What Did You Do When... [Ep. 4]

When Scooter got stuck in the rocket? And why did you choose that?

I had Fiona kiss him because if there was one thing Scooter would have wanted before he died, it's for her to do that. Plus, I chose not to advertise him if fear that it would hurt the mission, so I wanted to show him that he was appreciated somehow.


  • THE USE OF THIS GIF THOUGH applauding from afar

    Step 3

  • First I hugged them. Then I realized what "Step Three" meant and I rewound so I could do that.

    Then I did Step Three, obviously.

    Then I cried.

  • Originally hugged him because I forgot what Step Three was, then I remember and went back and changed it.

  • I wanted to save him and tried really hard to do so by attempting to pull him out and told him I wasn't leaving him, but I couldn't. So, I had given Scooter a goodbye hug. Almost cried at that moment. :'(

    I considered switching hats, but then I thought about how Fiona just doesn't look the same without her hat on.

  • I quickly chose the option to hug him so I didn't even see that I could kiss him.

  • edited August 2015

    After asking what we were going to do, I agreed that we'd have to let him go along with the rocket. It was obvious that it had to be done, and there wasn't time to waste on silly denials. Fiona sounded properly reluctant - even distraught - and Scooter wasn't offended in the slightest, so it didn't feel callous at all, which was nice. Then I thanked him, because I'd been lying and using him shamelessly throughout the game and his only reward had been empty flattery, and he was still ready to give his life for Fiona and co. in a heartbeat.

    My Fiona had been a consummate rogue and a pragmatic, manipulative b'tch up to that point with everyone but Sasha and Felix, so that kind of baldfaced, unconditional loyalty from a relative stranger really shocked her. I consider this, along with Athena raising her expectations of herself, to be the defining moments in Fiona's character development. The whole "he was the best of us" and "I know what it's like to lose somebody" thing was unnecessary. She used Scooter entirely for her own benefit and he still went to his death for her and that touched and changed her on a fundamental level, at least in my play-through. She'd refused to let him set up his satellite thing until after the mission because it was stupid, but after his death she set it up anyway no matter what the Felix in her head yelled at her about being reckless and sabotaging yourself, because always doing the smart thing just wasn't enough anymore, not after that.

    And of course she kissed him before saying goodbye. It was the only thing she could give him that he really wanted, and it was perfectly harmless.

    (Sorry, but I like reasoning through the characters' feelings and I so rarely get the chance to put it in writing.)

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