I think that's what happens if you tell him him to run away after being held hostage by Vallory. But hey, I could be wrong, because my Vaughn is still being held hostage since I told him to stay.
I think that's what happens if you tell him him to run away after being held hostage by Vallory. But hey, I could be wrong, because my Vaughn is still being held hostage since I told him to stay.
Yeah, I love that they included those other two options based on what you tried to do to Cassius in episode 3. I didn't think that choice would matter at all.
Yeah, I love that they included those other two options based on what you tried to do to Cassius in episode 3. I didn't think that choice would matter at all.
I actually feel like it will. If Vallory still has Vaughn hostage when Jack takes over she could easily kill him when Jack (undoubtedly) decides he doesn't want to hand the Gortys beacon over to her.
I watched my boyfriend play his version where he has Vaughn with him. and I gotta say "Bro-Knee" made me laugh out louder than I should of. Fuckin... xD
probably dead in the desert, ate by skags or psychos because the stupid idiot I am send him into the wild life of pandora without any f*cking weapons or experiences. he's so freaking dead, and it's my fault. damn it.
probably dead in the desert, ate by skags or psychos because the stupid idiot I am send him into the wild life of pandora without any f*cking weapons or experiences. he's so freaking dead, and it's my fault. damn it.
In my main play through he is Vallory's hostage. I didn't even know he could be alone in the wasteland.
I hope he's doing good with Cassius..
I think that's what happens if you tell him him to run away after being held hostage by Vallory. But hey, I could be wrong, because my Vaughn is still being held hostage since I told him to stay.
My Vaughn is chilling with Cassius. I didn't even KNOW you could get other options! Nice little addition there, Telltale.
Yeah you're right, he bites Kroger's ear and runs off.
My Vaughn's chilling with Cassius, eating some drakefruit and out of harms way (hopefully).
Eating drakefruit.
Yeah, I love that they included those other two options based on what you tried to do to Cassius in episode 3. I didn't think that choice would matter at all.
I told him to stay put.
He is chilling with Cassius and eating drakefruit. Which makes me glad knowing that he is safe, although it made me miss those bro scenes...
It seems unlikey that it will matter, yeah. Still cool though.
Yeah his location probably won't matter too much, but even if it doesn't it's still pretty cool.
I actually feel like it will. If Vallory still has Vaughn hostage when Jack takes over she could easily kill him when Jack (undoubtedly) decides he doesn't want to hand the Gortys beacon over to her.
I watched my boyfriend play his version where he has Vaughn with him. and I gotta say "Bro-Knee" made me laugh out louder than I should of. Fuckin... xD
He's here... enter link description here
My Vaughn is chilling with Cassius while eating drakefruit.
Hopw did you make him chilling with Cassius!
In episode 3 you have to stop Athena from trying to take her revenge. Instead of handing Vaughn over he takes him and they run away.
Thanks! I am bad person and want to kill him
He's chilling with Cassius, eating drakefruit.
With Cassius.
My Vaughn is safe, as he should be. I hope he'll continue to be safe. :v
Munching away on drakefruit with Cassius.
With the.. with the thing.. cuts out
chillin out with Cassius eating drakefruit together
probably dead in the desert, ate by skags or psychos because the stupid idiot I am send him into the wild life of pandora without any f*cking weapons or experiences. he's so freaking dead, and it's my fault. damn it.
I'm sure he'll be fine, I mean he did contact you saying he had a plan.
we're on f*cking mothering pandora! plans are not worth anything there if you don't have a shitton of guns with you
This is how I want Vaughn to come back in the finale.
My Vaughn is playing it cool as Vallory's hostage at the moment, don't want my best pal taking another risk and getting rocket launched.