Do people here like Fiona?

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like some people here don't seem to like her very much. Why is that? Or am I just imagining it?


  • I would think most people like her, but it also seems that most of the people here prefer Rhys.

  • edited August 2015

    Well from what I've seen some people do have a problem with her, I don't know why. Then you have the people who don't really care about her. And then you have the people who love her.

    It seems like more people prefer playing as Rhys ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Edit: I forgot to mention I do love her, she's been my number 1 character since episode 1 :)

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    I like Fiona, very much in reality, hell I love each and every character in the game. But my favorite protagonist is Rhys he has just so much more going on and his story line is simply more interesting. THat said it's not that Fiona is weak character or anything, she's simply outdone by Rhys, even in last intro. Look who's walking in the middle.

    enter image description here

  • Yes she's my favo character

  • enter image description here

    Million posted: »

    Yes she's my favo character

  • I like fiona more but I like playing as rhys because of the echo eye. I like the fact if you see something u want to know about then his echo eye could most likely scan it and give you some info.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I like Fiona, very much in reality, hell I love each and every character in the game. But my favorite protagonist is Rhys he has just so muc

  • I think that most of them like her but also most of them prefer Rhys over her because he is a bit funnier and he has more to deal with.

  • Million posted: »

    Yes she's my favo character

  • I like both characters equally honestly, but I won't lie that Rhys has a tiny bit more importance too me since he has the Echo Eye and conversations with Vaughn.

  • fiona iz bae <3

    i mean, just look at this cute face ^-^

    enter image description here

  • Why is that?

    I don't think you want to know that, really.

    I can only say that initialy I liked Rhys very much and felt neutral about Fiona, but now the tables have turned. Why? Because Rhys was the first person we saw and played as, he had a cool intro and all that. For the first two episodes his story was interesting and it progressed. But in ep3 that progress has stopped, leading to character stagnation. Well I mean at least for me, as much as I love Hyperion and everything related to it, but we started with it and now we stuck with it. Even if he'll become a CEO of anything it won't change much for me.

    Fiona's initial role was kinda meh. She was basically a nobody, always in Rhys' shadow and that was even more evident since Rhys was always in the center of attention due to his clown's role. But that has changed as the story progressed. Her character has evolved and changed. Btw the same could be said for August. Both were introduced as ordinary Pandoran's bandits, basically, both have proved there's more to them than that.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Have you not seen the Rhyiona thread?

  • But in ep3 that progress has stopped, leading to character stagnation. Well I mean at least for me, as much as I love Hyperion and everything related to it, but we started with it and now we stuck with it. Even if he'll become a CEO of anything it won't change much for me.

    You seriously think that? Because for me it's quite the opposite. He started to grow even more as person. He became more confident and experienced. Look at the fights for example . He hit the bandit in ep 1with his left hand he whinnes, in ep 4 he just used his robotic arm. in ep 1. Another thing are his ,,plans" in ep 1 everyone just ignored it and went their way while in ep 4 they actually followed it and for most part it worked. It's clear that he evolved from clown to, let's be honest kind of leader of his group. He might not be as good figher like Fiona or Sasha but he's been getting better and better, Ep 3 being prime example of it.

    But same goes for Fiona albeit TT in my opinin had a totaly different role for her in the beginning. That whole Fiona VH came out of nowhere for me rally, neither in Ep 1 or 2 she shown any prowess like she did in Ep 3( Stabbing Brick with icicle, ect) it came out of nowhere. What slightly ruins Fiona character for me are those inconsistencies, that almost seem like she's two different charcters. But non the less she also grew throughout the series, even if it's slightly weird.

    DeityD posted: »

    Why is that? I don't think you want to know that, really. I can only say that initialy I liked Rhys very much and felt neutral ab

  • I prefer Rhys but I love Fiona as well.

  • I'm not talking about him being more or less experienced and things like that. I'm mostly talking about his character's arc of growth. He started as a middle manager, he wanted to get rich. And in the end of ep4 nothing has changed. Even when they'll find a vault not that much will change. He'll complete his quest. At least for now, this is the end of his story.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    But in ep3 that progress has stopped, leading to character stagnation. Well I mean at least for me, as much as I love Hyperion and everythin

  • Fiona's my favourite character.

  • edited August 2015

    I like Rhys and Fiona equally I guess. I never really thought of which character I like more till people started making threads on it.

  • Yeah, she's cool.

    I like playing Rhys more, but that has more to do with his part having more conflict that makes for a more interesting story and better gameplay than a reflection on Fiona's character. I'd have a drink with either of them.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    No his history just begins.

    1.If you chose to rule Hyperion, you're not only getting money but the power he never dreamed about. Previously his dream was to be a chief of some lower branch that can get changed or killed at will of managment board. Now he stands at the very top of the Hyperion( even if it's brief due to jack treachery) and have everyone at his feet. what he will do in Ep5 will be a massive factor to his character growth

    2.If you chose to reject Hyeprion then it's gigantic change in his whole persona. Because his whole trip to Pandora was to kick Vasquez off his seat, but rejection the higest position hyperion can offer? That's big. THat's a game changer if you look at the start of the series. He dropped his dream and chose not to rule the corporation he wished to.

    Either way Rhys character had a massive growth in Ep4 Yvette, plan making, acting as Vasquez, he executed those things and did not break under pressure. That's not stagnation.

    DeityD posted: »

    I'm not talking about him being more or less experienced and things like that. I'm mostly talking about his character's arc of growth. He st

  • Yes, all of this.

    I played him as someone who rejected Hyperion. So he started off as kind of a cocky dude who wanted to be Handsome Jack and climb the corporate ladder, then has gone on this adventure which has found him in the company of people he once would have dismissed as nothing more than "pandoran scum," slowly trusting those people and finding himself with a lot more empathy for them and sincerely caring about their plight. In the end he rejects not only what was once his sole ambition, but the very person he idolized.

    That's enormous character growth.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No his history just begins. 1.If you chose to rule Hyperion, you're not only getting money but the power he never dreamed about. Previous

  • In the present' there's no Jack (I mean, at least not with us). Rhys' on his own. And he's no longer Hyperion. But he's still rich.

    What can I say other than. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ So far I'm just not impressed. He was a shining star in the beginning but now... I mean, now (in comparison) he's still ok just no longer outstands so much.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No his history just begins. 1.If you chose to rule Hyperion, you're not only getting money but the power he never dreamed about. Previous

  • How about, I love both Fiona and Rhys? They are at their best when they are working together. :)

  • And he's no longer Hyperion. But he's still rich.

    How do you know?

    DeityD posted: »

    In the present' there's no Jack (I mean, at least not with us). Rhys' on his own. And he's no longer Hyperion. But he's still rich. What

  • edited August 2015

    Because why would they change his outfit? And not only change, but remove everything that reminds you of Hyperion from it? Especially if he's a Hyperion CEO or whatever now. Fiona is a VH, she looks like one. And Rhys is no longer look Hyperion now. Plus his hand. And his eye.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    And he's no longer Hyperion. But he's still rich. How do you know?

  • You know Jack didn't look Hyperion either he looked more like Pandoran but that's beisde the point. Arm and Eye? easy change we all saw that same goes for Fiona

    DeityD posted: »

    Because why would they change his outfit? And not only change, but remove everything that reminds you of Hyperion from it? Especially if he'

  • Jack has his yellow... sweater or what is that he's wearing (and there's a Hyperion logo, actually, we just can no longer see it in BL2 because of the vest).

    That's quite different. But we'll see in 2-3 months and then I'll be all -

    enter image description here

    Jk. :) But still.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You know Jack didn't look Hyperion either he looked more like Pandoran but that's beisde the point. Arm and Eye? easy change we all saw that same goes for Fiona

  • I think Fiona is pretty awesome! I generally prefer male characters for some reason, but she's my favourite next to Rhys. She's gonna be so badass in BL3 as a vault hunter! :D

  • But we'll see in 2-3 months and then I'll be all -

    .....that's the worst part of your reply....but I guess we will

    DeityD posted: »

    Jack has his yellow... sweater or what is that he's wearing (and there's a Hyperion logo, actually, we just can no longer see it in BL2 beca

  • Well, maybe in 1-1,5 months (if that's what you're about), who knows.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    But we'll see in 2-3 months and then I'll be all - .....that's the worst part of your reply....but I guess we will

  • I do prefer Rhys simply because he's funnier/quirkier but I like Fiona too. There's nothing inherently wrong with her that I can find.

  • edited August 2015

    I have two things to add to this discussion:

    One, although Rhys can potentially grow to see Pandorans differently, in the modern segments he seems to have reverted to his previous opinion somewhat.

    enter image description here

    Two, he also seems to still be Hyperion.

    enter image description here

    Unless TT retcons some things, which is annoying but unfortunately possible, as evidenced by the 'missing Helios/Elpis' situation.

    DeityD posted: »

    In the present' there's no Jack (I mean, at least not with us). Rhys' on his own. And he's no longer Hyperion. But he's still rich. What

  • Calling him anything but Hyperion in the beginning would be too spoilery tho. Plus, there are other possibilities like they're just calling each other by their "initial roles" (Pandoran scum aka bandit (though she's a Vault hunter now) and Hyperion jackass). Or she might not know just yet since she commented on his haircut it might be they haven't seen each other for a while. Or he's still Hyperion for her like "once Hyperion, always Hyperion" since he's still a corporate scum.

    I have two things to add to this discussion: One, although Rhys can potentially grow to see Pandorans differently, in the modern segments

  • True, it could be any of that. We'll have to wait and see.

    Though I also noticed Rhys' modern day jacket still has the honeycomb pattern Hyperion seems so fond of.

    DeityD posted: »

    Calling him anything but Hyperion in the beginning would be too spoilery tho. Plus, there are other possibilities like they're just calling

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I don't think it's a case of Rhys necessarily being funnier than Fiona. The way I see it, both character embody different kinds of humor. Rhys is more on the wacky, slapstick side of comedy, while Fiona's style is much more subdued and a bit more 'intelligent' than Rhys'

    I think a lot of people just prefer that slapstick, idiotic type of humor that Rhys' side of the story has going

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I think that most of them like her but also most of them prefer Rhys over her because he is a bit funnier and he has more to deal with.

  • I dont dislike Fiona, i just like Rhys a hell lot more and the last episode is gonna be big for his character/

  • This, Rhys comes off more as the main protagonist since alot of the key elements of the story revolve around him. Handsome Jack is the main reason.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I like Fiona, very much in reality, hell I love each and every character in the game. But my favorite protagonist is Rhys he has just so muc

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