Could this guy be our masked Stranger?
In Episode 4, we encounter this guy several times. And at one point, depending on a choice, he will appear and look at the treasure map revealed to be behind a painting.
Telltale might've put him in as a red herring too. What do you think?
(Update: It seems he's most likely a reused model. Sorry everyone...)
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That's what I said in my LP. I mean, he stands out compared to everyone else. Telltale seemed to put more focus on him (with the camera) than they should if he was just a regular NPC. Though, why take our two protagonists hostage?
He's just a re skin
Just trolling.
Like in TWAU u know
I thought he has them hostage because they're collecting Gorty's pieces and they're imprinted to them.
Yeah, probably. The orange haired guy was my prime suspect at first.
Yeah, you're right.
Except you see his same skin several times over the season. Episode 1, there, on the HJ VIP tour, checking out the ripped map. It's just a re skin dude.
Yeah, you're right.
I wouldn't say lazy, more like reusing resources in order to save money.
Yeah, you're right.
Eh, he looks pretty corporate. I don't know, I'm just pointing out he isn't important.
... mmmMAAaaayyybeeee?
Yeah. I just thought I discovered something big. haha
Nah, a Hyperion big-wig wouldn't be tough enough to smack around Rhys as much as the stranger does.
I thought the same at first. But he is just an over-used NPC skin
He is also one of the first bandits we see when Rhys and Vaughn are in the car.
His name is Red Harrington
The place where we spot him made out as a bandit is the same area (Prosperity Junction) where Rhys and Fiona run into the Stranger in the present. The build is the same, and the glowing strap over his right shoulder reminds me of the one on Vaughn's vest, possibly implying some connection to Hyperion standardization. Moreover, he not only knows about the Gortys project and that Fiona and Rhys were somehow involved with it, he also seems able to track the Gortys pieces. To me, this implies connections to both Hyperion and/or Vallory's crew and Atlas. An ex-Atlas defector to Hyperion would certainly have wanted to monitor the acquisition of a vault key(hence the bandit getup?), keep track of events surrounding the Gortys project(he obviously has a vague idea of the sequence of events but none of the details yet) and want to get his own hands on it and the Vault.
I'm not saying I believe it, but it's an intriguing thought.
Edit: On second thought, one of the Jack fans who can kill themselves on the security field is obviously him, unless it really is just a recycled skin, and letting that happen doesn't impact the present day sequences. So never mind.
What's your youtube name? I've got one as well
Yup, re-used model (OR, EVIL PANDORAN TWIN?!)
Not exactly. He's not the only reused character.
This guy is always so oddly recognizable. I'll go with he has a whole bunch of twins
Lazy? Not with TftB. In this case they actually did a lot. Check TWAU and it's empty streets. One ginger guy was a crowd.
Yeah, I regret using the word 'lazy' now. It's a harsh thing to say.
Yeah, you're right.
This character model is also used when we very first see Rhys and Vaughn on Helios. He's in a room with the tiny fighting Psychos, and makes a gun gesture at Rhys. Couldn't find any screen shots but here's a play through by Cryaotic. Skip to 5:17

I have to admit, this conversation got really funny because of you saying "You're right" all the time. It's like you just want people to finally leave you alone which they just wouldn't do xD
Haha, yeah. But I changed what I previously wrote to "you're right" on my comments. There was things I regretted saying.