Moments that would make episode 5 epic for you

Some moments that I would love to see in episode 5 and would make it truly epic. What are your dream moments?

  • Fiona talking Psycho with Krieg, and discovering his inner voice
  • Sasha hitting on Axton, then Axton hitting on Rhys
  • Gaige squeeing over Gordys, Vaughn squeeing over Gaige
  • LB and Deathtrap sharing stories


  • Vaughn has a giant hero moment and saves the day when all hope seems lost.

    The Vault of the Traveler is opened and someone is inside when Gortys is disassembled, and the vault teleports away with that person inside, possibly setting up a BL3 quest to find it again and rescue them (I've mentioned this elsewhere, I dunno I just feel like the teleportation detail is going to come into play in a consequential way somehow and think it would be cool).

  • Kiss between Rhys and Sasha.

    In all seriousness, I guess just finding and opening the Vault.

  • I'm kind of thinking that's not going to happen, at least maybe if Telltale makes the final episode two and half hours or if they'll open the Vault in the present sections.

    Kiss between Rhys and Sasha. In all seriousness, I guess just finding and opening the Vault.

  • edited August 2015
    • Athena coming back
    • Stranger revealed
    • Vault Opening but I don't know if uh Gortys will make it through
    • Tossing Yvette out of an airlock
    • More Jack
  • Angel, Lilith, and or Maya somehow work a way into the plot cause you can't have a Vault without sirens. That's like Hodunks without inbreeding or Zaffords without rakk ale.

  • Gaige meeting Gortys would be adorable but now you're making me think how'd she react to Rhys and Fiona.

    She'd probably steal Rhys' arm and take it apart and Rhys would demand she'd give it back and then realize he's talking to a Vault Hunter and chicken out and then Fiona would step in and somehow steal back his arm but it'd be all disassembled and he would try to put it together for an hour with one hand before giving up. And Gaige would gloat about how she built her arm from scratch while she was bleeding out and then Rhys would reluctantly ask her to fix his arm, to which she agrees if she can trick it out. She comes back with it looking really girly and Rhys is going to just get a new one when she shows off all the crazy shit she put into the arm now. Meanwhile Gortys and Loaderbot meet Deathtrap whose programming makes him start attacking Loaderbot which leads to a chase and laughs as the shot pans to a sunset.....

  • So many people have said "throw Yvette out of an airlock" that I feel like Telltale is going to give us that option at some point

  • Yeah Rhys and Sasha kissing,baby and them finding the Vault and Handsome Jack finding out about his daughter is dead and working together with Jack(due to Ruling Hyperion which I chose)

    Kiss between Rhys and Sasha. In all seriousness, I guess just finding and opening the Vault.

  • edited August 2015

    ........A random musical number sung by Rhys or Gortys......nah, that would be too stupid

  • Anything to do with Gaige and Rhyiona.

    • Yvette getting her comeuppance.
    • August dying like a badass or redeeming himself and joining the gang at the end, when they hopefully all reunite in Sanctuary. And his much more pleasant and less annoying/grumpy Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 persona returning.
    • Athena and Zer0 kicking ass as BFFs.
    • Timothy is revealed to be a wanted criminal on a poster, and still alive with a 70 billion bounty on his head.
    • Rhys, if he's possessed by Jack, shown as an actual competent fighter with guns and an actual, terrifying threat, and leading a Hyperion manhunt on the gang.
    • Everyone visits Sanctuary and visits the other Vault Hunters and our favourite NPCs.
    • Everyone gets an actual primary weapon from whatever BL2 had to offer.
    • Stranger revealed!
    • Vallory getting her comeuppance, too.
    • Gortys meeting Claptrap.
  • I read the last line in the Doppelganger voice.

    * Athena coming back * Stranger revealed * Vault Opening but I don't know if uh Gortys will make it through * Tossing Yvette out of an airlock * More Jack

  • Rhys and Vaughn's get together again and they run to each other on slow motion while dramatic music plays on the background, and then depending on your previous choices Vaughn can hit Rhys on the face for leaving him alone. They can hug after that too.

    That's it. That alone would make the episode epic for me.

  • Jack being caught in his own matrix and being controlled
    Rhys running Hyperion
    Opening the vault and having it turn to poop, like it always does
    Stranger reveled
    More information on the coming war
    The cameos are over no more surprise guests.

    • AI Angel
    • Jack being stuck in Rhys' head again
    • Jack not dying
    • AI Angel
    • Everyone kicking ass and taking names
    • Sasha, Fiona, and Vaughn having happy endings
    • A meet up with familiar faces from Sanctuary
    • Handsome Jack's AI finding out Angel is dead and resurrecting AI Angel
  • There are two things that come to mind for me.

    1. Zero to make a comeback and help assist Rhys again.
    2. Fiona getting the chance to kill Vallory.
  • edited August 2015

    A bro moment between Rhys, Vaughn and Handsome Jack.

    100% won't happen but a girl can dream.

    Vaughn saving the day and having a big part in the episode. I trusted Fiona and saved Cassius so I haven't seen that much of him :<

    Oh and a moment between Jack and Fiona (that's not him strangling her). I don't mean in a "shipping" kind of way, I just think they'd make a badass combo for some reason.

    • Jack finding out about Angel -OR- Some sort of clarification that he's known all along

    • Some sort of reference to Timothy no matter how minute

    • Jack betraying those who sided with him in just the most horrifying way possible


    • Vaughn not dying and things generally working out pretty well for him - also, him actually being in the episode would be nice

    • Some sort of Tector/Jimbo machine gun gag (potentially for those who didn't skip the credits)


  • Brilliant.

    Abeille posted: »

    Rhys and Vaughn's get together again and they run to each other on slow motion while dramatic music plays on the background, and then depend

  • Jack betraying those who sided with him in just the most horrifying way possible

    enter image description here

    I second that.

    * Jack finding out about Angel -OR- Some sort of clarification that he's known all along * Some sort of reference to Timothy no matter ho

  • edited August 2015

    We have these awesome new robots and no Gaige. granted we will start up on the station but Gaige would A: love these robots, B: be adorable and C: Be super helpful (repairs and upgrades, yes pls). And Loaderbot and DT swapping war stories sounds awesome. In short, gimmie some Gaige. From the Echos we know she has personality to spare so she'd probably translate fine to this game and Ii's also easy to imagine how she would react to Rhys's arm and the things she could do with it...

  • and imagine the things she could do with it...

    enter image description here

    We have these awesome new robots and no Gaige. granted we will start up on the station but Gaige would A: love these robots, B: be adorable

  • Our gang landing again on Pandora,but then Vallory finds them again somehow and holds them at gunpoint and demands them to hand her Gortys or they die,then tenacious music starts playing in the background and when you think that all hope is lost,explosive shotgun rounds can be heard and Vallory’s head explodes in ball of gore and dust ,then you see someone walking slowly in the dust only to find that it’s Moxxxi,she’s really angry to the point that she washed her clown mask on her face.She then holds the gang at gunpoint herself and asks them what happened with Scooter,and then Fiona has to explain herself,if you don’t make the correct dialogue choices she gets shot and you have a game over,then when you make the right dialogue choices this time she sympathizes a bit with you and gives you some guns when she knows you are looking for a vault,then leaves.

  • all of this ^

    mirashade posted: »

    * AI Angel * Jack being stuck in Rhys' head again * Jack not dying * AI Angel * Everyone kicking ass and taking names * Sasha, Fiona, a

  • Jack betraying those who sided with him in just the most horrifying way possible


    * Jack finding out about Angel -OR- Some sort of clarification that he's known all along * Some sort of reference to Timothy no matter ho

  • edited August 2015

    this is what would make episode 5 cool actually

  • I am fine as long as Jack and Rhys live and run Hyperion. Don't care if as bros, as Jack controlling Rhys or Rhys controlling Jack. This alone would make the episode a huge success for me.

  • edited August 2015

    claptrap will turn up,say something stupid and ruin everything at the end cutscene

  • YES

    enter image description here

    Jack betraying those who sided with him in just the most horrifying way possible NO



  • enter image description here


  • Our unleged Loader Bot VS a Badass Loader Bot, and our Loader Bot win like a hero!

  • I think she already did repairs on loader bot. If you tell him to escape, he comes back with little pink skulls on one of the plates of his leg and more paint that has Gaige written all over it.

    We have these awesome new robots and no Gaige. granted we will start up on the station but Gaige would A: love these robots, B: be adorable

  • Athena and Sasha try to take the high ground when they confront Rhys about Jack coming into power.

    Depending on how Rhys treated Jack, he'll either agree with the sisters that Rhys is to blame for all this or throw it in their faces.


    "You know, they gotta point, Rhysie. This is all sort of your fault. Granted, these two greedy, inbred cons are the reason that Vasquez got the corporate clout with the board to murder Henderson and turn you into a Janitor. But wasn't that Vault Key his "promotion" was built on actually a fake? So if you think about it, if Vasquez had bought the key and brought it back here, then he'd have nothing to show for 10 million dollars wasted and would've been shown the door. The air lock door. You would've had one less obstacle to the top, you would never have been killed all those times, and you would most certainly not have inserted that drive (and me) into your skull to save your worthless skin; hell, maybe Fiona and Friends would've been able to grab their share of the sale and split. So to summarise, if you hadn't tried to steal his deal, if you had just swept the floors like a good, little custodial code monkey, then I wouldn't be back in the saddle, and all of you... wouldn't be about to die."


    "Unbe-friggin-lievable! You pair of hypocritical happiest think you can talk to the two most powerful people in this quadrant that way after all the shit you pulled?! Everyone! (boots up PA system) Drop what you're doing and listen up! Papa Jack's got a story to tell! Don't worry, this one's got a happy ending; So there's this guy, this up-and-coming Hyperion employee named Rhys. Dreams of sitting in the big chair and with his level of performance output and...modest expertise in corporate intrigue, that might've happened in a couple of decades give or take. But this hard grinder's slow train to the top was hijacked by his biggest rival going over his head who proceeded to use his new position to demote the hell out of him. And that walletheaded weasel only managed to pull that off because he promised the board a bonafide Vault Key. Now being the go-getter that he was, your future Cybernetic Executive Officer tried to steal Vasquez's deal. During which, he was nearly murdered a crapload of times, he wound up betrayed by his two best friends, and he eventually rescued me, Handsome Jack, from the worst tourist trap on Pandora...and that is saying something.

    That's the happy ending. But here's the big twist. The key was a FAKE! Part of a scam orchestrated by this (shows Fiona and Sasha on the monitors) fetching and hapless duo. So you see, Fiona and Sasha, if you conniving coozes hadn't tried to steal from MY company, then I wouldn't be here. Rhys only put that drive in his head because you were threatening to kill him and his bestest buddy. Well, other bestest buddy. Heh. I wonder how your fellow Pandorans would feel if they found out that I'm back in power because of YOUR lies. And what poor Mad little Moxxi would do if she found out that your GREED got her son KILLED? So don't talk to us about dishonesty, babe. Although, in a way, Rhys and I should be grateful. We really couldn't have gotten this far without you. Round of applause for the Handsome Jack haters that helped me out, everyone! Standing ovation! (employees all over Helios reluctantly clap) Thanks, you guys. Really. Oh, I'm just so tickled by the irony that if it were up to me, I'd give you both a slap on the ass, a few choice Hyperion shares, and call it even. But it's not up to me, is it? It's up to him. (points to Rhys) Sow what do you say, Mr. President? Whatever should we do with them? And keep in mind, they're the reason you got turned into a janitor."

  • If Jack doesn't betray me.

  • edited August 2015

    Came up with some more (less likely but still epic):

    • Infiltrating Sanctuary with Janey to rescue Athena, so she can help you at the vault
    • Informing Moxxi of Scotter's death and having her give you a cool weapon if you released the satellite
    • Salvador being pissed about being shorter than Gordys, claptrap, and LB
    • A choice to open the vault killing Gordys or walking away
  • edited August 2015

    That'd be great.

    • Jack betraying those who sided with him in just the most horrifying way possible

    enter image description here

    * Jack finding out about Angel -OR- Some sort of clarification that he's known all along * Some sort of reference to Timothy no matter ho

  • enter image description here

    I... I didn't mean it that way. At least I don't think I did.

    and imagine the things she could do with it...

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