Elpis is a moon, not a planet. And I highly doubt Hyperion is the biggest company in the universe. Other bigger companies don't know of the vaults or stopped chasing after them so they gave up the idea of investing in a shithole of a planet.
Everything you write is usually random words with no structure. It's hard to pick an actual argument. You're clutching at straws that make no sense, this is a stupid argument. If Gearbox want Hyperion to explode in Tales. It will happen. Full. Stop. There's no BL3 lore, it's the Borderland's lore which tales is apart of.
do i really need to explain this to you? this game isnt part of borderlands 3 campaing therefore its not like a starting of movie, its a set… more up from borderlands 2 to borderlands 3. and thats in my eyes side content you can disagree all you want.
now you do realise i never said the game isnt canon or that gearbox didnt allowed it right? whats up with you just saying random things out of context? all i said that gearbow wouldnt allow ailpis and hyperion blown up, i dont think they are going to ruin 30% of their writing, and if it would ever happened (unlikely) it will probably happened in borderlands 3 or one of their main games. also you just supported what i said. if telltale has the lore written from the start with gearbox and this lore would be to blow up helios then they why would they show helios in episode 1?
lol you just repeated the same thing 4 times out of context while it never had anything to do with what i said, and just because some telltale fanboys likes your comment dosent make you right. im done wasting my time on you
Everything you write is usually random words with no structure. It's hard to pick an actual argument. You're clutching at straws that make n… moreo sense, this is a stupid argument. If Gearbox want Hyperion to explode in Tales. It will happen. Full. Stop. There's no BL3 lore, it's the Borderland's lore which tales is apart of.
The start of the story starts at least 345 days after the death of Handsome Jack. There is an echo showing Jack editing entries in the Hyperion network. You see it if you use the echo eye in Episode 1.
acording to unused audio its a year after the vault key deal, but that has nothign to do with what i said. i was talking about the flashback scenes in episode 4-5, not the real time scenes
Why would blowing up Helios kill of Jack, there is a lot of Hyperion tech still on Pandora and it's all connected via the network. Once in the Hyperion network why wouldn't he be able to be in all of the Hyperion tech?
Wouldn't blowing it up cause an insane amount of space debris to rain down onto Pandora, killing who knows how many?
You mean just l… moreike exactly what happened in the beginning of ep 4? O_O
(But seriously, I'm thinking it's more to do with the eye changing colour, and TT were just removing the inconsistency.)
I never said it would - I agree with you, once he's in the Hyperion system you'd assume he can access anything Hyperion (including stuff off Helios) - he's basically like a giant virus - killing the hardware isn't enough to get rid of him.
Why would blowing up Helios kill of Jack, there is a lot of Hyperion tech still on Pandora and it's all connected via the network. Once in the Hyperion network why wouldn't he be able to be in all of the Hyperion tech?
Remember when the stranger found Gortys' upgrade in episode three? It was in a crater, and the stranger looked up at the rock with a hole in it.
Explosion seems eminent (with Gortys stuck on Helios ).
lol you just repeated the same thing 4 times out of context while it never had anything to do with what i said, and just because some telltale fanboys likes your comment dosent make you right. im done wasting my time on you
At the end of the Dragon Keep DLC in BL2,it seemed like the Sanctuary crew was on their way to destroy Helios.But simply blowing up Helios would have a pretty big impact(quite literally) on Pandora,not to mention blowing up Elpis,,which would supposedly take half of Pandora with it,according to TPS.
i doubt you can really get to helios with fast travel codes, even hyperion emplyes dont do it. so the hyperion hostage that gave them the fast travel codes was probably lieing. and also if they were to blow up helios it would have allready happened (or they have would died) because it seemed that they are going for it right after dragon keep dlc
At the end of the Dragon Keep DLC in BL2,it seemed like the Sanctuary crew was on their way to destroy Helios.But simply blowing up Helios w… moreould have a pretty big impact(quite literally) on Pandora,not to mention blowing up Elpis,,which would supposedly take half of Pandora with it,according to TPS.
Yeah,I don't think they've actually done it,either.By the way do we even know when does Dragon Keep take place.Is it before TFTB and future parts of TPS or after them?
i doubt you can really get to helios with fast travel codes, even hyperion emplyes dont do it. so the hyperion hostage that gave them the fa… morest travel codes was probably lieing. and also if they were to blow up helios it would have allready happened (or they have would died) because it seemed that they are going for it right after dragon keep dlc
Yeah,I don't think they've actually done it,either.By the way do we even know when does Dragon Keep take place.Is it before TFTB and future parts of TPS or after them?
i doubt you can really get to helios with fast travel codes, even hyperion emplyes dont do it. so the hyperion hostage that gave them the fa… morest travel codes was probably lieing. and also if they were to blow up helios it would have allready happened (or they have would died) because it seemed that they are going for it right after dragon keep dlc
probably because it didn't look right or a memory allocation error in coding is possible like the twin towers theory for the original deus ex they were stil there but the location memeory couldn't store it Im not sure im on ps3 and cant remember seeing epis I got the game a week after it was out
oh yeah... i forgot that. but i guess thats make sense because hellios is very close to elpis you can say its part of the moon, pandora is pretty far away. im pretty sure you cant just fast travel between planets otherwise spaceships would be pointless
If Helios was destroyed it would take the moon and a large chunk of Pandora with it. It was the whole point of TPS, all three are connected and you can't destroy one without destroying the others. I hope they don't back out on that and say destroying a mega satellite and moon wouldn't effect the planet they are orbiting around. Just the shift in the gravitational pulls would be catastrophic.
They probably just removed it in an attempt to cover up any spoilers for what ends up happening. I mean hey, it being gone doesn't necessarily mean it gets blown up. Maybe something else happens to Helios/Elpis, and they removed it to keep it a surprise.
Remember what Jack said in first teaser.
enter link description here
rhys said hyperion is biggest company there is
When? I can't remember. But even if he said it, he is too biased to be reliable about that.
rhys: "all i ever wanted is to rule a company hyperion is biggest company there is so.."
sasha: "thats the sadest story i ever heared"
Everything you write is usually random words with no structure. It's hard to pick an actual argument. You're clutching at straws that make no sense, this is a stupid argument. If Gearbox want Hyperion to explode in Tales. It will happen. Full. Stop. There's no BL3 lore, it's the Borderland's lore which tales is apart of.
Still, a little to biased to be reliable about that.
lol you just repeated the same thing 4 times out of context while it never had anything to do with what i said, and just because some telltale fanboys likes your comment dosent make you right. im done wasting my time on you
There actually is, she says that she has a very good memory in the True Vault Hunter Mode.
The start of the story starts at least 345 days after the death of Handsome Jack. There is an echo showing Jack editing entries in the Hyperion network. You see it if you use the echo eye in Episode 1.
yeah i ment no answer to why she has unhumanly good memory
Why would blowing up Helios kill of Jack, there is a lot of Hyperion tech still on Pandora and it's all connected via the network. Once in the Hyperion network why wouldn't he be able to be in all of the Hyperion tech?
I never said it would - I agree with you, once he's in the Hyperion system you'd assume he can access anything Hyperion (including stuff off Helios) - he's basically like a giant virus - killing the hardware isn't enough to get rid of him.
Remember when the stranger found Gortys' upgrade in episode three? It was in a crater, and the stranger looked up at the rock with a hole in it.
Explosion seems eminent (with Gortys stuck on Helios
Or poor Gortys might have been shot back down to Pandora using the Moonshot Canon.
Calm down lmao, no need for the salt. Your argument doesn't make any sense and its just pointless aggression. Chill.
At the end of the Dragon Keep DLC in BL2,it seemed like the Sanctuary crew was on their way to destroy Helios.But simply blowing up Helios would have a pretty big impact(quite literally) on Pandora,not to mention blowing up Elpis,,which would supposedly take half of Pandora with it,according to TPS.
i doubt you can really get to helios with fast travel codes, even hyperion emplyes dont do it. so the hyperion hostage that gave them the fast travel codes was probably lieing. and also if they were to blow up helios it would have allready happened (or they have would died) because it seemed that they are going for it right after dragon keep dlc
Yeah,I don't think they've actually done it,either.By the way do we even know when does Dragon Keep take place.Is it before TFTB and future parts of TPS or after them?
its before tps and tales, tina asks lilith if shes up for another round of bankers and badasses in the second playthrough of tps
well, you can travel to Helios from Elpis using the fast travel...
probably because it didn't look right or a memory allocation error in coding is possible like the twin towers theory for the original deus ex they were stil there but the location memeory couldn't store it Im not sure im on ps3 and cant remember seeing epis I got the game a week after it was out
oh yeah... i forgot that. but i guess thats make sense because hellios is very close to elpis you can say its part of the moon, pandora is pretty far away. im pretty sure you cant just fast travel between planets otherwise spaceships would be pointless
If Helios was destroyed it would take the moon and a large chunk of Pandora with it. It was the whole point of TPS, all three are connected and you can't destroy one without destroying the others. I hope they don't back out on that and say destroying a mega satellite and moon wouldn't effect the planet they are orbiting around. Just the shift in the gravitational pulls would be catastrophic.
They probably just removed it in an attempt to cover up any spoilers for what ends up happening. I mean hey, it being gone doesn't necessarily mean it gets blown up. Maybe something else happens to Helios/Elpis, and they removed it to keep it a surprise.