To all those who chose "Rule"

Congratulations cupcakes! You are now President of the Hyperion Corporation and its vast resources are now at your disposal! Whats next?

My first act is to rename Helios as the "Scooter Memorial Station". Second would be to get some much needed medical treatment for Butt Stallion. I'd get the finest suits for Rhys and Vaughn (After having blown Vallory off the face of Pandora). Sasha can get her lift to any planet she wants and Fiona can go with if she wants. Loaderbot will get brand spanking new legs and all other Loaderbots will no longer be used as hat racks! I have decreed it! Also I want a office made of solid gold. No, I'm not kidding. Solid. Gold.

You guys have any other ideas?


  • First order of business: Yvette is the new Assistant Vice Janitor.

  • I like your idea as President of the Hyperion Corporation. I'm going fix Pandora as much as possible (after I get the Vault of course). Then Ill try to smooth things over with Vallory and the rest of her goons so there wont be any problem. Then I guess its live the good life for the whole crew.

  • I forgot how did Yvette betray Rhys?

    cussbunny posted: »

    First order of business: Yvette is the new Assistant Vice Janitor.

  • Well, assuming Jack doesn't screw us over the second we start episode five... my first order of business will be calling Yvette up to my office followed by me shooting her out the airlock. :P

  • She tracked Rhys and Vaughn across Pandora and refused them needed supplies so that Vasquez could get the thing in Rhys's head (AI Jack).

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I forgot how did Yvette betray Rhys?

  • Ahh, I'm 90% sure episode 5 will consist of us living the good life and deciding the number plate's on our new cars. Then we go for a guided tour around Pandora with the Stranger as our armed guard!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Well, assuming Jack doesn't screw us over the second we start episode five... my first order of business will be calling Yvette up to my office followed by me shooting her out the airlock. :P

  • I would bring back the CL4P-TP Units!!

    enter image description here

  • Buy up all other mega corps then shut them down along with Hyperion to make the Universe a better place.

  • Yup, then she'll get lessons number one and two!

    Then her lesson number three will be about a number two!

    cussbunny posted: »

    First order of business: Yvette is the new Assistant Vice Janitor.

  • My first order of business is to get lunch and Yvette is paying.

  • edited August 2015

    My first act is to rename Helios as the "Scooter Memorial Station"

    enter image description here

  • crazilyjo posted: »

    I would bring back the CL4P-TP Units!!

  • First things first: send Sasha away with August, let them be happy and away from Pandora. Maybe have Fiona go with them? I dunno, I doubt she'd want to be with Rhys after this. :v Sabotaged my own OTP...anyway...

    I doubt whatever we decide to do will last, sadly...seeing where Rhys and Fiona are in the future.

  • YEAH!

    enter image description here

    crazilyjo posted: »

    I would bring back the CL4P-TP Units!!

  • "First, we're gonna wipe those bandit bastards off the face of Pandora.

    It's gonna be so good. We're gonna scorch the freakin' planet in fire. There's gonna be screaming... bandits are gonna die left and right... ...I can't wait! Hahahahahah!"

    I want to be a bad guy. I will bring ORDER to this planet and through me Handsome Jack's legacy will carry on. I have everything I can imagine: Hyperion, Pandora, Elpis...everything is mine now. I don't need those Pandoran, bandits anymore.

    Just imagine Fiona's and Sasha's faces when instead of help I will order to throw them out of airlocks? Vaughn, Yvette and all other traitors will be also dealt with...Hyperion style.

    The king is dead, long live the king!

  • Guy's dont forget you guys have to locate a vault.

  • First order of business will be summoning Yvette to the office and simply ask "Why?"

  • Book a galactic tour with Sasha get the frack off the station before Jack decides my amusement value has been exhausted. There can be only one Handsome Jack and he does not share power O_O Plus Sasha deserves to see the galaxy (with Rhys), not just one stuffy Jackstation.

  • My first order of Business shall be to sell Hyperion to Mr. Torgue, for twelve bucks and a high-five. I feel like he'd enjoy that.

  • edited August 2015

    First order of business for me is mandatory Finger gun shootouts everyday, then find Claptrap and deactivate him and finally change Helios to Handsome Jack's Funland.

  • Every time I hear/see shoot out the airlock I think of Javik from ME3 lol

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Well, assuming Jack doesn't screw us over the second we start episode five... my first order of business will be calling Yvette up to my office followed by me shooting her out the airlock. :P

  • edited August 2015

    I really hope that you can have "bad ending" in this game. By bad ending I mean that Rhys will actually become a bad guy :P

    tugutoff posted: »

    "First, we're gonna wipe those bandit bastards off the face of Pandora. It's gonna be so good. We're gonna scorch the freakin' planet in

  • Build your own 'R' shaped station right next to Helios ;) (which incidentally would spell out the initials for 'Handsome Rhys')

    Screw Jack!

  • I can't wait for Jack to fuck over Rhys, so that it actually makes sense that he's gone down to Pandora.

  • So many people are gonna die.

  • I have to ask: Is a Vault really important when you already own Hyperion and are already mega-rich? At what point do you say "Screw it: I have enough money"?

    Guy's dont forget you guys have to locate a vault.

  • It doesn't have to be full with money.

    You can also use the monster inside as a weapon.

    Bromid123 posted: »

    I have to ask: Is a Vault really important when you already own Hyperion and are already mega-rich? At what point do you say "Screw it: I have enough money"?

  • Funnily enough when I think of throwing people out of the airlock I think of Diana Allers from Mass Effect 3. Now THAT would have helped the war effort.

    Allers:"I'll get a shuttle to pick me up right away."

    RENEGADE PROMPT Shepard: "Who said you were taking a shuttle?"

    WAR ASSET 100 By throwing Diana Allers out of the Normandy's airlock, you have saved a shuttle's valuable time. Put to better use, the shuttle evacuated a crack team of commandos under reaper attack on Hito's third moon. They have happily joined your cause.

    WAR ASSET 250 The removal of Diana Allers from Alliance broadcasts has significantly improved morale among your forces.

    Every time I hear/see shoot out the airlock I think of Javik from ME3 lol

  • You are too kind. Maybe I might see it in my heart to be as forgiving. Or maybe she'd the new assistant vice airlock inspector. I hear it's a very hazardous position. Prone to frequent...* accidents*.

    cussbunny posted: »

    First order of business: Yvette is the new Assistant Vice Janitor.

  • That's what people do.

    Grahav posted: »

    So many people are gonna die.

  • edited August 2015

    Have security escort Yvette and the "Pandoran guests" to Jack's - ahem - our office. Then have security escort Yvette all the way back down to the prison level so she can remove the broom handle from the deathtrap lever while offering refreshments to Fiona and Sasha and sending more security out to round up August and co. Then have security escort Yvette and August and co. back to the office. Throw them all down the now active deathtrap. Have security retrieve potential survivors for a second trip.

  • I'd let the guards torture Yvette to death or let her fall through the trapdoor without anyone holding the lever, I'd also got rid of August, Finch and Kroger and then disable their ECHOes so nobody would inform Vallory about our betrayal. I'd then order the Hyperion army to go on Pandora and retrieve Vaughn from Vallory (since he's with her in my playthrough), Then I'd use Gortys to open the Vault, give some money to Sasha and Fiona and loot the rest of the riches from the Vault, letting the girls fly off Pandora like they always wanted.

    But obviously something's gonna go wrong :(

  • edited August 2015

    1) Use Jack's ownership of Atlas and hire Cassius from Ep3 to continue terraforming the rest of Pandora into a jungle paradise, and build a resort in the ice and snowy mountains for skiing and snowboarding and shit. Also give some of the residents there a job, with Vault Hunters as security personnels

    2) Change the Hyperion logo to something more cooler and make everything black-and-orange

    3) Kill Vallory and her crew. Including August, Finch and Kroger

    4) Throw Yevette out the airlock

    5) Get Gortys to open the Vault and split the riches with Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn

    6) Pimp up Loder Bot and give him a Deathtrap style

    7) Offer Fiona and Sasha to go and live in whatever planet they like

    8) Hire Athena and Janey for a job. Athena as Head of Security and Janey as mechanic

    9) If anybody pisses me off then off to airlock they go

  • And then get shot by the treasure hunters you continuously screwed over and failed to murder. Just like that last chump.


    It doesn't have to be full with money. You can also use the monster inside as a weapon.

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