Plots for Season Two? (S2 Petition!)
Obviously we all love this game, and want to see more of the glorious world that Telltale have dropped us into. So lets make Telltale aware that we want a Season Two! And I ain't hating on Minecraft: Story Mode, but I know which one I'd prefer to play. (Hint: It's Borderlands!)
I'd also love to hear people's plot ideas for Season Two if it was to happen. Or any DLC ideas?
Feel free to express your ideas!
- Shane
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We can't make a plot for season 2 yet when we haven't even finished season 1.
Hmm, maybe continue with characters, or maybe some different ones. But I would love a plot about smuggling a little girl across Pandora, but you don't find out why until the end of the first episode, she is a powerful Siren, and a group/corporation are using to get her to over a vault.
Oh trust me, they're aware that we want a Season 2, just as they're aware we want TWAU S2, it doesn't mean they will give it to us. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go crawl into a dark corner and start crying.
If you want to see more of the world then you can always jump on the borderlands 3 hype train.
Can't for sure say what Season 2 could potentially be about since we don't know how it ends yet... but as far as dlc ideas go, Dameon Clarke (Handsome Jack himself) said he'd be down for some sort of Jack and Rhys spin-off. :P
I would be all for a season 2, but i will leave the story writing to the professionals
The group members all developing into Vault Hunters. Perhaps further adventures...
We also see Pandora has bandits, but very little of their gangsters. Maybe, in future, we could have Rhys and co getting caught up in August's massive feud against another mob boss, or delve into the world of organized crime on Pandora.
I imagine someone at TTG is enjoying our suffering.
How about the player characters are the girl that discovers she's a siren and the dude that's supposed to smuggle her across Pandora or something? That could make a new story.
Maybe I'm weird but I don't really want a season 2...I think that this game was so well done that I want an actual Borderlands game based off of it. This game has got me so hyped for BL3!
No more please, you already butchered Scooter, no please no.
At least let Borderlands 3 get released first, Borderlands is such a valueable piece of gem, at least for me.
Dr. Ted. If there is not DT in the next episode or BL3 game. I am going to buy out TellTale, Gearbox, and 2k and run them straight into the ground, fire everyone. Then i will rename it TedTale and Tedbox Software and 2Ted.
Don't forget about 2Ted Australia.
Well that was unexpecTed
I've got a good plot! Ok, so it's like the movie Mad Max, something that puts our characters in tension filled moments with unbelievable scenarios. Mad Max and Borderlands relate in alot of ways and it'd be cool to see them completely blend into some glorious masterpiece
I guess that's not a plot but dang it sounds like a good idea.
A mad max borderlands (maderlands or bordermax) tension filled thrill ride to sum it all up.
Bring back Captain Scarlet.
Is there room for one more? I'll bring the tissues.
Yeeeeeees. I loved seeing Vallory and her gang being introduced in TftB. I need my The Sopranos + The Godfather + Pandora fix.
If August lives, we are going to have the funniest parody of every Prohibition Gangster ever.
I'm the camp that would enjoy a new cast of characters, as our amazing S1 cast seems like they'll be set up for BL3 after the finale, and there probably isn't as much room to work with after that. I can't wait to see what characters the writers would create next. (I'll miss Fiona, Rhys and the gang, though. Wah.)
I annoyingly waxed on poetic about this in another thread, but I'd love to see where the poor ol' Doppelganger is at. We know what all the living Vault Hunters/main cast have been up to from BL1 -> TPS -> BL2 -> TftB, but Tim's a mystery. I just need to know he's okay, Telltale! ...and not fetal somewhere. Or dead. Dead and fetal.
It's all I've ever wanted! As a bonus, Nolan North would kill any and all I'll make him an offer he can't refuse dialogue.
We will have all the trimmings:
So I was looking into my plot idea (Smuggling a little girl, who turns out a Siren, and you are trying to protect her from some group/corperation) and I found this on the wiki.
"According to an ECHO recording left by Handsome Jack in Southpaw Steam & Power in Borderlands 2, only six Sirens can exist in the universe at any given time"
The wiki states about these existing sirens:
"At the time of Borderlands 2's release, three are known: Lilith, Maya, and Angel. Outside of the games, Borderlands: Origins issue 2 confirms fan speculation that the Crimson Lance leader Commandant Steele was the fourth Siren until her death. A fifth siren, Asha, was depicted in the comics"
Now tha Angel is dead and Stelle, I think my plot could actually work, I'm even tempted to write something since I've done some writing before, but I'm not that good at humor
If there was to be a Season 2 then I'd like to something like this: (Note: this can only happen if Stranger doesn't die in Ep.5 and is revealed as a new character.) The story takes place after TFTB 1 and follows the story of the Stranger who is a sort of Bounty Hunter and tracker. He is given a mission by Hyperion, to search all of Pandora and find someone for unknown reasons and to bring them back to Helios. He reluctantly agrees as Hyperion promise him riches past his wildest dreams. The stranger enlists the help of his best friend and mentor and they set off the find this person. You'd get to play as both The Stranger (who can use money like Fiona and can use his mask like Rhys' Echo eye) and the person he's searching for (Steele's daughter who would unlock a new siren-based ability every episode such as mind control). The stranger would then realise Hyperion wanting a siren is bad news so decides to take her to only place she'd be safe: Sanctuary. Along the way they'd meet bandits, old and new characters and Atlas who have risen to power again who also want Steele's daughter so they can make her the leader of Atlas much like how Steele was.
I need myself some more Rhys and Jack.
(And Dameon Clarke)
Shit. I just realised this is like kaza's idea.
I really like it. Especially if we could play the siren, to have two playable characters like in the current season.
Wait, wasn't Asha the girl Claptrap greeted travelers with and took care of in Fall of Fyrestone? I should reread the comics.
I'm actually writing a summary for episode 1 of my idea ;d
EDIT: I'm going to write it! Here is a teaser!
I think so, I haven't read the comics, I've heard they are good though.
Also, if TellTale decides to explore the world of August's daily life/the Pandoran Mafia while parodying the crap outta every famous Gangster movie/every 1920s gangster ever, we will also need a nice homage to this:
This marks the point where Canada has had enough of Capone's shit
Because, seriously. Vaughn the accountant. With a shotgun. Storming the bridge.
I'm quite proud of this fan fin so far