Will Rhys strangle Fionna in Episode 5? (minor E5 spoilers)

If you betray Jack and stay silent then Jack will say: "She never caught that i was in your head this whole time. That means when i make you strangle her she won't even know why."

Do you think that Rhys will strangle Fionna in Episode 5? We have a small trailer for episode 5 where something happens at Helios. Most likely this scene will be at the beginning of E5.



  • Only if she's into it.

  • This trailer was in the end of 3-rd episode.

  • As Rhys I would keep Fiona safe reguardless of what Jack does

  • Haha, yeah. She's still alive in the future so she definitely survives it.

    Only if she's into it.

  • You know what, that'd actually be another good point as to what caused the rift between them. Kinda scary to think though that Jack could still control Rhys to any extent after getting out of his head.

  • Oh Lawd. I'm getting flashbacks to that one episode of Archer where Cheryl/Carol discloses her, uh, rather interesting fetish involving strangulation and a big sweaty fireman.

    Only if she's into it.

  • Massively regretting that I didn't tell them about Jack in Ep 4 now. I hope TTG give us an out. You'd think that refusing to give him full control in the earlier episodes would count for something.

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