Ep 1 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Google/Android Out Now, WiiU Jan 21st,Vita TBA



  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Just like the past couple of years, we won't be allowing video of the beta (which is kind of super majorly spoilery for the season premiere), but we WILL be doing video interviews near the booth. We'll try to keep you guys linked up with the best stuff via the Telltale Games twitter!

    I can't wait to get to the show floor and see the booth all built out in real life... the renders looked pretty damn awesome, and I think our booth guy may have outdone himself yet again.

    Telltale wrote a new blog post with info about Minecraft at PAX, amongst other Telltale PAX info: Team Telltale is about to head off t

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    I second this! I can't wait to see actual photos of that booth!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Just like the past couple of years, we won't be allowing video of the beta (which is kind of super majorly spoilery for the season premiere)


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They can send unfinished episodes to get rated so they don't necessarily need all the finished voice acting dialogue to get a rating which i likely what happened in this case.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    Why and how would they only just now be doing ep 1 VA when the ep has already been rated?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I'm looking forward to seeing the booth, if possible could you share some pics with us as it's sometimes difficult to find good ones online.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Just like the past couple of years, we won't be allowing video of the beta (which is kind of super majorly spoilery for the season premiere)

  • edited August 2015

    Too late! :P

    enter image description here

    prink34320 posted: »


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    If anyone is interested The Verge wrote a article about Story Mode "How Minecraft: Story Mode aims to blend a sandbox with a scripted narrative", it doesn't contain any new information but some people might want to read it.

  • edited August 2015

    interesting part

    The idea has been kicking around inside the San Rafael, California-based studio since 2012. At that time, Telltale was ramping up its work on the then unannounced Tales From the Borderlands, a story-driven take on the popular shooter series. That project led to thinking about which other video game franchises might fit the Telltale formula. Minecraft was near the top of the list. "Borderlands was the challenge of telling the story of what happened next on an existing canvas," explains Stauffer. "Minecraft was the challenge of telling a story for the first time on more of a blank canvas." Early talks with Mojang started in early 2013, and a year later work on the game officially began."When we first announced this partnership, we think some fans thought this was the result of a partnership at Microsoft, unaware that Mojang and Telltale were working together long before that," he says.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    If anyone is interested The Verge wrote a article about Story Mode "How Minecraft: Story Mode aims to blend a sandbox with a scripted narrative", it doesn't contain any new information but some people might want to read it.

  • edited August 2015

    I LOVE your new avatar, Laura!

    And miss old...

    I think this is due to the end of 'Tales from the Borderlands' and 'Game of Thrones' and release of two new franchises - 'Minecraft' and

    'The Walking Dead: Michonne' ;)

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Just like the past couple of years, we won't be allowing video of the beta (which is kind of super majorly spoilery for the season premiere)

  • FINALLY!!! The reason why im choosing to get PS4 instead of WII U is because Wii U isn't getting TT Games, but at last! Nintendo fans won't have to miss out on this!

    This is good but i have already made up my mind to get a PS4 instead of Wii U, but at least people who have a Wii U won't have to miss out on this! Very Good Telltale! :D

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    "Minecraft: Story Mode" coming to Wii U this fall! YAAAAAAAAAY!

  • enter image description here


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    This is good news for people with a Wii U :)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    "Minecraft: Story Mode" coming to Wii U this fall! YAAAAAAAAAY!

  • It's like 2 people though lol.

    Ozzy, when do you think it'll release? Tuesday like PlayStation, Wednesday like Xbox, Thursday like mobile, or Friday just for Wii?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This is good news for people with a Wii U

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just did a quick Google search and apparently the Wii store updates on a Thursday so i guess that will be the day episodes get released.

    It's like 2 people though lol. Ozzy, when do you think it'll release? Tuesday like PlayStation, Wednesday like Xbox, Thursday like mobile, or Friday just for Wii?

  • Oh so is coming more early than i thought, i thought it be release on september 20th or up like the GOT and TFTB previous release dates.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just did a quick Google search and apparently the Wii store updates on a Thursday so i guess that will be the day episodes get released.

  • He's just talking about the day episodes would be out for Wii U. The game still has no set date except "Fall".

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Oh so is coming more early than i thought, i thought it be release on september 20th or up like the GOT and TFTB previous release dates.

  • Oh so the Wii U gets the episode first alright then.

    He's just talking about the day episodes would be out for Wii U. The game still has no set date except "Fall".

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The Telltale store could likely get it first as they have recently been releasing episodes late on Monday night, Story Mode will likely have the same release pattern as other Telltale games with PC, Mac, PS3&4 releasing on a Tuesday, Xbox One/360 on a Wednesday and iOS, Android and possibly the Will U being on a Thursday but we will need to wait for official conformation from Telltale first as it's only speculation.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Oh so the Wii U gets the episode first alright then.

  • Interestingly enough, the article makes it sound like it is coming out later this year, whereas I suspected that since we got an early Season trailer and ratings, we would get the game around September or so (kind of like how Wolf got a trailer in August as well as a PAX demo, and launched in October).

  • True, but that is what is looking like right now

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The Telltale store could likely get it first as they have recently been releasing episodes late on Monday night, Story Mode will likely have

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    I will definitely at least tweet some - as long as I can get bandwidth! There are so many people fighting for cell reception at PAX that sometimes I can't do anything online from the show floor and have to wait til I get back to hotel wifi. I'll try to share the experience with you guys as much as possible though. :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I'm looking forward to seeing the booth, if possible could you share some pics with us as it's sometimes difficult to find good ones online.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Haha, well spotted. I decided it was time for a fresh new look!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I LOVE your new avatar, Laura! And miss old... I think this is due to the end of 'Tales from the Borderlands' and 'Game of Thrones' and release of two new franchises - 'Minecraft' and 'The Walking Dead: Michonne'

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni


    prink34320 posted: »


  • Fall starts on September 23rd, so maybe an early October release

    Interestingly enough, the article makes it sound like it is coming out later this year, whereas I suspected that since we got an early Seaso

  • How does it look like that? Telltale is just advertising that it's coming to Wii U. I can't find any evidence that the episodes will come out first to Wii U.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    True, but that is what is looking like right now

  • edited August 2015

    No i mean that is coming on September, it might not but thats what is looking like right now. However i will be in USA by then so i guess there's no point saving up money now. :P (unless if i trade R$ to $)

    How does it look like that? Telltale is just advertising that it's coming to Wii U. I can't find any evidence that the episodes will come out first to Wii U.

  • Oh! Alright. sorry for misunderstanding.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    No i mean that is coming on September, it might not but thats what is looking like right now. However i will be in USA by then so i guess there's no point saving up money now. :P (unless if i trade R$ to $)

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Oh! Alright. sorry for misunderstanding.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    If Reuben dies we riot :P

    prink34320 posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    That Laura, always with the spoilers!

    puzzlebox posted: »


  • Wow it's coming to the Wii U? Interesting, I hope this trend continues for their next games and it's not just a one time thing.

  • I doubt it, IIRC other TT games are (only rumored) to be coming to the Wii U and that was only recently, so this announcement makes sense. And the Wii U doesn't only sell family friendly games, that's just it's target audience.

  • Is getting TWD too?

    I disagree.

  • I think that happened with the other TTG aswell. But im not sure. But i think they needed a year to create all the Textures and such and they use some of the textures for later Episodes aswell. Preperation or something.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    interesting part The idea has been kicking around inside the San Rafael, California-based studio since 2012. At that time, Telltale wa

  • First - idea and script!

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I think that happened with the other TTG aswell. But im not sure. But i think they needed a year to create all the Textures and such and they use some of the textures for later Episodes aswell. Preperation or something.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Shaun Finney (Telltale's trailer and video editor) posted a sneak peak of the Telltale PAX booth.

    Hopefully we get to see more once the event starts :)

  • Look like a chest.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Shaun Finney (Telltale's trailer and video editor) posted a sneak peak of the Telltale PAX booth. Hopefully we get to see more once the event starts

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