To Shippers: When ep5 is out...
If one ship wins over another, please do not cause a massive stir between each other, all of us have been brought together by this bloody awesome game, and I think we'd all hate for it to go to waste.
So what ever happens, lets be pals.
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Hell yes. Hell. Freaking. Yes.
What is it with you people? You think we're some psychos or something ? Once the episode is over, that will be all.
you don't tell me what to do.
I doubt anybody of the shippers here is some psycho or anything. If some ship doesn't happen, meh, it sucks but it'd be crazy if somebody would blame other shippers just because their ship isn't canon.
boy, you must be new to the internet. Shit happens all the time. Especially when some fangirls get into each other's hairs about their OTP
yeah, let's!
when episode 5 comes out, i think we are allowed to feel happy or sad about it and we shouldn't be shamed for it. if rhyshas win, i want people to let them be happy and let us rhyionas be sad, because there's nothing bad about feeling and doesn't mean we hate each other at all. like, yeah, we know "it's just a game", but not everyone experiences it the way you do, you know. x)
You brought this upon yourself,wait for the war.
I doubt either ship will sail, but that's just my opinion.
I'm not a boy, but that doesn't matter.
I know that shit happens 24/7 but I hope that there aren't that people in this community, I am not talking about other sites such as Tumblr or whatever other stuff people like.
I am starting to believe that as well, honestly. Borderlands wasn't a very romantic franchise to begin with.
It seems like that's gonna happen.
Why do people here think the shippers here are at constant flame wars with each other? Theres only occasional visits from other shippers in the opposite threads and even then it's barely ever a heated arguement. If one of the ship doesn't get what they want then yes the shippers will be anrgy but why is that even bad problem? If they spent alot of time building their threads only for Telltale to not have an option for their ship then why wouldn't they be angry? The only place their anger is vented out on is in their own shipping threads not the winning ship thread to start a flame war or anywhere else on the forums. Seriously the shipping threads have been pissed off before and never has the forums been burnt to shit from angry shipper comments on every thread, it's almost like making threads to tell shippers to not get upset or fight is the new "know it all" of threads.
Pretty hypocritical coming from the guy who came into one of the shipping threads telling them to change it's name for some obscure reason.
Seems like causing a stir to me.
As I said in that thread, it was a light hearted joke. I made this thread since the reaction from ep4 cause quite a few toxic comments towards each, and since I've listened to the cut dialogue for ep5, I think we all don't want that again.
You do realise I'm talking about the specific shippers who are toxic in the community? I'm not talking about the shippers as a whole, but the minority who flame the whole bloody place
EXACTLY. this is actually one of the most peaceful communities i've ever been on, and people still complain about it? like boy, you should go on tumblr for a while, kinda puts things in perspective. i was there for like two days and i saw people telling rhysha and rhyiona shippers to "eat shit", making death threats to those who ship certain ships, constantly pestering the telltale tumblr with huge walls of text about what they're doing wrong and why they suck so much at their job, and entire blogs dedicated to say how much a ship is absolute shit and how the shippers should feel ashamed for enjoying it. but no, we're the crazy ones, eh.
I never said the shippers were crazy, jeez some people are thinking I mean all of you guys. Like I said above, I mean the specific people are just rude because they don't get their way.
i didn't mean you, don't worry! ;; i actually agree with you that we shouldn't fight. i meant people who see us as crazy psychos of some sort and constantly complain that we're "ruining the forums" when all we do is stay in our threads and have fun.
Ahh right, sorry about that
Then why even bother starting a thread just to tell around 4 people not to start a flame war that barely even gets noticed outside other non shipping threads. It sounds more like you were just generalising the majority of shippers as if this is a normal thing they do. The minorities who do act toxic barely get noticed and get shut down almost instantly by their own ship members to just shut up, these "minorities" as you say aren't even that big of a problem to begin with.
We'll have an inuendo and basta cosi.
I don't want to go outside anymore.
I've said about 5 times it's the specific shippers I am talking about, and it is likely that since this is the final episode, there may be more as a result. I don't hate shippers, I think they are great communities, creative and talented, but those specific people should be aware.
tumblr: the place where you are a homophobe if your ship is straight.
You realize you're not the only one who knows about those dialogues and they were discovered and discussed in the shipping thread, on top of that? That makes this thread unnecessary.
Yeah of course I know I'm not the only one, that would be a stupid thing to say. But I doubt everyone has listened to it, because of spoilers.
Jeez, some very defensive people, when I just made a thread saying, 'Hey, toxic people, don't be mean'
Most of the active users in the shipping thread listened to them. Or at least they're aware of what will happen in general because the others told them.
Uh-huh, calling people "toxic" for something they haven't yet even done is so much better. For now the only one who stir things up here is you.
Whistling innocently
Yeah i'm pretty sure the worst that ever happens here in regards to shipping is that we rant about it in our OWN threads. I'm not an active user here, but I watch over this site a lot and i've almost never seen any actual, fire fuelled arguing about our ships
sometimes both Rhysha's and Rhyiona shippers tend to joke with each other about our ships but that's usually the extent of it.
On the assumption one ship DOES become cannon and the other not, I think we have a right to at least mourn over it in our own threads. I am pretty sure though there won't be a huge war between everyone. Despite our differences in shipping preferances we both tend to get along with each other. And that's how it will stay.
I read your posts above and I get that you mean by a select few people who will try and start something, but I have to ask; do you really think creating another thread about this will actually help anything? you do realise that in a way you are kind of provoking this to actually happen right? I think this may be the 3rd thread of this i've seen.
You really seem to ignoring some of the things I say. This will be my last comment on this, because I can imagine people are getting a bit tired of it.
'Calling people toxic for something that haven't done'. So you deny that there are bound to be more toxic reactions for the finale episode than ep4? It's a bit silly to not say it's going to happen. I have no intention of 'stiring', that doesn't help at all and it's pointless. But making a thread saying, hey maybe you shouldn't react like that, is the opposite of what you are accusing me of.
Yeah I get what you mean man. I didn't have the intention to provoke (I hope you guys can see that), but yeah I was just trying to help
Oh I know! no worries, I was just trying to point out that usually when people make these threads, regardless of intention it can usually create the exact thing you're trying to prevent
i'm all about representation of all sexual orientations and identities, really, i'm part of a minority too and i know how important it can be. but i'm kinda tired of gayperion and rhack shippers hating on sasha because she gets in the way of their ship or calling rhyiona shippers "awful" because "it's a het ship between the two protagonists". and? that's why it's awful? yeah, it's not a new dynamic at all, but why am i a bad person for shipping it? i don't understand how we are being offensive by having fun.
also it's funny because they always complain about how the telltale forums are crap and full of terrible people, but i still have to see here the ridiculous amount of drama and 4-year-old fighting they have. that's why i feel like people here who say we are rabid fans or overreacting joined the internet 2 days ago.
Therer's nothing toxic in expressing your disappointment or sadness. And there were no "toxic" reactions after episode 4 came out, I heard that before it came out people were misinformed and quite upset, but that's pretty much about it. That's not to mention they kept it in their thread and the thread is self-regulated. No one was going bananas there.
You want to see what real "toxic" looks like - you should visit tumblr. Because what we have here is a joke.
i seriously have no clue what's with all the people thinking there's animosity between us ¯_(ツ)_/¯
we best budz, ain't that right, rhyshas?
we are all awesome, even the rhyshas(although they smell a little) I mean its great to say something and don't have to worry that you offend someone every 5
seconds. I don't have an account, but sometimes I go there(tumblr) because there are on the one side awesome fanwork, and on the other side very amusing
Of course we are.
slap of love
I'm not amusing ! Holy hell that's it ! LET THE WAR BEGIN !