My theory: Gortys is evil?

Hey guys!
I have a pretty interesting theory about Gortys, and how she could turn out to be evil. Crazy, right? Or is it...?

In the very first episode of Tales From The Borderlands, as Rhys is being dragged through the sands of Pandora, the masked kidnapper asks him about the Gortys project. Rhys' response is: "Is that what this is about? Look, Gortys is bad business."

Now I do agree that Gortys is cute and amazing and so adorable you could just hug her forever, but what if someone programmed her to be evil? Like a certain someone with a robot arm and a crazy psycho floating around in his head? Hmm...?

I'd love to hear what you guys think of this! Thanks for reading!
- Shane


  • Or he was just talking about all the crap he had to go through to get Gortys working. Or it was just a way to deceive the stranger.

  • Possibly!

    Or he was just talking about all the crap he had to go through to get Gortys working. Or it was just a way to deceive the stranger.

  • Wasn't this already a thread?

  • I am not sure. Haven't seen it before, I'm kinda new to the forums. #ImNoob. :)

    zeke10 posted: »

    Wasn't this already a thread?

  • Ah ok. I hope not i've had enough betrayal:(

    xShaneSK posted: »

    I am not sure. Haven't seen it before, I'm kinda new to the forums. #ImNoob.

  • I'll be honest, that would be a really boring and predictable twist. The whole "cute and innocent thing turns out to be deceptive and evil" thing has been done to death.

  • I hope Gortys isn't evil. :( I ship her and Loader Bot so much. xD

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ah ok. I hope not i've had enough betrayal:(

  • I agree. Telltale are doing a good job with this mystery. I just can't place who it could be! :(
    Plot twist: Claptrap.

    Piggs posted: »

    I'll be honest, that would be a really boring and predictable twist. The whole "cute and innocent thing turns out to be deceptive and evil" thing has been done to death.

  • Gortys evil? Nah, how could anyone so naive be evil?!

  • Does this face look evil?


    Enough said.

    enter image description here

  • Rude.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Does this face look evil? No. Enough said.

  • I don't trust Telltale anymore after Kenny's return.

    Dekon55951 posted: »

    Gortys evil? Nah, how could anyone so naive be evil?!

  • At the end of EP4 at jacks trophy case there is a certificate saying that Jack owns Atlas. Gortys is Atlas.... oh fuq

  • Don't get me wrong, it is possible that Gortys turns out to be evil but I just don't see it happening. As piggs already says, it would be a really predictable twist.

    xShaneSK posted: »


  • The fact that it is so predictable makes its unpredictable because people wont predict it as its predictable.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Don't get me wrong, it is possible that Gortys turns out to be evil but I just don't see it happening. As piggs already says, it would be a really predictable twist.

  • I think your theory is right, I found this leaked image of Gortys with her third piece!

    enter image description here

  • Yes, there was.

    It is MY theory. However, it can't happen. Gortys was too awesome in 4th episode. No way she's evil.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Wasn't this already a thread?

  • Ah, of course! I should have known there was something off about her.

    I think your theory is right, I found this leaked image of Gortys with her third piece!

  • Is that... Hitler?

    I think your theory is right, I found this leaked image of Gortys with her third piece!

  • There are some unused sound files that imply Gortys was originally a bitter, sarcastic hologram woman made by Cassius, so that line could be left over from that copy of the script. But honestly I doubt Rhys ever thought she was evil.

    Since Gortys is basically one half of a key to the Vault of the Traveler, my take on it is that he was warning the Stranger not to bother with the vault itself.

  • that my friend is Hitler from wolfenstein 3d

    Reliqum posted: »

    Is that... Hitler?

  • Was that prerelease? Because I think you can see a different-looking Gortys core in Ep1 next time on.

    Courtenay posted: »

    There are some unused sound files that imply Gortys was originally a bitter, sarcastic hologram woman made by Cassius, so that line could be

  • Seems that way, though the files themselves are buried in episode 2.

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    Was that prerelease? Because I think you can see a different-looking Gortys core in Ep1 next time on.

  • I dunno, ep1 Gortys looked way less friendly, so could be..

    Courtenay posted: »

    Seems that way, though the files themselves are buried in episode 2.

  • I think the best thing about Gortys is that she is diametrically opposed to every character we know (and love) in the Borderlands universe.

    Even the absolute nicest ones are still pretty dark and messed-up, but Gortys is sweet, innocent and infectiously positive - it is so rare to see a character uncorrupted by Pandora, so I think it'd be quite disappointing to have it all turn out to be an act - in fact, I think it says a lot of our own experiences playing Borderlands that our gut reactions to a seemingly 'good' character is: "no, that's not possible, this is Pandora - it HAS to be a ruse - she's going to turn on us - SHE'S EVIL!!!"... We've clearly been burned way too many times!

    Also, Rhys goes through basically the identical thing to us - he can't tell if Gortys is being sarcastic because he's not used to anyone ever saying anything positive...

    Even without her beacon, Gortys was already a little beacon of hope/positivity - which is just what the Borderlands' universe needs!

  • Highly doubt that cute robot is evil. From that quote from Rhys in episode 1, I think he was referring to all the bad things that happened to himself and his friends/allies while looking for all or Gortys' parts and inevitably the bad blood that sprang up. While it might lose all it's personality once we get the final piece and do simply as it's operated to do, I don't think Gortys itself is inherently evil.

  • Genius.

    The fact that it is so predictable makes its unpredictable because people wont predict it as its predictable.

  • If I remember right, The Stranger specifically asked Rhys about the Gortys Project which was about finding the Vault, not about Gortys herself. When Rhys said that Gortys is bad business, he could have been referring to the opening of the Vault of the Traveler which was the bad business.

  • Nope. It's Mecha-Hitler

    Reliqum posted: »

    Is that... Hitler?

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