What problems have you found with this game?

So since the GoT section has quite alot of these threads, and some people have said that we think Tales is a perfect game, what do you guys think? Is there anything that has bugged you about the game, maybe something you thought could have been done better?
For me, I wasn't a fan of Fiona until episode 3, where she had her vault hunter conversation with Athena. I don't think it should take 3 episodes for me to be interested in a character.



  • Not enough Loader Bot in Episode 4.


    But yeah I've been pretty pleased with the game. EP4 felt kinda short but I'm not entirely sure why it felt short to me... It's been a fun ride so far, though.

  • I hoped for more characters from originals games, especially for Clappie and Tiny Tina.

  • Athena's mentor relationship with Fiona could've been expanded upon more, Vallory could have a lot more scenes, and I wouldn't have minded if Vasquez didn't bite the dust in episode 3.

  • edited August 2015

    The fact that Vaughn is either not apart group or just can't speak through episode 3 and 4, if you make specific choices. He's almost never there anymore in my main playthrough.

  • It felt short to me because of the ending. It just sort of ended, I know it had to as it was a lead up to the final. But it left me feeling like it was over in a flash

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    NOT ENOUGH CLAPTRAP! But yeah I've been pretty pleased with the game. EP4 felt kinda short but I'm not entirely sure why it felt short to me... It's been a fun ride so far, though.

  • Yeah and this really made me sad. I hope he's gonna be around in the final episode ;(

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    The fact that Vaughn is either not apart group or just can't speak through episode 3 and 4, if you make specific choices. He's almost never there anymore in my main playthrough.

  • Kind of a nitpick but it really bugs me to no end, romance between Sasha and Rhys seems like it's going to happen no matter what you choose. No matter how hard you try not to be close to her, in episode 3 it still gives you the choice to have the romantic scene with her, in episode 4 in the intro they both look at eachother romantically no matter what you choose or do, and at the end of the episode Jack gives you the line about taking selfies with her if you choose a specific option (though I'm not totally sure about that, it's dumb how Rhys has feelings for her no matter what you choose.). Again, just pet peeves but I wish Telltale would give you a choice at least.

  • I didn't really mind them looking at each other romantically since the outcome was really hilarious. But I still have to agree. They should have made different variations depending on your choices (like in ep 3 intro) in fact, TTG has been really good at making this game feel like your choice will have different outcomes...expect when it comes to shipping.

    Green613 posted: »

    Kind of a nitpick but it really bugs me to no end, romance between Sasha and Rhys seems like it's going to happen no matter what you choose.

  • edited August 2015

    In my douchebag file I found that especially weird.

    Like my Rhys in that file was a complete asshat to her, yet the next thing you know both of them are giving each other the googly eyes in episode 3 onwards.

    What surprisingly bugged me most though was that it seemed out of character for Sasha..? like can you honestly see Sasha of all people liking someone who arguably can be portrayed almost like Handsome Jack himself? Rhys can be a selfish, arrogant, betraying dickhead and she still seems relatively fond of him :/

    That, and the points you made about the romance no matter what.

    Green613 posted: »

    Kind of a nitpick but it really bugs me to no end, romance between Sasha and Rhys seems like it's going to happen no matter what you choose.

  • Title and achievements. Makes no sense. Well, it's not the first time Telltale is changing the story after all achievements and loading screens are ready; we do remember TWAU. I didn't even hear "Escape Plan Bravo" phrase during my gameplay. "Catch a Ride" fits the 4th episode. "The Dome" would be better name for 3rd.

  • My problem is it's about to end

  • Well this may have been fixed but when Rhys lost his boot you had an option to talk to Fiona and get it back in that same episode, however Rhys would still have only one boot on at the end. I know it's kind of a stupid thing.

  • Rhys' eye color keeps changing.

  • I know it makes it difficult to piece things together when the game can't stay consistent

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    Rhys' eye color keeps changing.

  • Well Rhysha is terribly forced, and some characters didn't get enough screen time in episode four (LB, Vaughn), there's no Claptrap, and not enough Stannis. None of these are game-breaking though or unforgivable like GoT episode five's traitor, Finn getting Nick'd, Mira and Gared being nothing but filler, Ramsay's Plot Armour abuse, not enough Stannis, Arthur's absurd death, Rodrik walking balls-first into an ambush, not enough Stannis, Asher coming home with a useless army of 7 sub-par fighters, not enough Stannis, or really all of episode five.

    GoT has more threads like this because it earned them, whereas Borderlands really hasn't.

  • Mainly Scooter's death other than that it's that bitch Yvette and the anticipation till episode 5.

  • The fact that you can't have Dumpy with you unless you trust Jack at the end of Ep2.

    I love that lil floaty bucket o' bolts.

  • The Telltale engine is SHIT. It's glitchy and clunky as hell.

  • Some of my choices didn't show up when I restarted the episode.

  • I've seen a few people post this opinion before but it's relevant here: Telltale seems to have put their A-Team into Tales from the Borderlands.

    Which makes sense, I suppose. Game of Thrones has a much larger fanbase but a significant amount of GoT's fanbase aren't gamers; whereas I think it's safe to assume that 100% of Borderlands fans are.

    Well Rhysha is terribly forced, and some characters didn't get enough screen time in episode four (LB, Vaughn), there's no Claptrap, and not

  • The only problem is that it only has 5 episodes! If it was up to me, I'd have 10!

  • My mouse disappears sometimes and I often can't click the choices because of it. Going to the main menu and loading my save file again solves it.

    Regarding the game itself, everything has been playing out pretty much the way I expected it to. I wish I could have made Rhys tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack earlier, though. A good time would be right after I made Fiona tell Scooter that Rhys and Vaughn were their friends, I think. Oh, and the constant references to pop culture and old memes do make me cringe quite often. Yes, I know it is a really frequent thing on Borderlands 2, but I don't like it. It is actually one of the reasons that was stopping me from buying this game: I'm not a big fan of the franchise because of all the memes and references in Borderlands 2. Other than that, I can't really complain. Tales is overall pretty good.

    GoT is not bad either, I actually really like it, it was just that episode 5's writing was really not on par with... Well... Any other TellTale episode I ever played so far.

  • How Rhysha is pushed, but that's about it. Other than that, I have no problems.

  • Rhys' echo eye inconsistencies, forced romantic moments even when you're a Hyperion-loving douche and choose only rude dialog options, and the bane of dialog-wheels everywhere - the 'that-was-not-what-I-wanted-to-say' issue (how was I supposed to know 'I want to live the good life' would result in 'I like Sasha so don't slap her ass again'..?).

    But it's still an absolutely brilliant game.

  • Lack of Vaughn in Episodes 3 and 4 is something I don't like. Also how Vaughn did a 180 with his "We'll tell our kids stories like this when we're millionaires" comment in Episode 2 then said he never wants kids in Episode 4. Like what the heck dude, did you eat some of the local plant-life you really shouldn't have? Also was not a fan of the Rhys/Sasha pushing in Episode 3. That's pretty much it.

    But those are pretty small gripes in the grand scheme of the game and I still adore it.

  • I dunno, I kinda feel like you guys deserve to be punished for your poor choices.

    The fact that you can't have Dumpy with you unless you trust Jack at the end of Ep2. I love that lil floaty bucket o' bolts.

  • If you tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack in episode 4, Fiona realizes that Jack possessed Rhys after he fell off the elevator in Ep 3. ...Even if he didn't.
    Honestly that entire conversation irked me. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" I would have if the game permitted it! Just ask Vaughn!

    Also Yvette's motives are poorly defined, Loader Bot never got a smashcard, and Janey's rocket design/Scooters death was like something out of Galaxy Quest.

    "There's no useful purpose for there to be a bunch of chompy, crushy things here! We shouldn't have to do this! It makes no logical sense! Why is it here?!"

  • Yeah I felt that they overreacted to me telling them and then just seemed to forget they were mad at all.

  • As I said in another thread, I think this refers to the beginning of episode two, where you fell from the balcony when you first encountered Jack in the first abandoned Atlas facility. He acted strange and was talking to himself etc. prior to that and Fiona was wondering what's wrong with him. :)

  • There was this one problem were I died and on multiple occasions there was a continue thing so therefore having to quit app then restart. Other then that nothing. Poor scooter though man he didn't deserve that!!!!!!

  • I get that Rhys having a genocidal dictator stuck in his brain would be enough to make anybody on Pandora uncomfortable, considering Jack tried to nuke it from orbit, but it's not like Rhys willingly put him there.

    Yeah I felt that they overreacted to me telling them and then just seemed to forget they were mad at all.

  • Ohhhhhhhh. Man, how did I forget about that? Thanks for clearing that up!

    HellFish posted: »

    As I said in another thread, I think this refers to the beginning of episode two, where you fell from the balcony when you first encountered

  • Not enough socks.

  • edited August 2015

    the only thing I find annoying with the game is how it freezes for a few seconds then goes to a loading screen that takes FOREVER to load kinda kills the tension of the game luckily that repeating lines glitch was fixed
    yakuza dead souls had a loading time like this anyone who has played it would know what I mean

  • Ep4 Reveal Jack/Hide Jack choices missing from the choice screen but it still appears to work, I just hope it will work with ep5.

  • I think for me it might be because there wasn't enough memoriable moments and some not as interesting ones went on for a bit too long. That might be it

    Talimancer posted: »

    It felt short to me because of the ending. It just sort of ended, I know it had to as it was a lead up to the final. But it left me feeling like it was over in a flash

  • Reading through this thread I now do remember some things that bothered me quite a bit. One is that no matter how you act towards Sasha, Rhys and her still give eachother that look. I mean I'm fine with Rhysha being a thing but there should be an option to avoid romance.

    Secondly my number 1 pet peeve: Whatever Rhys cyber eye colour is doing, I'm not even sure what it means anymore.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    NOT ENOUGH CLAPTRAP! But yeah I've been pretty pleased with the game. EP4 felt kinda short but I'm not entirely sure why it felt short to me... It's been a fun ride so far, though.

  • I think someone theorized that Vaughn is just getting very exhausted.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Lack of Vaughn in Episodes 3 and 4 is something I don't like. Also how Vaughn did a 180 with his "We'll tell our kids stories like this when

  • I think its more to do with Vaughn's underlying character than with 180 poor writing on telltale's part. He's putting on some kind of face with Rhys but as time goes on its wearing off, and Vaughn is getting sick and tired of keeping it up. The Bro-ness is ending.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Lack of Vaughn in Episodes 3 and 4 is something I don't like. Also how Vaughn did a 180 with his "We'll tell our kids stories like this when

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