Rhys's tattoo(s)?

Hi :) I was just wondering if anyone knows what Rhys's tattoos are from(or you have a theory)? I think they look a lot like a sirens tattoos but he's a guy so that isn't possible also please feel free to tell me if I'm weirdly obsessing over this little detail thanks :) http://33.media.tumblr.com/4d3e5ef5712138ad2a1ec12c69a8bdbb/tumblr_inline_nanwq7GxA31svxqh6.png


  • I'm really curious to find out. But I kinda feel like we won't, considering how many loose ends the game has to answer in episode 5. I don't see how they're going to wrap all this up with a satisfying ending but I trust Telltale.

  • In the cosplay guide released by TellTale, they address the tattoos. They're not siren.

  • He wanted to stick out in Hyperion and chose to get a tattoo a design he liked. Not much different from anyone else that gets a tattoo (like myself.)

  • well that theory was fun while it lasted lol :)

    In the cosplay guide released by TellTale, they address the tattoos. They're not siren.

  • Don't they only really address the neck tattoo?

    In the cosplay guide released by TellTale, they address the tattoos. They're not siren.

  • that makes so much sense! BTW is that your theory or cannon?,either way that makes a lot of sense;)

    He wanted to stick out in Hyperion and chose to get a tattoo a design he liked. Not much different from anyone else that gets a tattoo (like myself.)

  • Siren tattoos extend to the neck I thought

    Piggs posted: »

    Don't they only really address the neck tattoo?

  • I think Telltale mentioned it in their cosplay guide.

    Fiona-rocks posted: »

    that makes so much sense! BTW is that your theory or cannon?,either way that makes a lot of sense;)

  • enter image description here

    Fiona-rocks posted: »

    that makes so much sense! BTW is that your theory or cannon?,either way that makes a lot of sense;)

  • Yeah, but the one on his neck is solid black. The unusual, siren-esque tattoo is on his chest.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Siren tattoos extend to the neck I thought

  • Nah, he can't be siren, but now I really wanna see Rhys shirtless for his tattoos. :(

  • He's due for a wardrobe change, so maybe.

    Nah, he can't be siren, but now I really wanna see Rhys shirtless for his tattoos.

  • there just tattoos to give him some more character

  • enter image description here

    WazzuMan posted: »

    He's due for a wardrobe change, so maybe.

  • Pretty much what I was going to say. However, so long as there is a little sense of mystery about a game then people act like every tiny detail is part of some grand conspiracy.

    there just tattoos to give him some more character

  • true

    WazzuMan posted: »

    Pretty much what I was going to say. However, so long as there is a little sense of mystery about a game then people act like every tiny detail is part of some grand conspiracy.

  • Thanks elaborating :)

    I think Telltale mentioned it in their cosplay guide.

  • edited August 2015

    For* sorry im such an idiot

    Fiona-rocks posted: »

    Thanks elaborating

  • edited August 2015

    Not sure that guys can't be sirens, but if they can, they still have to be born as sirens, so it would be impossible for Rhys to be one, anyways.

  • and also Rhys' tattoo goes across his chest while siren tattoos remain on the left side of their body.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Not sure that guys can't be sirens, but if they can, they still have to be born as sirens, so it would be impossible for Rhys to be one, anyways.

  • Again it will be pretty cool to have a male siren and stop saying sirens can be only females u don't know that.

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Rhys probably dressed up as a Siren for Halloween and got Tattoos to look like a siren and it wasn't removable.

  • Or he got reeeally drunk at the Hyperion Mercenary Day party and one of his sadistic colleagues thought it would be a hilarious prank.

    :Rhys wakes up tremendously hungover:

    "Eugh, what happened last night? Ach, why does my left side hurt so--"

    Hyperion workers sniggering in the background:


    :Hyperion workers start howling with laughter:

    "What the hell even is this? Wait--Siren tattoos? WHY THE HELL DID YOU GIVE ME SIREN TATTOOS?!"

    :Hyperion workers literally rolling on the floor laughing:

    "Oh, I get it--because I'm a girl, right? REAL MATURE, GUYS!"

    :Rhys spots Vaughn hiding behind a Loader Bot covered in party hats:

    "Vaughn! How could you let this happen?!"

    :Vaughn looks sheepish:

    "Hey - I was the one who talked them out of that Handsome Jack pin-up design... Well, tried to... at least..."


    (Plot twist: Yvette was behind the whole thing)

    Rhys probably dressed up as a Siren for Halloween and got Tattoos to look like a siren and it wasn't removable.

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