Could Rhys be a good leader for Hyperion?

Maybe, maybe not. Considering that he sort of looks up to Handsome Jack and there's some vague hints that he and Vaughn did horrible things in the past in Episode 1 and his best friend betrayed him and left him for dead and there's always the options of making him a complete jerkbag in different playthroughs, I could honestly see him sort of going down the same path as Handsome Jack in a way. Though Rhys did interact and befriended Fiona and Sasha who are both Pandorans and he's got a crush on Sasha and I suppose respects Scooter in a way. He might not get the chance right now considering Handsome Jack is still around and can easily betray him and take his role of "President" but I think maybe Rhys could be a good leader for Hyperion and actually MIGHT have a SLIGHT chance of "fixing" Pandora in a positive way, though that might be impossible.



  • I think if you be a complete dick (like I did) when playing as Rhys he'd make a pretty solid leader simply because he's a less extreme Handsome Jack and Jack did a pretty good job until he got his face blown off.

  • "O-Okay-- so-- I'm- I'm gonna s-steal your company and- and p-please don't stab me."

    • Rhys, CEO of Hyperion
  • he did pretty good after that as well, considering how he managed to get his hands on the warrior, which would have been the last piece he needed to become the ultimate king over Pandora. Except the warrior was weak enough to get beaten by four dudes with guns.

    I think if you be a complete dick (like I did) when playing as Rhys he'd make a pretty solid leader simply because he's a less extreme Handsome Jack and Jack did a pretty good job until he got his face blown off.

  • I don't even doubt he would. After a bit of time to adjust to the new position, I am sure he would manage pretty fine. Especially if Jack remains at his side, advising him.

  • when I played it it was one dude with a gun (played it by myself)

    he did pretty good after that as well, considering how he managed to get his hands on the warrior, which would have been the last piece he n

  • yeah but I think it's canon that he was defeated by the four main vault hunters. Not sure about the DLC ones.

    when I played it it was one dude with a gun (played it by myself)

  • Yeah, canonically even if you are playing solo you always have at least three other Vault Hunters with you at all times.

    yeah but I think it's canon that he was defeated by the four main vault hunters. Not sure about the DLC ones.

  • edited August 2015

    yeah Im not sure about the dlc characters but I know its supposed to be canon for 4 people but I preferred to play it by myself played it online of course but I prefer to play it on my own and go where I want to go and not get my loot stolen from the ground it okay I usually play online to get past a bit I cant do on my own

    yeah but I think it's canon that he was defeated by the four main vault hunters. Not sure about the DLC ones.

  • edited August 2015

    I'm not sure he's cut throat enough. I mean, (without Jack) what's stopping any of the other Hyperion employees (who may have been way more 'qualified' to take the position) from staging a full blown mutiny and killing him? I reckon Vasquez could have taken him, let alone some of the higher-ups such as Blake.

    Which also still begs the question who was leading Hyperion during Jack's absence? Is the beginning of the next episode just going to cut to Hyperion's current leader going:

    "Uhh, yeah, that's not how it works... The voice of our former-ruler's ghost can't just declare you to be President. There's actually quite a stringent review process based on your previous experience, your quarterly budget proposal and shareholder presentation, and you have to receive a unanimous vote from the current board - I mean, you weren't even nominated... I just... I just don't understand how you thought this would work. Your last documented position was as a member of the janitorial staff..."

    Or, is Jack's whole spiel about him finding an heir true and they've just been waiting for their exalted leader to return (or more likely they've been waiting for the idiot harbouring him to return so they can get him out of his head, kill the guy, and hail to the true king once more)?

  • Rhys is too decent to make a good Hyperion boss, he lacks ruthlessness, regardless of you dialogue choices, and favors affections over power.

  • edited August 2015

    Depends. If Jack kept to his word and backed him up as President I think Rhys could be a pretty effective figurehead. Otherwise no, not a chance, every single asshole under him on the Hyperion stepladder would be ready and willing to eat him alive, right down to Janitorial, and Rhys doesn't have what it takes to control a crowd like that on his own no matter how you play him.

  • edited August 2015


  • why Atlas...? There is nothing left of them aside from Cassius and a few former facilities.

  • Leaked ep 5 audio

    why Atlas...? There is nothing left of them aside from Cassius and a few former facilities.

  • can you offer me a link? PM would be fine.

    Leaked ep 5 audio

  • Yeah. When playing the Pre-Sequel it was weird hearing Athena talk about what happened when we only were Claptrap, Wilhelm and Nisha. Spooky.

    Yeah, canonically even if you are playing solo you always have at least three other Vault Hunters with you at all times.

  • enter image description here

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Yeah. When playing the Pre-Sequel it was weird hearing Athena talk about what happened when we only were Claptrap, Wilhelm and Nisha. Spooky.

  • Can I have it too, thanks.

    Leaked ep 5 audio

  • Six vault hunters, a flying robotic menace and two heavily-armed turrets. Also Salvador is basically two people.

    he did pretty good after that as well, considering how he managed to get his hands on the warrior, which would have been the last piece he n

  • Yvette did say something about Management wanting what ever was in Rhys's head. So maybe there is no one person running Hyperion, just this mysterious Management group?

    I'm not sure he's cut throat enough. I mean, (without Jack) what's stopping any of the other Hyperion employees (who may have been way more

  • The voice of our former-ruler's ghost can't just declare you to be President. There's actually quite a stringent review process based on your previous experience, your quarterly budget proposal and shareholder presentation

    Didn't Jack just kill Tassiter and take his position? And that was that?

    I'm not sure he's cut throat enough. I mean, (without Jack) what's stopping any of the other Hyperion employees (who may have been way more

  • Depends, I think.

    If you rejected it, I think Handsome Jack would rule it, just with Rhys' face on the cover.

    If you accepted it, it's a fifty-fifty split, depending on your Rhys.

  • Yeah. I don't know why people always play the good guy. Any time I ever get my hands on a Telltale game I'm always an evil , don't know why people think that's a bad thing lolz (it's just a game)

  • I chose to make him the heir to the Hyperion throne the first time I played through it, but I didn't like the way Handsome Jack was acting so I decided to play through that segment again and make a different choice (something I VERY rarely do). Jack got extremely mad at Rhys and made him do it anyway, but it was the dialogue that followed that scared me.

    • "I knew you were an idiot the moment you plugged me into your empty little head!"
    • "I shoulda grabbed you by the skull and bashed your brains against a freakin' rock!"
    • "I am really going to enjoy killing you."
    • "I can't believe how long I was stuck in that empty little head of yours!"
    • "God, it's good to be out... Not to mention my sweet new body. "

    My Rhys and Handsome Jack were all buddy-buddy before this. What bothers me is that if you agree to his terms, he acts like absolutely nothing is wrong... And if you don't, he completely loses it. It makes me think that if you chose to rule Hyperion, Handsome Jack is lying to you with the "we'll work together"... I really think that Jack is trying to override Rhys and he doesn't care whether they're close or not.

  • Can I have a link to it as well)

  • May I have the leaked audio too?

  • People often play based in what they think is right. The asshole playthrough usually comes second, lol.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah. I don't know why people always play the good guy. Any time I ever get my hands on a Telltale game I'm always an evil , don't know why people think that's a bad thing lolz (it's just a game)

  • Yeah, as a predominantly solo-player it's like, "Goddammit, Athena - Stop taking credit for all my work!"

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Yeah. When playing the Pre-Sequel it was weird hearing Athena talk about what happened when we only were Claptrap, Wilhelm and Nisha. Spooky.

  • So we just have to strangle whomever's currently in charge? I'm down with that...

    But we also know that Jack had some sort of approval from the board (they were the one's who reinstated him after Tassiter fired him, much to his chagrin) - they even sent supplies and stuff to show their support in that one side mission.

    The voice of our former-ruler's ghost can't just declare you to be President. There's actually quite a stringent review process based on you

  • True, true.

    So we just have to strangle whomever's currently in charge? I'm down with that... But we also know that Jack had some sort of approval fr

  • He isn't lying about your presidency or ruling Hyperion...So long as you do exactly what he tells you to do. And be entertaining to him. So dance, little monkey, dance!
    You hesitate or resist in any way and it's going to be open-airlock day on Helios and bye-bye control of your body. Which consequently is also the reason in my mind why he CAN promote Rhys over the board. You do NOT want to piss off the AI that is also the giant space station you live in. 10/10 Trioptimum execs agree.

    enter image description here

  • But with Handsome GODDAMNED Jack he can be freaking good President.

    Off_Ground posted: »

    Depends. If Jack kept to his word and backed him up as President I think Rhys could be a pretty effective figurehead. Otherwise no, not a ch

  • I like befriending and being good person. I save evil walkthrough if I see enough spoilers that it can be fun and useful, not just 'I'm an asshole and its not even effective'. Rhys, as episodes go on, does pretty good from going from wannabe Jack to decent-ish selfish asshole.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah. I don't know why people always play the good guy. Any time I ever get my hands on a Telltale game I'm always an evil , don't know why people think that's a bad thing lolz (it's just a game)

  • Hey, now he's out of Rhys' mind, so we can finally find kill-switch (without Jack reading his mind) and get rid of him for good.

    He isn't lying about your presidency or ruling Hyperion...So long as you do exactly what he tells you to do. And be entertaining to him. So

  • Seen the 'refuse' ending? Jack's not the kind of cat to relinquish power once he's got it. The only choice for Rhys here is how HARD Jack's going to yank the leash.
    Plus Jack kinda supervised the contruction of Helios and programmed many of its systems. If there's an AI killswitch he'd be the one person who would know about it :p

    Gapaot posted: »

    Hey, now he's out of Rhys' mind, so we can finally find kill-switch (without Jack reading his mind) and get rid of him for good.

  • Video games and movies taught me to never piss off any AI that has more control over the place than I do. Unless I want to be baked, and then there will be cake.

    He isn't lying about your presidency or ruling Hyperion...So long as you do exactly what he tells you to do. And be entertaining to him. So

  • I mean, now he can't ALWAYS listen to Rhys from his mind. It's more than we had with Jack being literally in Rhys' brains. More leeway = more chances to actually give a nice big fuck you to Handsome Jerk.

    Seen the 'refuse' ending? Jack's not the kind of cat to relinquish power once he's got it. The only choice for Rhys here is how HARD Jack's

  • Except I don't see what's wrong with taking his offer other than the generic "He's a villain siding against him means you're good". I can imagine several Hyperion work horses wanting their time's worth and accepting it

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    People often play based in what they think is right. The asshole playthrough usually comes second, lol.

  • isn't it all six vault hunters in the canon though?

    when I played it it was one dude with a gun (played it by myself)

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