Fiona and Sasha's Origins

I've always been curious about the sisters' life before Felix found them.

With the comment from Athena in Episode 3 about Felix thinking the girls have some 'untapped potential', and also Rhys' comment in Episode 4 to Fiona when she flips backwards in zero gravity, about how 'it looks like you've done that before'. I have become even more curious about Fi and Sasha's former life as Tales goes on, and i really think that there's more to their situation than meets the eye.

If we take the above quote from Rhys into account, maybe it implies that the sisters are not from Pandora at all. Perhaps they are from another planet and were sent to Pandora to escape something/someone when they were young? It may add significance to Sasha always saying Pandora never felt like home.

Where are their parents? If they are dead, what happened to them? Why would Felix take in 2 thieving little girls? What did he see in them way back then? What did He get out of the situation? It seems like he either fell out with Vallory shortly before the girls came along, or alternatively, they fell out because of the girls or some disagreement on how to deal with them.

I'm not really sure what effect it would have in story if the sisters weren't actually from Pandora, but any thoughts, ideas or speculation are welcome. And if you have any info i may have missed or overlooked that could apply, that would be welcome as well :)



  • I'm personally more interested in Rhy's origins since I don't really know if he even had a family or any parents, possibly was raised primarily by Hyperion, but I feel like on who his family was is going to be a major twist later or not.

    But yeah, I'm interested in Fiona and Sasha's background as we don't have a lot of information.

  • Can they cover Fiona and Sasha's background in just one episode though? Same for Rhys since im especially interested in his.

  • Probably not, but they may have time to lay some groundwork leading into Season 2 (if there is to be one). Maybe for both Rhys and the Sisters?

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Can they cover Fiona and Sasha's background in just one episode though? Same for Rhys since im especially interested in his.

  • I agree that Rhys history would be really interesting to get into as well. Maybe Jack grew him in a petrie dish? Lol.

    I feel like all of their backstories will become important to the plot later on, in further seasons or possibly in BL3. Hopefully we get further seasons! :) and much more information!

    J-Master posted: »

    I'm personally more interested in Rhy's origins since I don't really know if he even had a family or any parents, possibly was raised primar

  • I was under the impression that tftbl transitions in bl3(maybe we learn more about them there?) but i would love a season 2.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Probably not, but they may have time to lay some groundwork leading into Season 2 (if there is to be one). Maybe for both Rhys and the Sisters?

  • I really wanna know what planet Rhys was born on, also. He's clearly not from Pandora due to his lack of knowledge on skin pizza parties, but I wonder if it's anywhere close to Helios.

    J-Master posted: »

    I'm personally more interested in Rhy's origins since I don't really know if he even had a family or any parents, possibly was raised primar

  • Well I'm certain they were born on Pandora since Felix took them in when they were children but their is the unanswered question of their biological parents, I don't think the girls know anything about them it seems they've been orphans their whole lives.

  • Maybe he was born on Helios? Not super exciting, i know. Put a possibility.

    I really wanna know what planet Rhys was born on, also. He's clearly not from Pandora due to his lack of knowledge on skin pizza parties, but I wonder if it's anywhere close to Helios.

  • I'm not sure how things will segue from Tales to BL3, but hope that there are more seasons of Tales to go alongside the main franchise.:)

    UmbraCode posted: »

    I was under the impression that tftbl transitions in bl3(maybe we learn more about them there?) but i would love a season 2.

  • I am less certain that the girls were born on Pandora. Sasha was at least 5 or 6 when Felix took them in, if not older. Which would have made Fiona at the youngest edge about 10 yrs old when Felix found them. That's a long time to survive on your own while looking after a younger sibling. Not impossible of course.

    I just feel like Rhys' offhand comment about Fiona being comfortable and skilled in Zero gravity is a hint. That this is NOT her first time on a spaceship, nor Sasha's. But because Sasha was so young when they were sent to Pandora she doesn't have the same confidence in her movements.

    I know this is kindof crackpotty, it makes some sense to me though. Thanks for hearing me out AgentZ46 :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well I'm certain they were born on Pandora since Felix took them in when they were children but their is the unanswered question of their bi

  • He was born on Dionysus.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Maybe he was born on Helios? Not super exciting, i know. Put a possibility.

  • Wow, I've never thought about it that way before. I love this.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I am less certain that the girls were born on Pandora. Sasha was at least 5 or 6 when Felix took them in, if not older. Which would have mad

  • Is this stated somewhere in game? I haven't noticed it.

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    He was born on Dionysus.

  • Thanks, obviously it's not really a fleshed out theory. We just don't have much info about anyone's past yet. But i am genuinely curious about the sisters' story and how they came to be where they are.

    I also wonder how much they remember. You never hear them talk about a time before they were with Felix. How much does Fi remember as compared to what Sasha would? That could explain some of the differences in their attitudes as well.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    Wow, I've never thought about it that way before. I love this.

  • Thanks for sharing Kracmos! :)

    It's definitely a possibility, as we really have no clue so far. And the point you make about the low gravity on Elpis is a good one, that connects with Rhys' comment.

    I have to admit i don't really know much about the properties of the other planets in the immediate vicinity. Maybe someone else could help out with that info? There was also that poster in their caravan of Dionysus(?) I think. Maybe that has some relevance?

  • Well Fiona can mess that part in the ship up so I don't know how relevant that is.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I am less certain that the girls were born on Pandora. Sasha was at least 5 or 6 when Felix took them in, if not older. Which would have mad

  • True enough, but in general we are supposed to try and complete the quick time events, right? :)

    I understand where you're coming from though.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well Fiona can mess that part in the ship up so I don't know how relevant that is.

  • I just have a hard time imagining children travelling from planet to planet it doesn't make sense to me.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    True enough, but in general we are supposed to try and complete the quick time events, right? I understand where you're coming from though.

  • That's cool. It's understandable, there's not really any proof. I'm not saying it's true, just that i think the possibilities are intruiging if it is.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I just have a hard time imagining children travelling from planet to planet it doesn't make sense to me.

  • Where was that stated?

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    He was born on Dionysus.

  • If they were born on Elpis they'd likely have Australian accents.

  • Accents depend on how long you've been in a place. I moved to America from Japan when I was 2. I have an American accent. If, by some slim chance, they were from Elpis, they could've developed and then lost an accent. Idk.

    If they were born on Elpis they'd likely have Australian accents.

  • Nice theory! Ever since the first episode, I've been interested in Fiona and Sasha's origins (Rhys too, but the girls' story intrigues me more). I wonder if they have always felt like outsiders. Are their outfits and styles to fit in with Pandora or do the differ a lot from normal Pandorians? Maybe TellTale will grace us with a TFTBL DLC about the main cast's backstories. Tales From The Borderlands: Origins anyone?

  • Is everyone from Elpis, Australian? Wow, you learn something new every day :)

    Thanks for the heads up Handsome Jack!

    If they were born on Elpis they'd likely have Australian accents.

  • Thanks eRock92!

    I like your ideas too. Origin DLC would definitely be on my to buy list!

    eRock92 posted: »

    Nice theory! Ever since the first episode, I've been interested in Fiona and Sasha's origins (Rhys too, but the girls' story intrigues me m

  • No I pulled it out of my ass.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Is this stated somewhere in game? I haven't noticed it.

  • Oh, ok then. :)

    Do you have a theory on why he would be from Dionysus?

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    No I pulled it out of my ass.

  • edited August 2015

    I'm not so much curious as I'd have liked to have a better context for those two from the beginning. Fiona doesn't feel plausible as just a former street urchin at all, and that's been jamming me up while playing her from the very first episode, seriously dragging the game down for me. Sasha is more plausible, but it would be interesting to see if that desire to leave Pandora stems from a specific event in their background. Dreams like that usually don't emerge just because you're born in a shithole, although I guess a lot of fiction would have you think so.

  • Great post Off Ground!

    I agree with you about Fi's plausibility as a street urchin compared to Sashas. It hasn't really messed with me too bad while playing, but i have thought about it alot.

    Your points about Sasha and her dreams though is spot on!

    Off_Ground posted: »

    I'm not so much curious as I'd have liked to have a better context for those two from the beginning. Fiona doesn't feel plausible as just a

  • edited August 2015

    Hm. Considering that they've managed to stay and survive together, as well as having some pretty impressive vocabularies for criminal lowlife(they're con artists, yeah, but things like "Where do I submit my application?" sometimes come out of nowhere), it's not unthinkable that the sisters started out in a much better place with much better prospects before landing on the streets in Fiona's early puberty.

    Maybe the parents were planning on taking the girls away from Pandora before misfortune fell upon them? Maybe they filled the girls' heads with stories of strange and wonderful new worlds? Maybe Sasha feels that leaving the planet for greener pastures would be a way of finally getting out from under the tragedy of their parents' deaths, getting back a bit of the lives they should have had if lightning hadn't struck? That could tie in to her resentment towards Felix, not only did he not compare to mommy and daddy in terms of parenting, he also dangled the hope of reclaiming a bit of their legacies before her eyes and then snatched it away. Sasha, being the youngest, might have the most idealized memory of their parents while Fiona remembers things a bit differently and so has learned to look at their circumstances from a more practical point of view - which might have been why Felix favored her.

    I guess it's easy to go all Freud on them.

    Anyway, Sasha's comment that Pandora never felt like home to her implies that it should have, so I don't think they're from off-world, and her desire to see Pandora from space implies that she hasn't before, so if Fiona has spent time above the atmosphere before then it was probably without her sister. Maybe it was while she was too young to go with? Five years is a significant gap between children, I can see daddy taking seven-year old Fiona with him to one of the orbiting space stations for work while two-year old Sasha had to stay at home with mommy. Maybe mommy and/or daddy was contracted by Hyperion and that somehow led to their deaths, explaining the girls' distrust towards the company?

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Great post Off Ground! I agree with you about Fi's plausibility as a street urchin compared to Sashas. It hasn't really messed with me to

  • No I just wanted to sound like I knew something. Besides Pandora and Pisces I don't know what other planets exist.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Oh, ok then. Do you have a theory on why he would be from Dionysus?

  • That's literally one of the best theories I've ever heard for this fandom. Holy shit, I never thought about this.

    Off_Ground posted: »

    Hm. Considering that they've managed to stay and survive together, as well as having some pretty impressive vocabularies for criminal lowlif

  • Heh, thanks, I'm mostly just spinning yarn though. It's maybe half a step above baseless speculation. Still, interesting to think about.

    That's literally one of the best theories I've ever heard for this fandom. Holy shit, I never thought about this.

  • I love how it confused everyone here though.

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    No I pulled it out of my ass.

  • Interesting theory but if I remember right in ep 1 when Fiona starts to tell her part of the story she says "I was born here, in Pandora..."

  • We don't really get an in depth backstory of any Borderlands' character hate to tell you. It's more for shooting and shits and giggles than any kind of deep story. They look to be half sisters judging from Fiona's changed character model (in pre development she was set to look darker with African American feature similar sister)

  • In the scene where they watch Pandora from the spaceship, Sasha tells they are from Pandora, even if it doesn't feel like home. But she affirms they are from there, so I don't think they are from another planet.

    But I just thought of something else. Is it possible that their parents be some Vault Hunters? That would explain Felix seeing potential in the children of Vault Hunters. Even if they did not knew about them. That's something that could made them orphans.

  • I've always wondered why they changed Fiona's original model.

    Clemenem posted: »

    We don't really get an in depth backstory of any Borderlands' character hate to tell you. It's more for shooting and shits and giggles than

  • That's something that could made them orphans.

    It's Pandora - a lot of different things could have made them orphans...

    I'd actually say that your parents being Vault Hunters would make them statistically less likely to die than normal folk just trying to get by on that hell hole of a planet...

    (But I do agree that the dialogue in ep 4 outright says that both of them were born on Pandora).

  • Not everyone. Pickle, for example, sounds like someone of some sort of European decent... British or Scottish, I think, but I can't tell.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Is everyone from Elpis, Australian? Wow, you learn something new every day Thanks for the heads up Handsome Jack!

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