A siren HAS to show up next episode for this one reason..



  • I have a feeling we're not going to need a key for this particular vault. I don't think there's enough time for that with just one episode left. They'd have to 1) find a key, 2) hope that it's already naturally charged up, if not, 3) find a siren, 4) get a shit ton of Eridium to pump said siren full of.

    And judging by BL2, even with a siren and Eridum, it still takes a really long time to charge a vault key. And the siren would also become dependent on the Eridum after all that time and die without it. The process also seemed painful.

    So, yeah, if we get a siren appearance next episode, I don't think it would be for the purpose of charging a vault key.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    AlphaLeague you copy out of me, I said Rhys is probably a siren first. I'm glad you think Rhys is probably a siren.

    enter link description here

    enter image description here

    Aren't sirens only female?

  • Go away Tumblr.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Maybe a plot hole? I want Rhys to be one SOOO frickin bad! Maybe if we're good, Telltale will make it canon for Rhys to be intersex/genderfluid/trans...

  • Lilith prefers salads over lunch trays.

    Lilith might show up, she my girl.

  • I know he's not. What I'm saying is that on the topic of sirens some one might say "hey why do you have those tats anyway? Your not a siren."

    thebat3000 posted: »

    AlphaLeague you copy out of me, I said Rhys is probably a siren first. I'm glad you think Rhys is probably a siren. enter link description here

  • You bastard!!!

    Lilith prefers salads over lunch trays.

  • Nah. BL3 opening fight, during your last stage of training:

    Fight Lilith.

    Hopefully we can murder Lilith.

  • Maybe the Sancturary crew will turn up to see this fancy vault. Lilith and the rest are still into the whole vault hunting thing anyway. Maybe Athena'll let it slip that they're looking for a vault and they'll all get on it. I'd say they'd bring Athena back so they can have closure with Springs, and Athena will come with Sanctuary's crew. Just my theory.

  • I don't get it, why don't people like Lilith? Is it from the presequel, if so please no spoilers still need to play it.

    Hopefully we can murder Lilith.

  • Don't you mean "go away equality"? :l I don't even know how to use Tumblr (it scares me >.<) but people wanting representation of minorities shouldn't just be labeled as "tumblr".

    Echopapa posted: »

    Go away Tumblr.

  • It's from the Pre-Sequel.

    Healoz posted: »

    I don't get it, why don't people like Lilith? Is it from the presequel, if so please no spoilers still need to play it.

  • Zarpedon already opened the vault before Jack and Athena got to it.

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Not all vaults need keys to be opened (as seen in Mister Tourge's Campaign of Carnage and The Pre-Sequel).

  • the pit fighter?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just want to see Maya.

  • That would probably be one of the only situations where I would actually be content with The Stranger being someone we haven't met before - introducing a new Siren would get me super hyped for BL3.

    What if...The Stranger is a Siren?!

  • enter image description here

    Surprise AI Angel

  • enter image description here

    Echopapa posted: »

    Go away Tumblr.

  • They wouldn't even suspect it, though, with him being a dude now and all...

    enter image description here

    Not that Rhys can't be Trans (it's certainly possible) but for him to be a siren!? Hyperion would've done something if he was...

  • Pretty much. I don't think trans/intersex!Rhys will happen, but it'd be nice to be able to name enough games on at least one hand that featured canonically trans/intersex protagonists.

    Healoz posted: »

    Don't you mean "go away equality"? :l I don't even know how to use Tumblr (it scares me >.<) but people wanting representation of minorities shouldn't just be labeled as "tumblr".

  • Yeah, it's from TPS.

    Healoz posted: »

    I don't get it, why don't people like Lilith? Is it from the presequel, if so please no spoilers still need to play it.

  • Can I just say that if we got to have a siren character in BL3 that's voiced by the amazing and adorable Ashley Johnson I would die of happiness!?

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    But one is only born as a siren. UNLESS! mega plot twist: Gortys actually used to be a young female siren before she was put into a robot bo

  • I'm not sure if she actually went inside and saw for herself. I just assumed that after her excavation she was able to open the vault up but then had a nice little chat with the eridians.

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Wait, if the vault was already opened, does that mean that Zarpedon had already seen the future of what Jack was going to do with the Warrior? I thought that she only knew to stop Jack because the eridians told her so.

  • Kill Lilith.

    Fixed it for you.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Nah. BL3 opening fight, during your last stage of training: Fight Lilith.

  • Why must you kill Lilith

    Kill Lilith. Fixed it for you.

  • That's Amaya.

    This is Maya:

    enter image description here

    AstroZombie posted: »

    the pit fighter?

  • So, if Rhys just happens to be a Siren...what would his ability be?

    Phase-baton? XD

    enter image description here

    nursethalia posted: »

    [!] nursethalia rushes in with her trans theory, trips over all the other trans!Rhys fans who got there before she did

  • Funny, Jack said that he wants to check on her. That could mean she is AI as well.

    well, THAT would be interesting. Though I hardly think an AI would retain the siren abilities. An AI family reunion would be funny as hell, though.

  • Being a trans guy myself, I like this theory. ;)
    I don't find it very likely though.

    Definitely. Maybe one we know of . I've seen many speculations of Rhys being a trans siren. Now, he certainly could be trans (I even kn

  • It is from the PreSequel

    It's from the Pre-Sequel.

  • Yes, the Watcher showed the Vault (and the relict) to Zarpedon and also members of the Lost Legion. So yeah they saw the future of Handsome Jack and tried to stop it ... and by doing that they made everything worse as Athena said in the intro

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Wait, if the vault was already opened, does that mean that Zarpedon had already seen the future of what Jack was going to do with the Warrior? I thought that she only knew to stop Jack because the eridians told her so.

  • Flaw.

    Sirens are not needed to open Vaults. The only reason why Angel and Maya had to charge the key in BL2 was because it´s energy was depleted for the next 200 years (it was the same key from BL1), so Jack had to improvise and manually charge it.

    Also the Badass Crater of Badassitude didn´t need a Vault key at all, neither did the one from Pre-Sequel. At least not the same kind of Key that the Warrior and Destroyer needed.

  • just a silly joke xD

    That's Amaya. This is Maya:

  • No, it means he doesn't know Angel is dead yet.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Funny, Jack said that he wants to check on her. That could mean she is AI as well.

  • How would he not know? He watches as the Vault Hunter in BL2 obliges her wish to die, and it has long been established that TftB takes place after the events of BL2.

    LeFedore posted: »

    No, it means he doesn't know Angel is dead yet.

  • I don't really know if any siren's gonna show up but it would be interesting. Although I prefer Maya over Lilith, it'd be cool if Lilith came after she's done with Athena.

  • Classic Zarperderp...

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    Yes, the Watcher showed the Vault (and the relict) to Zarpedon and also members of the Lost Legion. So yeah they saw the future of Handsome Jack and tried to stop it ... and by doing that they made everything worse as Athena said in the intro

  • Hahaha this comment made my day :D
    But yeah, classic screw up

    Classic Zarperderp...

  • This image says otherwise.enter image description here

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    It is from the PreSequel

  • Except the AI never refers to Angel as dead, or anything indicating that, same with Nisha. He likely doesn't know anything up to and past Where Angels Fear to Tread.

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    How would he not know? He watches as the Vault Hunter in BL2 obliges her wish to die, and it has long been established that TftB takes place after the events of BL2.

  • I really want Maya to show up, shes so awesome.

  • As others have said, yes it's because of the Pre Sequel.

    Healoz posted: »

    I don't get it, why don't people like Lilith? Is it from the presequel, if so please no spoilers still need to play it.

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