to turn his car around and picks up a gay prostitute. They don't do anything sexual, but he tries to have a romantic relationship with this prostitute as he's been hiding his homosexual attraction his entire life from both his father and his wife.
Of course there's also the issue of an extremely violent/one-dimensional pimp (because doesn't every movie with prostitute have to have Guido the Killer Pimp? Seriously... A Pimp Named Slickback was more original and had more character depth...). I also thought there were a lot of underdevelopped plotlines, and with an 88 minute runtime they certain had the room... Looks like they splurged all the budget on the cast...
What was interesting was how dated the movie felt, even though it was just released (produced in 2013). With gay marriage becoming legal all throughout the country and gay characters being increasingly present throughout media, it feels like a movie that would have been made in the 90s - actually I thought of Equus, which was in the 70s... Of course, there are still plenty of older people (and younger people) extremely uncomfortable with their sexuality, and those kinds of characters certainly should be ignored, but when I watched Boulevard, it couldn't help but feel anachronistic...
Ok so i just got back from watching the new Fantastic Four and well...i can't remember the last time i didn't enjoy a marvel movie. I enjoyed the previous 2 movies, but this one....not so sure. Well what i always want to see in a marvel movie is story and action. This movie has story but action.....not so much. I did not give a review on my previous movies but why start now. It might not be a long review but is a review.
Pros: Ok so i did not like this movie that much but there were some things i did like about the movie. So this movie is about how they became the Fantastic Four but going into more detail into their past such as their childhood, teen, adult, and to what they are now. The Thing's design is a lot better than the previous one, he looked more real on this one and that goes the same to the other hero's. And i liked Dr. Doom on this movie. He was evil but also really cool. That fact that he exploded a guy's head just by looking at him was really cool and unexpecting to see on a PG-13 movie. (then again the guy was wearing a mask) The movie was kinda boring at first but when they FINALLY got to the action then the movie got good. And is was kinda cool to see how they became the hero's what they are now so i did find some good stuff out of this movie.
Cons: And as much i hate to do this. I got some cons...for a marvel movie. So i get what they were doing on this movie. They were showing their past on this movie, but a marvel movie has to have action and this movie BARELY HAD ANY ACTION!!! I mean i know this movie shows their past, but it doesn't feel like marvel. It didn't feel like a action movie. It felt like another genre of a movie. And i did not really care for the actors of the team. I don't know why. I guess the guy who played "Reed" (Im sorry i don't know the name of his actor :P) on this movie was a good choice to play him. Since Reed is a nerd and the actor did look like a nerd but still i liked the other guy better. And it kinda felt like the makers rushed on this movie. I really don't know why, it just did.
So ya i know. Im bad at reviewing movies/games. So i didn't put a lot of reasons why i don't care much for this movie. But the main reason why i didn't give a crap about much of the movie because it barely had any action. and to me action is part of marvel. However Ant-man was a good movie (100% better than this crap!) and i hope marvel does something new instead of making another remake of something. Thats why i liked Ant-man because it was different and plus it was really funny and Oops forgot this is not a Ant-man review.
So This movie didn't make it to be my favorite movies this year, but it still had a good backstory. so ill rate this 4/10
And this review was a lot longer than i expected it to be. :P
Were you expecting to like it? I actually kind of like the older ones but I knew this was going to be shit and it looks like I was right, Good thing I didn't see it.
Ok so i just got back from watching the new Fantastic Four and well...i can't remember the last time i didn't enjoy a marvel movie. I enjoye… mored the previous 2 movies, but this one....not so sure. Well what i always want to see in a marvel movie is story and action. This movie has story but action.....not so much. I did not give a review on my previous movies but why start now. It might not be a long review but is a review.
Pros: Ok so i did not like this movie that much but there were some things i did like about the movie. So this movie is about how they became the Fantastic Four but going into more detail into their past such as their childhood, teen, adult, and to what they are now. The Thing's design is a lot better than the previous one, he looked more real on this one and that goes the same to the other hero's. And i liked Dr. Doom on this movie. He was evil but also really cool. That fact that he exploded a guy's head just by looking … [view original content]
Thats because the older ones ARE better. And i was expecting to like it because it was marvel but man...I can't remember the last time i did not enjoy a marvel movie.
Were you expecting to like it? I actually kind of like the older ones but I knew this was going to be shit and it looks like I was right, Good thing I didn't see it.
Thats because the older ones ARE better. And i was expecting to like it because it was marvel but man...I can't remember the last time i did not enjoy a marvel movie.
Alright, I will be heading out to see Hitman: Agent 47 sometime this weekend.
The reviews I have seen (most of which are overwhelmingly negative) are coming from people of whom I suspect to have not played the games, and so I take their thoughts with a grain of salt. I am hoping that my being a fan of the games will improve my experience somewhat, but I cannot tell until I see it myself.
Let us hope I am right. Expect a small review soon.
Alright, I will be heading out to see Hitman: Agent 47 sometime this weekend.
The reviews I have seen (most of which are overwhelmingly n… moreegative) are coming from people of whom I suspect to have not played the games, and so I take their thoughts with a grain of salt. I am hoping that my being a fan of the games will improve my experience somewhat, but I cannot tell until I see it myself.
Let us hope I am right. Expect a small review soon.
Alright, I will be heading out to see Hitman: Agent 47 sometime this weekend.
The reviews I have seen (most of which are overwhelmingly n… moreegative) are coming from people of whom I suspect to have not played the games, and so I take their thoughts with a grain of salt. I am hoping that my being a fan of the games will improve my experience somewhat, but I cannot tell until I see it myself.
Let us hope I am right. Expect a small review soon.
I've seen 8 Movies in theaters this year, think that's a record or something for me lol and I'm gonna see more..Here's what I've seen so far and how I rank them
Jurassic World- (The first is my favorite movie so I was really looking forward to the 4th and it didn't disappoint me)
Furious 7- (Not a big fan of the series but I really enjoyed this with Jason Statham as a villain and a goodbye to Paul Walker. Tons of mindless action and B.S stunts...My type of movie but the thing is that this should have been the last one)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Like it's predecessors it has unbelievable but actually done stunts, good action, and it's a lot of fun, think it might be my fav of the series)
The Man From U.N.C.L.E (Looked okay, I saw it and liked it, some good comedy and action in it and it's basically a fun spy film)
The Gift (Thrillers aren't really my favorite genre but the trailer looked interesting and I saw it and liked it. Keeps you thinking with that ending)
Spy (Fun Comedy with Melissa McCarthy and co. I wish Jason Statham had more screen time but other than that I enjoyed it)
Run All Night (Another Liam Neeson action movie, but I think I went into it with unfair expectations so I was a little disappointed but it's okay I guess)
Taken 3 (Good performances from Liam Neeson and Forrest Whitaker with some good fight scenes but the whole daughter pregnant thing isn't really a happy ending like they make it seem, the plot could have been better, and I was disappointed for the most part with this...)
Okay, Haven't written A post about this yet, But around a month ago, I went to see two Movies. "Pixels" and "Vacation". And Oh sweet Jesus, Those are Leaps and bounds Better than "Inside Out". And I'm not sure how everyone else felt about them, But I loved both of them. And I'm gonna write 2 short Reviews.
WARNING: Potential Spoilers Ahead!
So the first Movie I went and saw was Vacation, Which is the kinda Sorta Sequel to "National Lampoon's Vacation", A Movie I loved, SO MUCH . The Movie is about Clark Griswold's son, Rusty, Taking his Family to Wally World, the Journey that his father took him on when he was Younger. His family consists of His wife Debbie, His two Sons, The Potty-Mouthed son, Kevin, and His older bullied brother, James. The Movie starts slow, and has Some funny, but Dumb jokes, But oh boy as the movie Progresses, the Jokes get better, the Moments funnier, and the Vacation goes horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. It's a great Film, Fun to watch, and a Blast of Nostalgia to the face with an Awesome cameo by Norman Reedus. It's really, REALLY dirty, And there's some Nudity, Not to mention Constant F-bombs by the younger brother, But it's an amazing film.
I highly recommend seeing it, And I also High recommend watching it Without a Younger sibling, your mother, or Your child. Watch it with NONE of those people.
I rate it 9/10. It takes a while for the Film to pick up, and there are some... Vomit worthy moments, But it's a fantastic movie with an All star cast, and it's great for Nostalgia.
This movie was Highly considered to be the "Worst Video Game Movie of All time.", But... I've gotta say, I loved it. The CGI was great, the Acting was awesome, and Jesus christ, I am a sucker for Josh Gad and Peter Dinklage, and this is no Exception. Pixels starts with Two young children signing up for a Video game Competition, and failing. The competition winner got his Gameplay sent up in a Time capsule into space, Well, Aliens find it, and misinterperate it as a Sign of war, So they spend years building weapons based on those Video Games, and Give the planet Earth "3 Lives" (3 chances to win) and upon losing all lives, the earth is destroyed. The movie looks great, the Jokes are awesome (Not that Yoohoo joke in the beginning... Ew...) and It's an all around great movie.
7/10. The story was awful at times, There were a lot of overused cliches, and it was an honestly boring movie at some Points. Plus, Kevin James as president makes no fucking sense. But the CGI looks awesome, It's some damn good nostalgia, The acting is great, and Q-bert is the cutest damn thing ever.
Well, I just got back from the theater, having watched Hitman: Agent 47. And I must aay this; the movie is not as bad as I thought it would be. Do not let that get your hopes for it uo to high, though.
The movie has a very simplistic plot, that I found to be very boring and pretentious in its attempt at keeping your attention outside of the ction scenes ( of which are plentiful). While the plot was there, it failed to keep my attention for most of the movie. One thing that did catch my attention though, was the dialogue, which was often cliched and predictable. On the plus side of the acting, I found that I liked Katia as a character, and genuinely thought that Rupert Friend made a good 47. Calm, methodic, and always with a plan.
The main highlight of the film, though, was the action. The action scenes were very well preformed and executed, making for some epic fight scenes, especially between John Smith and 47. The CGI used, though, was subpar. With the budget used, I can, however, forgive it. The stealth side, the heart and core of Hitman games, is largely absent. What I did notice, yet, was that 47 would try to avoid violence where possible, which quite frankly, was almost impossible given the tone of the movie.
In conclusion, I believe this to be the best Film adaptation of a Video Game thus far made. It is not a good movie, but it is an enjoyable one, and better than the 2007 film by ocean spans. On a scale of 0 to 10, I give it 4.5.
Straight Outta Compton-
this is the best movie in 2015 IMO. it's just too good. i was even a lil skeptical when i heard raves about the film, but goddamn its just too good.
Hey, why don't you put a short review of it here?
I watched Ant-Man yesterday
It was a great movie. Probably one of my favorites in the MCU.
Honestly, my favorite thing out of the MCU is the Daredevil series. I don't know where I would put Ant-Man, but it's up there with GotG and Winter Soldier in my book.
It had such great humor and above all the fights scenes were both awesome and comical at the same time
And thank you
-First third is alright and overall well-paced.
-Um, the score was cool, I guess.
-Little to no plot after the teleportation incident goes wrong.
-Has barely any action.
-Supposedly there was a shitload of studio interference including rewrites and reshoots. And boy, it really shows.
-No chemistry between the characters.
-Costume design is a joke. Especially Doctor Doom, who looks like a crash test dummy/mint ice cream hybrid.
-Doctor Doom becomes easily one of the most poorly written villains ever.
-Half of the stuff seen in the trailer isn't even in the final version of the film.
-The main theme of learning to work together as a team isn't even addressed. They just sort of decide they're a team.
-Has the most rushed and half-assed third act in the history of cinema.
I had to let this movie sink in before realizing how much of a colossal mess it was. While I still don't believe it's one of the worst superhero movies out there, it's still a large pile of shit and one of the worst movies of 2015.
My fave is Guardians of the Galaxy.
My fav is The Winter Soldier
Has anyone seen The Gift yet? The trailer looked awful, but apparently it's really good.
I saw it.
It's a pretty good thriller and kept me wondering.....I love twist endings that leave you thinking
When I saw the trailer it got me kind if interested, which trailer did you watch?
Awesome! I'm gonna see it soon then. No spoilers
I saw the theatrical trailer, and it looked bad. Just straight up bad.
Hmm, I saw one on YouTube so that might be why.
I'm really looking forward to "The Hateful Eight" and "Crimson Peak"
Thumbs up for The Hateful Eight!
I saw South Paw and the new Vacation movie. Both were good. I liked Christiana Applegate as the wife. She was awesome. It was cool to see the Griswalds back in action. South Paw was good too. I think this was one Jake's best movies so far.
holy shit...
it was like @ 10% at rotten tomatos for the fan vote, now i heard it dropped. worst than that shit drangon ball evolution
So movie wise, 2015 has been a pretty good year and I've enjoyed a lot. However there are still some more movies I'm excited about that will be coming out and I'm just gonna say what I think about the movie, some rumors i've heard about it/what I think will happen.
The Transporter Refueled- Frank Martin (played by newcomer Ed Skrein), a former special-ops mercenary, is now living a less perilous life - or so he thinks - transporting classified packages for questionable people. When Frank’s father (Ray Stevenson) pays him a visit in the south of France, their father-son bonding weekend takes a turn for the worse when Frank is engaged by a cunning femme-fatale, Anna (Loan Chabanol), and her three seductive sidekicks to orchestrate the bank heist of the century. Frank must use his covert expertise and knowledge of fast cars, fast driving and fast women to outrun a sinister Russian kingpin, and worse than that, he is thrust into a dangerous game of chess with a team of gorgeous women out for revenge.
Okay, I said movies that I would be "excited" about but I have to mention this. This is a reboot of the Transporter series, and I enjoyed the first three with Jason Statham and I also enjoyed the TV series with Chris Vance but here....It looks like fucking shit. Statham's not back, Vance isn't gonna be in it and the next actor to potray him just doesn't seem to fit in the role that well. There might be some good action and driving scenes but the plot looks pretty sketchy and i'm calling that this is going to get the shitty reviews it deserves.
007 Spectre- A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
At first after the SONY hacking, it made it seem like this would be shit but the trailer has made it look great and it looks like the doubt is away for now. My prediction is that this will not be as positively received as Casino Royale and Skyfall but the reviews will be generally positive. Now for my prediction about the plot is that it will end in a cliffhanger or leave some things unfinished because this is SPECTRE's first appearence in Craig's run and it would kind of be a waste if everything was brought down in just one movie and I believe Craig has one more Bond movie on his contract for after this. Also, this is the 24th Bond movie so what better way to celebrate the next one and 25th movie by having Bond face off against his classic nemesis: Spectre?
Creed(Or Rocky 7)-The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Creed, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
The trailer looks pretty good and I like where they're going with remembering Apollo since he was my favorite character in the series. There's a rumor that Rocky Balboa will die and I'm not sure what to think about that because in some of the shots in the trailer he doesn't look too good but I doubt it since there seemed to be a shot of Stallone coaching Adonis in the final fight and I just don't think Stallone would go for killing one of his most iconic characters off. I think Creed will get Mixed to Positive reviews and I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up getting a sequel to set up a series with Adonis Creed being the main character.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens-The beginning of a new Star Wars trilogy will take place 30 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. The new films will feature "a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces"
At first I didn't care about this and the first trailer wasn't that good but the 2nd trailer hyped me up and I'll probably see it. There are rumors that Han Solo will be killed and I'm not sure what to think about that. I wouldn't be surprised if they did kill him off but in my opinion this should be a more of a "welcome back" to the series not a sudden graveyard, save that for the 8th since that's the middle of the trilogy where things usually go dark and why is it always Harrison Ford who gets the trouble in this series? I think most people will think this is a worthy sequel to the trilogy but it will probably leave us hanging or something in suspense for the next one.
The Hateful Eight-While racing toward the town of Red Rock in post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunter John "The Hangman" Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his fugitive prisoner (Jennifer Jason Leigh) encounter another bounty hunter (Samuel L. Jackson) and a man (Walton Goggins) who claims to be a sheriff. Hoping to find shelter from a blizzard, the group travels to a stagecoach stopover located on a mountain pass. There, they encounter four strangers, and soon learn that they may not make it to their destination after all.
Premise seems interesting and remember that it is a Quentin Tarantino movie so it will probably be pretty good. I'm predicting that it will probably receive positive reviews if not acclaim.
- The Transporter Refueled: Not excited for it at all. The lead actor doesn't convince me enough that he's a badass like Jason Statham. He looks like the generic pretty boy that can do stuff because the script said so.
- Spectre: YES. And with Christoph Waltz as a villain again you know this gon be good.
- Creed: Yea it looks like it has the potential to be good.
- Star Wars The Force Awakens: Not a huge fanatic like a lot of people are about the Star Wars franchise, but I'm pretty excited for it. If it does flop however, I'm gonna laugh lol.
- The Hateful Eight: I am excited for it, but not as much as I thought I'd be. When I saw the trailer, I was a little underwhelmed. I don't know why, but something about the trailer seemed empty. It gave you the plot premise and intro to the characters, but I wasn't satisfied or pumped up for it. I understand that it's a trailer and they're not supposed to give you the "meat" of the film yet, but the "appetizer" was a bit of a let down. Like I said before, still excited for it.
Saw Boulevard with Robin Williams. It was shot before he died and was recently released... I can see why they had trouble distributing it before. There'll probably be some spoilers, but honestly, there's not much to spoil. Pretty mediocre with a really cliched plot and dialogue. Robin Williams and Kathy Baker, so nothing to complain about on the acting front.. Basically, Robin Williams is a small town bank worker (it was shot in Tennessee but I don't think they mentioned it in the film), who one day decides to turn his car around and picks up a gay prostitute. They don't do anything sexual, but he tries to have a romantic relationship with this prostitute as he's been hiding his homosexual attraction his entire life from both his father and his wife.
Of course there's also the issue of an extremely violent/one-dimensional pimp (because doesn't every movie with prostitute have to have Guido the Killer Pimp? Seriously... A Pimp Named Slickback was more original and had more character depth...). I also thought there were a lot of underdevelopped plotlines, and with an 88 minute runtime they certain had the room... Looks like they splurged all the budget on the cast...
What was interesting was how dated the movie felt, even though it was just released (produced in 2013). With gay marriage becoming legal all throughout the country and gay characters being increasingly present throughout media, it feels like a movie that would have been made in the 90s - actually I thought of Equus, which was in the 70s... Of course, there are still plenty of older people (and younger people) extremely uncomfortable with their sexuality, and those kinds of characters certainly should be ignored, but when I watched Boulevard, it couldn't help but feel anachronistic...
Ok so i just got back from watching the new Fantastic Four and well...i can't remember the last time i didn't enjoy a marvel movie. I enjoyed the previous 2 movies, but this one....not so sure. Well what i always want to see in a marvel movie is story and action. This movie has story but action.....not so much. I did not give a review on my previous movies but why start now. It might not be a long review but is a review.
Pros: Ok so i did not like this movie that much but there were some things i did like about the movie. So this movie is about how they became the Fantastic Four but going into more detail into their past such as their childhood, teen, adult, and to what they are now. The Thing's design is a lot better than the previous one, he looked more real on this one and that goes the same to the other hero's. And i liked Dr. Doom on this movie. He was evil but also really cool. That fact that he exploded a guy's head just by looking at him was really cool and unexpecting to see on a PG-13 movie. (then again the guy was wearing a mask) The movie was kinda boring at first but when they FINALLY got to the action then the movie got good. And is was kinda cool to see how they became the hero's what they are now so i did find some good stuff out of this movie.
Cons: And as much i hate to do this. I got some cons...for a marvel movie. So i get what they were doing on this movie. They were showing their past on this movie, but a marvel movie has to have action and this movie BARELY HAD ANY ACTION!!! I mean i know this movie shows their past, but it doesn't feel like marvel. It didn't feel like a action movie. It felt like another genre of a movie. And i did not really care for the actors of the team. I don't know why. I guess the guy who played "Reed" (Im sorry i don't know the name of his actor :P) on this movie was a good choice to play him. Since Reed is a nerd and the actor did look like a nerd but still i liked the other guy better. And it kinda felt like the makers rushed on this movie. I really don't know why, it just did.
So ya i know. Im bad at reviewing movies/games. So i didn't put a lot of reasons why i don't care much for this movie. But the main reason why i didn't give a crap about much of the movie because it barely had any action. and to me action is part of marvel. However Ant-man was a good movie (100% better than this crap!) and i hope marvel does something new instead of making another remake of something. Thats why i liked Ant-man because it was different and plus it was really funny and Oops forgot this is not a Ant-man review.
So This movie didn't make it to be my favorite movies this year, but it still had a good backstory. so ill rate this 4/10
And this review was a lot longer than i expected it to be. :P
Were you expecting to like it? I actually kind of like the older ones but I knew this was going to be shit and it looks like I was right, Good thing I didn't see it.
Thats because the older ones ARE better. And i was expecting to like it because it was marvel but man...I can't remember the last time i did not enjoy a marvel movie.
Well technically it wasn't "Marvel" but it was mainly 20th Century Fox who makes the X-Men movies and stuff.
Alright, I will be heading out to see Hitman: Agent 47 sometime this weekend.
The reviews I have seen (most of which are overwhelmingly negative) are coming from people of whom I suspect to have not played the games, and so I take their thoughts with a grain of salt. I am hoping that my being a fan of the games will improve my experience somewhat, but I cannot tell until I see it myself.
Let us hope I am right. Expect a small review soon.
I'm thinking about seeing that, I'm probably gonna go see the Man From U.N.C.L.E tomorrow though.
I wish you the best of luck.
And I saw the Man From U.N.C.L.E, I enjoyed it and might write a review later.
I find it sad that this Awful Movie was made by the Same guys who Did X-Men: Days of Future Past, An amazing Movie that honestly Broke my Scale.
I've seen 8 Movies in theaters this year, think that's a record or something for me lol and I'm gonna see more..Here's what I've seen so far and how I rank them
Okay, Haven't written A post about this yet, But around a month ago, I went to see two Movies. "Pixels" and "Vacation". And Oh sweet Jesus, Those are Leaps and bounds Better than "Inside Out". And I'm not sure how everyone else felt about them, But I loved both of them. And I'm gonna write 2 short Reviews.
WARNING: Potential Spoilers Ahead!
So the first Movie I went and saw was Vacation, Which is the kinda Sorta Sequel to "National Lampoon's Vacation", A Movie I loved, SO MUCH . The Movie is about Clark Griswold's son, Rusty, Taking his Family to Wally World, the Journey that his father took him on when he was Younger. His family consists of His wife Debbie, His two Sons, The Potty-Mouthed son, Kevin, and His older bullied brother, James. The Movie starts slow, and has Some funny, but Dumb jokes, But oh boy as the movie Progresses, the Jokes get better, the Moments funnier, and the Vacation goes horribly, HORRIBLY wrong. It's a great Film, Fun to watch, and a Blast of Nostalgia to the face with an Awesome cameo by Norman Reedus. It's really, REALLY dirty, And there's some Nudity, Not to mention Constant F-bombs by the younger brother, But it's an amazing film.
I highly recommend seeing it, And I also High recommend watching it Without a Younger sibling, your mother, or Your child. Watch it with NONE of those people.
I rate it 9/10. It takes a while for the Film to pick up, and there are some... Vomit worthy moments, But it's a fantastic movie with an All star cast, and it's great for Nostalgia.
This movie was Highly considered to be the "Worst Video Game Movie of All time.", But... I've gotta say, I loved it. The CGI was great, the Acting was awesome, and Jesus christ, I am a sucker for Josh Gad and Peter Dinklage, and this is no Exception. Pixels starts with Two young children signing up for a Video game Competition, and failing. The competition winner got his Gameplay sent up in a Time capsule into space, Well, Aliens find it, and misinterperate it as a Sign of war, So they spend years building weapons based on those Video Games, and Give the planet Earth "3 Lives" (3 chances to win) and upon losing all lives, the earth is destroyed. The movie looks great, the Jokes are awesome (Not that Yoohoo joke in the beginning... Ew...) and It's an all around great movie.
7/10. The story was awful at times, There were a lot of overused cliches, and it was an honestly boring movie at some Points. Plus, Kevin James as president makes no fucking sense. But the CGI looks awesome, It's some damn good nostalgia, The acting is great, and Q-bert is the cutest damn thing ever.
Pixels will be an underrated cult classic. Mark my words.
Damn straight
Hey awesome movie's listing, enlighten post ever, what about Furious7?
Check Furious 7 Premiere Vin Diesel white Jacket
Well, I just got back from the theater, having watched Hitman: Agent 47. And I must aay this; the movie is not as bad as I thought it would be. Do not let that get your hopes for it uo to high, though.
The movie has a very simplistic plot, that I found to be very boring and pretentious in its attempt at keeping your attention outside of the ction scenes ( of which are plentiful). While the plot was there, it failed to keep my attention for most of the movie. One thing that did catch my attention though, was the dialogue, which was often cliched and predictable. On the plus side of the acting, I found that I liked Katia as a character, and genuinely thought that Rupert Friend made a good 47. Calm, methodic, and always with a plan.
The main highlight of the film, though, was the action. The action scenes were very well preformed and executed, making for some epic fight scenes, especially between John Smith and 47. The CGI used, though, was subpar. With the budget used, I can, however, forgive it. The stealth side, the heart and core of Hitman games, is largely absent. What I did notice, yet, was that 47 would try to avoid violence where possible, which quite frankly, was almost impossible given the tone of the movie.
In conclusion, I believe this to be the best Film adaptation of a Video Game thus far made. It is not a good movie, but it is an enjoyable one, and better than the 2007 film by ocean spans. On a scale of 0 to 10, I give it 4.5.
Straight Outta Compton-
this is the best movie in 2015 IMO. it's just too good. i was even a lil skeptical when i heard raves about the film, but goddamn its just too good.
Damn dude I wanna see it so bad.
hopefully I see it this week.
man go, its so legit. its so, i have to say important of a film.
like i said its my opinion, go in with an empty mind so you can judge it yourself.
The new Maze Runner looks pretty good.

The series bores me honestly. I haven't seen The Maze Runner but I have no interest to. Sorry.