What would you do to Yvette? (+Poll)



  • If I was Rhys with that stun baton, I would've drained the fricken battery on Yvette.

  • edited August 2015

    Buy her a ticket to the nice village of Strangletown!

  • Where is the option to toss her out the airlock? If I can't airlock her I'm going to be so disappointed.

  • enter image description here

    I'd make her pay for lunch.

  • "2-6, in that order, then laugh like a maniac until you realise Fiona or Gortys has been watching you and pretend you're mentally okay"

    Yeah, this is what I voted lmfao XD

  • What about dumpy he could have tased her double that with the stunbaton and we have an electro shock tag team

  • I'd make her feel guilty.

    And then I'd probably slap her. Hard. Because I'm a pussy and Yvette was one of my favorite characters. I can't airlock her, man!

  • Well Jack's got a habit of flushing backstabbers out of the airlock.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Where is the option to toss her out the airlock? If I can't airlock her I'm going to be so disappointed.

  • I would pick up crowbar and said: ,,It's Macon time"....

  • I like the way you think.

    strangling her to see her struggle in pain as the last bits of her life leave her body sounds awfully satisfying to me.

  • I have no qualms about killing egotistical assholes who also pretend to be your friend, then abandon you with zero remorse at all.

    I'd make her feel guilty. And then I'd probably slap her. Hard. Because I'm a pussy and Yvette was one of my favorite characters. I can't airlock her, man!

  • Hell, when she revealed herself to be a traitor, I became quite bloodthirsty and was just iching to kill her or at least hurt her. I usually play Rhys as the good guy, but this was the first time where I have him do something bad.

  • I have morals. A lot of them.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I have no qualms about killing egotistical assholes who also pretend to be your friend, then abandon you with zero remorse at all.

  • I came back to 41 notifications today, well my threads certainly blew up :d oops

  • "What would you do to Yvette..."

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    You can add that to any of the options ;D after all we do have to get rid of the body.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Where is the option to toss her out the airlock? If I can't airlock her I'm going to be so disappointed.

  • edited August 2015

    I would not kill the following as a fictional character:


    -The Elderly


    -Every animal that is not a fly/mosquito/red ant.

    -Genuinely nice (or genuinely benovolent) people/robots/aliens/other lifeforms who aren't pretending.

    -The Disabled.

    -Villains I have sympathy to (which is very rare.)

    I have morals. A lot of them.

  • I generally dislike taking the violent route, but I'd definitely give her a taste of my stun baton and then toss her out the air lock.

  • Tell her to say hi to Henderson on her way out.

  • edited August 2015

    What would you do to Yvette? (+Poll)

    Rhys: yeah hi Yvette, remember that lunch I was going to treat you to the other day? Well see here's the thing, YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT!

  • I'm not sure. Betrayal isn't always personal, after all. I think it was hinted that if we'll go easy on her we'll get something out of it in ep5. I'd rather use that opportunity than take revenge, it could be way more beneficial in the long run. Plus I can't say I was mad or felt betrayed because I always thought it was her. And after Vaughn's stunt I was pretty sure that their so-called friendship will last only till it benefit them.

  • edited August 2015

    Yvette breaks down in tears as she realises she had made the greatest mistake. She would never get lunch again.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    What would you do to Yvette? (+Poll) Rhys: yeah hi Yvette, remember that lunch I was going to treat you to the other day? Well see here's the thing, YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT!

  • I'm afraid Henderson got shredded in our engines last time. Well, we can always send her to clean space up.

    JeRoberts posted: »

    Tell her to say hi to Henderson on her way out.

  • I would have sex with her because she's pretty damn hot. Then launch her in space like Henderson.

  • I'd drag her into a dark, hidden room in Helios, where inside one thing awaits her-a secret QuickChange station! There she can disguise herself as some generic Hyperion guy (the guy part is really important-nobody will question Guyvette!) so she can escape the hordes of people encouraging me to do terrible things to her. Then we'd probably talk it out once we're in the clear. (During lunch, of course. We'll split the bill.)

  • If we get the option, I'm definitely killing her. At first I thought maybe she got pressured into betraying us but after hearing all she had to say, I've got no mercy left for her. Mind you, I'd do something simple like just one shot to the head or tossing her out the airlock like I originally threatened.

  • Whoa, the amount of vitriol in this thread is kinda intense...

    Personally, I'd promote her to Assistant Vice Janitor and keep a very close ECHOeye on her to ensure she doesn't try and stab me in the back.

    Systematically destroying her morals, aspirations and sense of self can be drawn out far longer than a simple strangling.

  • That sounds much more horrible for Yvette, but...ah...I find that there's nothing more satisfying then strangling the life out of the jerkbag who betrayed you. You can relate to that, right Jack?

    Whoa, the amount of vitriol in this thread is kinda intense... Personally, I'd promote her to Assistant Vice Janitor and keep a very clos

  • Contact the security officers with her, make her crawl the long way up to Jack's-ahem-our office on her knees and then drop her straight down the shaft with everything running at top speed. If she survives, rinse and repeat.

  • Yeah, suuuure Jack. It's not like you admitted last Episode that you'd buy her a 'one-way ticket to strangletown'.

    Whoa, the amount of vitriol in this thread is kinda intense... Personally, I'd promote her to Assistant Vice Janitor and keep a very clos

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